
Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love

Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love

Ce documentaire raconte la romance entre Leonard Cohen et sa muse norvégienne, Marianne Ihlen, sur l'île d'Hydra, et leur relation sinueuse, impossible. À la mort de Marianne à l'âge de 81 ans, le 29 juillet 2016 en Norvège, Leonard Cohen lui avait écrit une lettre poignante : "Marianne, le temps où nous sommes si vieux et où nos corps s'e..

Nataly Fish

Aida Rodriguez: Fighting Words

Aida Rodriguez: Fighting Words

For her first hourlong stand-up special, comedian/actress/producer Aida Rodriguez takes the stage in the Bronx to tackle the issues of the day – not just because they’re ripped from the headlines, but because they’re in the pages of her personal life story. With her grounded and unapologetic point of view, Rodriguez gets candid about being wo..

Nataly Fish

Last Kind Words

Last Kind Words

Eli, 17 ans, vient d'emménager avec sa famille dans les bois du Kentucky pour travailler dans une ferme isolée tenue par un Waylon. Inexplicablement attiré par l'étrange forêt qui se trouve au-delà de la ferme, Eli fait la rencontre de la belle, douce et mystérieuse Amanda - apparemment la femme parfaite. Mais avec la découverte de corps en..

Nataly Fish

A Letter Without Words

A Letter Without Words

Lisa Lewenz retraces the steps of her Jewish grandmother who dared to film life in Berlin during the rise of Nazi Germany.

Nataly Fish

all the words but the one

all the words but the one

Maya and Santiago haven’t seen each other since their explosive relationship ended years ago, so neither is expecting to be sitting across from each other at a professional dinner with their new partners. Maya teeters through this minefield of delicate power dynamics as she relives some of her most painful and electric memories. Fighting dissocia..

Nataly Fish

Lost for Words

Lost for Words

Un Américain à Hong Kong, une jeune danseuse envoutante, une histoire d’amour naissante, un grand père meurtri par la guerre du Vietnam… Voilà les ingrédients de ce long métrage. Leur amour résistera-t-il ?

Nataly Fish

LeapFrog: Talking Words Factory

LeapFrog: Talking Words Factory

Learn how letters build words! LeapFrog characters spring to life in this engaging and educational video. Leap, Lily, and Tad journey to the Word Factory, where the Word Whammer, Sticky-Ick-O-Rama and more amazing machines take letters and make them into words! Humorous songs and an out-of-control word machine add to the fun

Nataly Fish

Charles III : Portrait d’un roi controversé

Charles III : Portrait d’un roi controversé

Le 6 mai 2023, Charles Windsor sera couronné roi d'Angleterre au cours d'une cérémonie regardée par des milliards de personnes à travers le monde. Cet événement historique marquera également l'entrée de la monarchie britannique dans un nouveau chapitre, mais quel genre de roi sera Charles III ? Ce film documentaire tente de répondre à ce..

Nataly Fish

Sean Connery: In His Own Words

Sean Connery: In His Own Words

Featuring archive interviews with Sean Connery from over 50 years in the business. Friends, actors and directors including Robert Carlyle, Dougray Scott, Laurence Fishburne, Terry Gilliam and George Lucas pay tribute to Scotland's greatest movie star as he celebrates his 85th birthday.

Nataly Fish

Cursed Words

Cursed Words

Set in a small British pub, all hell breaks loose when a man reads three words from a mysterious, bloodstained letter.

Nataly Fish

Fashion vs. Words

Fashion vs. Words

Fashion vs Words is a fascinating documentary that explores the deep interaction between Fashion and words as a form of human expression. This film is a revealing journey through the worlds of Fashion and Language, exploring how these two, apparently different, ways of expression weave together and influence each other. Through the captivating look..

Nataly Fish

After Words

After Words

En pleine crise de la quarantaine, une femme voyage au Costa Rica et rencontre un homme, bien plus jeune, qui lui fait découvrir le pays et plus encore...

Nataly Fish

Trois petits mots

Trois petits mots

Bert Kalmar, danseur et prestidigitateur, doit abandonner la scène après une mauvaise fracture du genou. C’est sa rencontre avec un pianiste inconnu, Harry Ruby, qui va lui permettre de remonter la pente. De cette rencontre, naît une amitié sincère ponctuée de hauts et de bas qui débouche, après dix années de collaboration, sur la créat..

Nataly Fish

Ed Sheeran: In My Own Words

Ed Sheeran: In My Own Words

A celebratory look at the global superstars life and stardom. Includes interviews with Fiona Bevan, Paul Gambaccini and Sian Welby, plus some of his most memorable performances.

Nataly Fish

Four Letter Words

Four Letter Words

A study of the post-adolescent male psyche, Four Letter Words gives an often humorous but raw unadulterated look at the views, attitudes, and language of young men in suburban America. The film focuses on a dwindling summer night's party, at which the characters gather for the first time since high school graduation. As the night's activities take ..

Nataly Fish

Words with Gods

Words with Gods

The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the world's most exciting directors, Words with Gods follows the theme of religion - specifically as it relates to an individual's relationship with his/her god or gods...or the lack thereof. In Words with ..

Nataly Fish

Words from the Wind

Words from the Wind

KIM Hee-gap is a legendary composer who has written over 3,000 popular songs in South Korea, including Leopards of Kilimanjaro and Nostalgia. A documentary about his life, shot from 2014 until now, showcases the history of K-pop music. These songs are essential to our lives, and their stories live on.

Nataly Fish

Victoria Wood In Her Own Words

Victoria Wood In Her Own Words

A look back at the life and work of one of Britain's greatest comediennes, featuring interviews with those who worked alongside Victoria.

Nataly Fish

The Author of These Words: Harold Horwood

The Author of These Words: Harold Horwood

Newfoundland writer Harold Horwood has been called many things, but his own opinion of himself is undiminished. A former union organizer, politician in the Smallwood government, muckraking journalist, and founder of a counterculture "free school" in the 1960s, he is also an award-winning author whose regional base has not lessened his national stat..

Nataly Fish

Words Words Words Are Decorative Sounds

Words Words Words Are Decorative Sounds

This video investigates the complex relationship between language and cultural identity in our contemporary times. The starting point is the artist's recollection of learning English: words, memories and images merge with artificial landscapes, and flow in vague yet coherent sequences that feel as natural and unsettling as a dream.

Nataly Fish

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