
Le Chien, le général et les oiseaux

Le Chien, le général et les oiseaux

Pour sauver Moscou des troupes napoléoniennes, un jeune général utilise les oiseaux de la ville pour l’incendier. Des années plus tard, à la retraite, et vivant à Saint-Pétersbourg, il voit ses nuits hantées par des cauchemars, et ses journées gâchées par les attaques incessantes des oiseaux qui le couvrent de fientes. Un jour, il trou..

Nataly Fish

General della Rovere

General della Rovere

Giovanni Bertone a former colonel, is a fraudster who extorts money from the families of the Nazi-Fascist prisoners. He promises them their freedom. Discovered by Colonel Muller he is offered a pact: to save his life, he must go to Milan with a false identity to discover the members belonging to the Resistance.

Nataly Fish

General Report II: The New Abduction of Europe

General Report II: The New Abduction of Europe

Portabella is putting forward the second part of one of his historic works, the “General report on certain matters of interest for a public screening”, which peeked out in 1976 at the start of the political transition process after Franco’s death. This second “Report” is made in the context of a severe systemic crisis in the cultural, eco..

Nataly Fish

Battez-les ! Les 6 nouveaux grands généraux !

Battez-les ! Les 6 nouveaux grands généraux !

Alors que le général en chef de l'armée des démons, Hadlar, se désespère de l'échec de ses troupes, Galvass, le tacticien de cette même armée, entre en scène. Resté jusqu'ici dans l'ombre d'Hadlar, il est bien décidé à prendre la place de ce dernier. Pour ce faire, il compte utiliser les 5 généraux placés sous ses ordres pour se d�..

Nataly Fish

Vive monsieur le maire

Vive monsieur le maire

Georgi est un commerçant ambulant qui est accueilli avec beaucoup d'égards par la petite ville de Brodny qui s'imagine avoir a faire a un inspecteur, envoyé incognito pour vérifier les comptes de la commune ..... Georgi remplit parfaitement son rôle mais refuse de se laisser dévoyer...

Nataly Fish

El Chuncho

El Chuncho

Alors qu'il voyage en train au Mexique, l'américain Bill Tates se retrouve au cœur d'un braquage dont les auteurs sont une bande de bandits dirigée par le redoutable el Chuncho. Ce dernier se prend d'affection pour Bill et décide de le rallier à leur cause. Mais le dangereux truand ne sait pas que Bill travaille en réalité pour le gouverneme..

Nataly Fish

The General

The General

Maria, a young Russian student, is loved by Viktor Sabline, a Russian scientist. They marry and immediately afterwards, the World War breaks out and Viktor is drafted as lieutenant.

Nataly Fish

How Colonel Buttiglione Became a General
General Report

General Report

How does a country go from a dictatorship to a democracy? A detailed report on the political representation in the heart of the Spanish Transition, only a few months after General Franco’s death, when the sincere democratic vocation of Spanish people must effort to destroy, one heavy brick after another, the wall that those who supported the dict..

Nataly Fish

Where is the General?

Where is the General?

Wacław Orzeszko is unlucky soldier, who one day decides to desert his platoon and hide out in a castle, where he meets a Red Army soldier Marusia. They discover that a German platoon is also hiding in a castle and together they must stop the Nazi soldiers from reuniting with the main army.

Nataly Fish

The Girl and the General

The Girl and the General

A young woman and a soldier team up to deliver an Austrian General to Italian forces during World War I. Their quest for the 1,000 Lire reward changes their lives unexpectedly.

Nataly Fish

Sinister Circle

Sinister Circle

After the death of a group of teenagers using the Ouija, the psychologist Fernanda and her son return to Peru, but they will find themselves surrounded by an evil entity as big as its wicked sect.

Nataly Fish

The General Case

The General Case

In the young Federal Republic of Germany, which in the late 1950s in politics and justice is still interspersed with only superficially purified Nazi cliques, leads the Hessian Attorney General Fritz Bauer a lonely fight against the coverup of Nazi crimes and the restorative policy of the government Adenauer - he is firmly convinced that only in th..

Nataly Fish

Dans l'abîme de Gibraltar

Dans l'abîme de Gibraltar

À Gibraltar, où il fait escale au retour d'une mission au Proche-Orient, le général Sikorski est reçu au palais du gouverneur britannique, Mason MacFarlane. Celui-ci doit convaincre Sikorski de lui remettre des documents confidentiels révélant l'implication des Soviétiques dans le meurtre de 22 000 officiers polonais à Katyn. Le refus du g..

Nataly Fish

F.C. De Kampioenen 2: Jubilee General

F.C. De Kampioenen 2: Jubilee General

De Kampioenen are about to celebrate their 25th anniversary and want their long-lost original trainer to join them. Meanwhile, an old enemy is released from prison and enters a quest for revenge.

Nataly Fish

The Enemy General

The Enemy General

OSS agent, working with the French underground, ambushes Nazi convoy with high-ranking general, who escapes. Later they take him from a Nazi prison and smuggle him to England.

Nataly Fish

The General

The General

Kristl plays a prisoner who can smile only when he sees The General.

Nataly Fish

A Trap for the General

A Trap for the General

Immediately after the war, OZNA insert an outstanding intelligence agent to catch the General Draza Mihajlovic.

Nataly Fish

General Magic

General Magic

A tale of how the great vision and epic failure of General Magic, the "greatest dead company in Silicon Valley", changed the lives of billions.

Nataly Fish

The General

The General

The glimpse into the life of Mexican President Plutarco Elias Calles. Past and present collide as filmmaker Natalia Almada brings to life audio recordings she inherited about her great-grandfather, General Plutarco Elías Calles, a revolutionary general who became president of Mexico in 1924. Time is blurred in this visually arresting portrait of ..

Nataly Fish

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