
Young Mother: The Original

Young Mother: The Original

I had a dream...sleeping with you and Hwa-yeong. Jin-goo and Joo-hee were happy until one day their daughter Hwa-yeong, who had eloped with another man, came home. Hwa-yeong and Jin-goo were a couple at school and she had gotten pregnant. So things took place quickly and they got to live with Hwa-yeong's mother Joo-hee. However, when Hwa-yeong fou..

Nataly Fish

Mother's Job

Mother's Job

A young man falls in love with his friend's mother. Hyun-woo, who returned to the military, starts a part-time job at a bar in a difficult situation, where he meets Yoo-sun, a woman who captures the hearts of customers with her skillful ways. Then one day, Hyun-woo, who was alone with her, finds himself in a shock with his friends Min-seok and Yoo..

Nataly Fish

Mother Nature

Mother Nature

The New Mexico town of Catch Creek relies on the Cobalt Corporation for its jobs and prosperity. But Nova Terrell, as a child, witnessed her father die in mysterious circumstances on one of the Cobalt Corporation's experimental oil extraction projects, and has grown up to despise the seemingly benevolent company. The rebellious Nova wages a campaig..

Nataly Fish

Mère Teresa

Mère Teresa

En Inde à la fin des années 40, la guerre civile fait rage entre les hindous et les musulmans, et particulièrement à Calcutta où règnent la misère et le désespoir. Mais au cœur de cette pauvreté se dresse une religieuse: Mère Teresa. Dans les années 60, elle défiera les structures de l..

Nataly Fish

Mother Night

Mother Night

Un espion américain, infiltré derrière les lignes ennemies durant la 2nde Guerre Mondiale, se retrouve à endosser le rôle d'un propagandiste nazi, un rôle dont il ne pourra jamais se débarrasser, étant dans l'incapacité de révéler son véritable rôle durant la guerre.

Nataly Fish

La Chair de sa chair

La Chair de sa chair

Quand les chemins d'un adolescent enlevé, de gangsters sans scrupules et d'une femme ex-agent spécial sans pitié se croisent, le sang ne tarde pas à couler.

Nataly Fish

mother, son, Comedy!

mother, son, Comedy!

A mother and son spend three days together in a college dorm room after an extramarital affair uproots their lives.

Nataly Fish

Pacific Mother

Pacific Mother

Pacific Mother journeys from Japan, to Hawaii, Tahiti, Rarotonga and Aotearoa to share interwoven stories of formidable women who live at one with the Pacific Ocean – freediving, spearfishing and paddling waka through its depths and playing with their children in its shallows – a stark contrast to fast-paced lifestyles of larger towns or cities..

Nataly Fish

Your Mother's Son

Your Mother's Son

Sarah is a middle-aged woman who hustles as the sole breadwinner of her family of two. As she scrambles to teach online courses and meet her food orders to provide for her son, her helper, Amy, wonders why her boss works so hard. Sarah’s son Emman doesn’t have a job and is often killing time at Amy’s by getting high and having sex. He’s a d..

Nataly Fish

Mother Superior

Mother Superior

A young nurse gets entangled in the occult cabal of her aristocratic patient, the Baroness Heidenreich who resides with her devoted groundskeeper, Otto. Their dark secrets will soon be revealed.

Nataly Fish

Young Mother

Young Mother

Nineteen-year-old, Jin-goo enjoys an erotic moment to himself while thinking about his pretty English tutor. Then one day, he is caught in the middle of an embarrassing moment and becomes awkward with her. However, this becomes an opportunity and she starts teaching him sex. Their replationship becomes an uncontrollable romance. However, she quits ..

Nataly Fish

Mother and Child

Mother and Child

Karen est tombée enceinte à l’âge de quatorze ans, à l’époque, elle n’avait d’autre choix que d’abandonner cet enfant. C’était il y a trente‐cinq ans… Aujourd’hui, Elizabeth, sa fille, est une brillante avocate. Elle n’a jamais tenté de retrouver la trace de sa mère biologique jusqu’au jour où elle tombe enceinte. De ..

Nataly Fish

The Good Mother

The Good Mother

Suite au meurtre de son fils avec qui elle n’entretenait plus de contact, une journaliste forme une alliance improbable avec la petite amie enceinte de ce dernier afin de traquer les responsables de sa mort, affrontant ensemble un monde de drogue et de corruption.

Nataly Fish



Enceinte et débordée, Diana embauche une aide pour s'occuper de son fils atteint d'autisme sévère. Mais elle commence à se méfier des intentions de la nouvelle nounou.

Nataly Fish

Mother City

Mother City

Filmed over six years, Mother City follows the David versus Goliath battle as activists and domestic workers take on property power and politics in Cape Town – a city still disfigured by spatial apartheid 30 years into democracy. The story begins when the government sells a school, meant for affordable housing, to a private developer. Set against..

Nataly Fish

Letter to My Mother for My Son

Letter to My Mother for My Son

Carla est enceinte et nue, comme dans les photos où sa mère pose enceinte. Une jeune femme voyage des années 60 à aujourd’hui, en passant par les années 80, franchissant les seuils de la féminité et de l’histoire, jusqu’à ce qu’elle rencontre Carla, enceinte sous le ciel bleu de la côte catalane.

Nataly Fish

Young Mother 4

Young Mother 4

Woo-jin, who is a repeater of college entrance exam, and Taek-sik's friend, Kang-hee come and visit Woo-jin's hometown on a small island. Woo-jin's mom, Hyeon-sook operates a small sashimi restaurant and a bed and breakfast to make a living on the island. Although Hyeon-sook has sex with Bong-seong, she rejects his proposals. One day, Woo-jin is te..

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Dans la famille, nous adorons recueillir les promeneurs égarés. Nous leur préparons des surprises que nul n'oserait imaginer et nous prenons bien soin d'eux ! Et si trois jeunes campeuses esseulées viennent à passer un week-end près de chez nous ? Mes fils et moi, nous ne manquerons pas de leur rendre une petite visite pour faire de leur séj..

Nataly Fish

In His Mother's Eyes

In His Mother's Eyes

"In His Mother's Eyes" follows the story of Tim, a special child who was left in the care of his uncle Bibs by his working mother Lucy for several years. When Lucy returns, she attempts to regain the affection of her son and brother. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as she thought. Despite her best efforts to make up for her absence, her attempts f..

Nataly Fish

Young Mother 2

Young Mother 2

Yeong-gil is in graduate class and is stressed about getting a job. To make things worse, he's not had any experience with women yet, so he's always searching for something in his dreams but wakes up to nothing. Then one day, there is a change in his life, he puts his hand in The Box of Pandora and gets a job although it wasn't a regular position. ..

Nataly Fish

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