


After committing a murder for his lover, Gloria, the famous painter Jack is forced to go underground. In the harbor district, he saves the poor Malaysian girl Song in front of two intrusive sailors. She loves him for it, and together Song and Jack appear in the tingle dungeon of the port, he as a knife artist, she as a dancer.

Nataly Fish

A Perilous Proceeding

A Perilous Proceeding

At a building being constructed at Broadway and 13th Street in Manhattan, a boom or crane from which a platform is suspended on a cable first pulls the platform up, then swings it out from the top floor where it's been resting, and then gradually lowers it seven-plus stories to the ground below. On it at least 11 men stand or hold on to the cable. ..

Nataly Fish

Rette sich, wer kann

Rette sich, wer kann

Nataly Fish

Kiss Me Passionately

Kiss Me Passionately

At the center of the story is an amateur female choir of the city of Tikhvin. Each of her participants is an ordinary woman who in everyday life is completely unrelated to the scene. One of them is a seller in a store, someone is engaged in garbage collection, and someone does work as a loader to provide shelter and food. But all of them are united..

Nataly Fish

Township ER

Township ER

Public healthcare in South Africa is approaching crisis with hospitals underfunded and overcrowded. Township ER profiles five doctors, from five different cultures, on call at Ngwelezana hospital. Over a 30 -hour shift, they treat everything from appendicitis to life-threatening gunshot wounds. Township ER presents an unfiltered picture of the chal..

Nataly Fish

Our Marriages

Our Marriages

Documentary about four Chinese lesbian women who seek contract marriages with gay men, and form of their lesbian and gay community and fulfill their desires.

Nataly Fish

Persecución hasta Valencia

Persecución hasta Valencia

Nataly Fish

Üç Öfkeli Genç

Üç Öfkeli Genç

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

The Little Moon

The Little Moon

"Where the last house faded away in the wheat, there lived a little girl, who walked at night out in the fields, with a bucket of water to mirror the moon." It's a true story based on Tonino Guerra's poem, about a girl who lives in a remote Lithuanian village. This single farm holds her entire world: family, beloved animals, and the watchful moon.

Nataly Fish

The Prince and the Pauper

The Prince and the Pauper

Tom Canty, a poor beggar boy who lives with his abusive father, trades places with Prince Edward, the son of King Henry VIII and the royal heir to the throne.

Nataly Fish

Deutschland - zwischen gestern und heute

Deutschland - zwischen gestern und heute

A recounting of the social, economic and political conditions in Germany up until the Nazi takeover in 1933.

Nataly Fish

Night at the Dream Diner

Night at the Dream Diner

Luo Ming quits her job as an accountant and despite her husband's objections opens a bar in South China and counsels married couples.

Nataly Fish

Entering the Mind Through the Mouth

Entering the Mind Through the Mouth

This is the story about a cat with a boy's mind and a mouse with a girl's mind. They try to escape from a wicked tamer of a circus. A mouse takes a risk to save a cat.

Nataly Fish

Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil

Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil

A powerful, eye-opening documentary that focuses on the great controversy that began when Lucifer rebelled in heaven. It traces the transformation of a perfect angel into Satan, the creation of a beautiful new world, and the fall of man in Eden. Most important, it clearly explains how evil invaded a world made by a loving God, who wanted nothing mo..

Nataly Fish

1783, le premier vol de l'homme

1783, le premier vol de l'homme

Le 21 novembre 1783 à Paris, un ballon s'élève devant une foule de spectateurs médusés, avec à son bord Pilâtre de Rozier et le marquis d'Arlandes. L'un des plus vieux rêves de l'humanité vient enfin de se réaliser. Pour la première fois, l'homme décolle de terre, et peut voler !

Nataly Fish

We are the … of Communism

We are the … of Communism

The Yuanhai Migrants Children’s School, which serves children of migrant laborers in Beijing, is shut down by city officials for reasons never made clear. The students and teachers manage to continue class, first by sneaking into the shuttered campus, then moving inside a ruined factory, and even setting up class on the street. Following the pers..

Nataly Fish

Putting on the Dish

Putting on the Dish

Two men sitting on a park bench think they have nothing in common, until one speaks to the other in the secret gay language of Polari.

Nataly Fish

I Want Everyone to Love Me

I Want Everyone to Love Me

A hearing-impaired girl returns home from an orphanage and is faced with a great number of difficulties, the most important of which is the socialization problem. Naturally, she also finds her first love there...

Nataly Fish

Wedding in Bessarabia

Wedding in Bessarabia

“Wedding in Bessarabia” is a story of a young couple who recently got married in Romania. He is a young conductor from Bucharest and she is a gifted pianist from the Republic of Moldova. One day, they decide to have another wedding in Moldova, hoping to get the money to pay the account for a new apartment. The movie exploits the difference of t..

Nataly Fish

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