
Un taxi mauve

Un taxi mauve

L'arrivée de Sharon dans un petit village irlandais bouleverse le quotidien de Philippe, qui s'y est réfugié depuis la mort de son fils, et de Jerry, le frère de la jeune femme, qui s'est exilé dans le coin à la suite d'une sombre histoire. Leurs relations vont également être troublées par l'apparition du fantasque Taubleman, qui semble to..

Nataly Fish

Benoît Brisefer : Les taxis rouges

Benoît Brisefer : Les taxis rouges

Benoît Brisefer, âgé de 10 ans, est un petit garçon au caractère bien trempé et d’une grande générosité qui cache sous une apparence très ordinaire de supers pouvoirs. Son seul point faible : il perd toute sa force quand il s’enrhume. Courageux, vaillant et très volontaire, ce super‐héros pas comme les autres n’hésite pas une ..

Nataly Fish

Hassan Taxi

Hassan Taxi

Hassan, fatigué, usé par les longues années de post-indépendance obtient en tant qu'ancien combattant, une licence de taxi, il sillonnera les rues d'Alger et vivra les aventures les plus rocambolesques.

Nataly Fish

Taxi Ballad

Taxi Ballad

Un chauffeur de taxi fraîchement arrivé à Beyrouth tisse un lien inattendu avec une professeure de Pilates américaine qui aime écouter les histoires de son passé.

Nataly Fish

Wish Taxi

Wish Taxi

In-man is a timid but caring man who creates a suicide group for his first night with his girlfriend and suggests a 'bucket list'. Strong but weak woman Ji-eun is at risk of being sold to some islands because of debt thats started with her college fees so she decides to spend a whole lot of money before she dies. Hye-ri is a bright but pained girl..

Nataly Fish

The Horny Taxi

The Horny Taxi

"The Horny Taxi" est une comédie sexuelle bizarre. Le film a été présenté en première au Festival international du film fantastique de Yubari en 2017.

Nataly Fish

Taxi Sofia

Taxi Sofia

Lors d’un rendez-vous avec son banquier, un petit entrepreneur qui travaille comme chauffeur de taxi pour arrondir ses fins de mois découvre que le montant du pot de vin qu’il doit verser pour obtenir son prêt a doublé. Désemparé, l’homme tue le banquier et se suicide. Le drame suscite un débat national à la radio au sujet du désespoi..

Nataly Fish



Popeye et Bluto sont chauffeurs de taxi; ils sont, bien sûr, en concurrence pour les tarifs - et Olive, en particulier.

Nataly Fish

Taxi to Cairo

Taxi to Cairo

Frank and his S&M partner are surprised by Frank's harridan mother when she walks in on the pair in an amorous clinch. Frank's mother threatens to disinherit her son if he does not settle down and get married. Frank hires the actress Klara to pose as his wife, and the pair moves into a quaint country house. Soon the newly weirds are both after the..

Nataly Fish

The Last Taxi Driver

The Last Taxi Driver

Thomas works as a taxi driver by night and he lives with his wife, Maria, and his teenage son, Tassos. When one of his customers commits suicide, Thomas is prompted to confront everything he’s kept buried inside for too long, and realize the shortcomings of his life. When he meets Eleni, his client’s lost daughter, he sees in her a way out of h..

Nataly Fish

Adventures of a Taxi Driver

Adventures of a Taxi Driver

Joe North is a London taxi driver who manages to get himself into any number of sexual situations with various women.

Nataly Fish

Monsieur Taxi

Monsieur Taxi

Comment un brave chauffeur de taxi parisien se retrouve entraîné dans une suite d'incidents cocasses alors qu'il recherche le propriétaire d'un sac oublié dans son véhicule.

Nataly Fish

Hallo, Taxi

Hallo, Taxi

Being suspicious that his wife is cheating on him, a Belgrade taxi driver discovers that she's about to be traded by a local gang who drug women and sell them to Arabs. He decides to take the matter into his own hands, and fight the gang without the help of police.

Nataly Fish

Taxi drivers of love

Taxi drivers of love

The oldest profession is no longer a business, Pimps Julio Aldama and Jorege Aldama, decide to give this profession a complete twist. Turning their women into "taxi drivers of love", offering their services on board the taxis.

Nataly Fish

Hello Taxi

Hello Taxi

A comedy directed by Hermann Kugelstadt.

Nataly Fish

Taxi, An Encounter

Taxi, An Encounter

After robbing a taxi, a man is torn between preserving his life and helping a gunshot victim in the back seat.

Nataly Fish

The Perfect Taxi Driver

The Perfect Taxi Driver

Nataly Fish



Qing Yao is a botanist. She bumps into Zhang Gaixiu, a taxi driver. First they hate each other and gradually they understand each other and later help each other.

Nataly Fish

El taxista caliente

El taxista caliente

Pancho has a wife, fiance, and several girlfriends, and juggling them all can be messy, especially when one of their drug kingpin husbands finds out.

Nataly Fish

Call Taxi

Call Taxi

Santhosh is a call taxi driver in Chennai. Advocate Ashwini is a regular customer in his cab. Their friendship soon turns into love. Meanwhile, a gang of four members is involved in murdering cab drivers. One day Ashwini’s father wants to meet Santhosh. Since he had a trip to Pondicherry, he gives it to his friend and goes to meet her father. H..

Nataly Fish

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