
Le Cavalier et le Samouraï

Le Cavalier et le Samouraï

À la suite d'une bagarre avec trois bandits, un Japonais remet à l’Étranger un parchemin avant de mourir. Il lui demande de l’apporter à un certain Motori, à Osaka, au Japon, en échange de 20 000 dollars. L’Étranger s’y rend mais rencontre vite de l’opposition. Il se retrouve au milieu d’une lutte de pouvoir entre deux clans cou..

Nataly Fish

The Boxer from the Temple

The Boxer from the Temple

Complex plots? This director didn't want them. Expensive, famous stars? Didn't need them. Glorious sets and costumes? He could take them or leave them. With his choreographer Hsu Hsia, John Lo Mar liked making lean, mean, fighting movies, and fans rejoiced. Here Wu Yuan-chin stars as "the Kid," a monk whose education in the aptly named "Crazy Lo Ha..

Nataly Fish

Storming Attacks

Storming Attacks

A band of counterfeiters wants to make Hong Kong their new territory. The disgraced leader of the Special Squad will have to team-up with a group of Hong Kong police officers in an attempt to stop the dirty business of crime lord Han Tin Lung, but Han's problem is not only the interference of the Police force, but his Japanese ally Kimura is not ha..

Nataly Fish

La Légende de Shaolin

La Légende de Shaolin

Un émissaire japonais reçoit d'un prince chinois la « relique de Bouddha » qu'il doit ramener dans son pays natal. Différents groupes se mettent alors en action pour mettre la main sur cette précieuse relique.

Nataly Fish

Il était une fois l'unique Bruce Lee

Il était une fois l'unique Bruce Lee

Lee rencontre et tombe amoureuse de l' actrice Betty Ting Pei, qui annonce qu'elle est enceinte avec son enfant de l' amour ( le plus radical du film à partir des faits de la vie de Lee) également. Le savon de romance opéra de style prend le film dans sa seconde moitié, et à un moment il y a un triangle amoureux entre Lee, Betty Ting Pei, et l..

Nataly Fish

The Ring of Death

The Ring of Death

This story tells a story of an underdog mistreated by his family, given kung fu instruction from an unlikely source, and reddeemed when he comes back to take on foreign champions in a tournament staged before an imperial audience.

Nataly Fish

Bamboo Gods and Iron Men

Bamboo Gods and Iron Men

The Jefferson’s honeymoon night in Hong Kong will be troubled by a number of people wishing to get hold of a Bouddha statuette that the husband offered her when window-shopping that day. When the going gets rough, it helps that Cal Jefferson is a top American boxer.

Nataly Fish

7 Hours of Violence

7 Hours of Violence

A former hitman is blackmailed into doing one more job. But the hit doesn't go as planned and he winds up with the police and a gang of Chinese hitmen hunting him down. A beautiful young woman helps to hide him until he can figure out a way to elude his pursuers.

Nataly Fish

Fight for Survival

Fight for Survival

After the sacred scripts of Tammo are stolen from Shaolin, a young girl is taught 18 forms of Shaolin kung fu to enable her to venture outside the temple and recover all of the volumes.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Histoire de cannibales

Histoire de cannibales

Très librement inspiré d'une nouvelle de l’écrivain Lu Xun, le film entraine son personnage principal, un policier chinois, a la recherche d'un voleur, dans un village peuple d'anthropophages hystériques

Nataly Fish

Secret Agent Chungking 001

Secret Agent Chungking 001

Taiwanese spy thriller. Agent No 1, a super sleuth from Chungking, is sent to Nanjing to investigate the murder of a Japanese general, which leads to even more intrigue and skullduggery.

Nataly Fish

La vengeance aux poings d'acier

La vengeance aux poings d'acier

After avenging the death of his brother, Chen Shen (Bruce Li) returns home from Shanghai. He tells his mother (who went blind from crying over her son's death) that he will no longer fight. However, being a movie with the words "fist" and "fury" in the title, Chen doesn't keep his promise for very long. Japanese occupiers who are aware of Chen's h..

Nataly Fish

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