
Roméo et Juliette (à l'Opéra Bastille)

Roméo et Juliette (à l'Opéra Bastille)

Combien de compositeurs ont été inspirés par les amants de Vérone dépeints par Shakespeare ? De Vincenzo Bellini à Leonard Bernstein en passant par Hector Berlioz, la liste est longue. Si le Roméo et Juliette de Charles Gounod, créé pendant l’Exposition universelle de 1867, remporte d’emblée un succès populaire, c’est sans doute ..

Nataly Fish

Oh, Karol!

Oh, Karol!

Karol has everything. He has three mistresses in addition to the bride. He is charming, loves sex and enslaves women in the blink of an eye. He's also well aware of that women like and uses it for his benefits.

Nataly Fish

The Inheritance

The Inheritance

Billionaire Charles Abernathy, on the eve of his 75th birthday, invites his four estranged children back home out of fear that tonight someone – or something – is coming to kill him. To ensure his family will help protect him from whatever’s coming, Abernathy puts each of their inheritances on the line – they’ll get nothing if he’s foun..

Nataly Fish

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist

This animated version of the classic Charles Dickens book faithfully follows the adventures of the young orphan Oliver Twist.

Nataly Fish

Bukowski: The Last Straw

Bukowski: The Last Straw

The Last Straw is a film documenting the very last live poetry reading given by Charles Bukowski at The Sweetwater, a music club in Redondo Beach, California on March 31, 1980

Nataly Fish

Mingus in Greenwich Village

Mingus in Greenwich Village

Nataly Fish

Opération Finot

Opération Finot

Charles Finot, élu municipal en banlieue parisienne, secrètement épris de littérature russe et surtout de la belle Ada, adjointe à la très redoutable maire, se retrouve bouc-émissaire dans une affaire de corruption le jour où il allait déclarer son amour... Une comédie politique menée tambour battant, qui grossit (à peine) le trait de r..

Nataly Fish

Arcana of the Puppet Master

Arcana of the Puppet Master

Enter the Arcana of the Puppet Master, a feature packed free-fall into ultra-rare, behind-the-scenes footage from the Puppet Master franchise, culled from the deepest corners of the Full Moon vaults. Dig deeper into the Puppet Master mythos and meet the legends who pulled the strings and brought these beloved movies to life.

Nataly Fish

The Point

The Point

This documentary is a portrait of Point St. Charles, one of Montreal’s notoriously bleak neighbourhoods. Many of the residents are English-speaking and of Irish origin; many of them are also on welfare. Considered to be one of the toughest districts in all of Canada, Point St. Charles is poor in terms of community facilities, but still full of ri..

Nataly Fish

Marche à suivre Fatale

Marche à suivre Fatale

Charley est obsédé par l'apprentissage du Charleston à fin de gagner un concours local qui promet un gros lot "la main en mariage d'une belle femme".

Nataly Fish

They Paid with Bullets: Chicago 1929

They Paid with Bullets: Chicago 1929

Country bumpkin Frank runs into a gangland shooting, driving the victims to the gang's headquarters. He soon earns a place in Erik's mob. Syndicate head Big John wishes to unite the four gangs in Chicago, but Erik defies them, wishing to remain independent. An assassination attempt forces him to reconsider, and his gang isn't impressed with what th..

Nataly Fish

...und Charlie sagte: Go for Landing!

...und Charlie sagte: Go for Landing!

When Kennedy announced in 1961 that he wanted to take humans to the moon within a decade, Charles M. Duke was skeptical. Almost 11 years later, however, Charles M. Duke was standing on the moon himself. He gave Neil Armstrong the go-ahead for the landing on Apollo 11. Because he contracted rubella, the Apollo 13 crew had to be changed. In 1972, he ..

Nataly Fish

Lindbergh's Flight from N.Y. to Paris

Lindbergh's Flight from N.Y. to Paris

On May 20-21, 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh flew alone, non-stop from New York to Paris, in a single-engine plane without parachute or radio. With this feat, Lindbergh became perhaps the greatest hero of the decade. Fox Movietone's sound film record of Lindbergh's take-off was the first popular sensation of sound film; it was soon augmented by coverag..

Nataly Fish

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