
Poussières dans le vent

Poussières dans le vent

Aîné d'une famille pauvre et nombreuse, un jeune homme quitte ses montagnes natales et se rend à Taipei, la capitale, dans l'espoir d'y trouver du travail. Il trouve un logement en colocation et poursuit ses études à l'école du soir. Son amie, qui descend elle aussi des montagnes, le rejoint. Tous deux tentent de s'adapter à la ville. Des pe..

Nataly Fish

Le Vent nous emportera

Le Vent nous emportera

Bezhad et son équipe arrivent de Téhéran pour un court séjour dans un village du Kurdistan iranien. Les habitants ignorent la raison de leur venue. S'ils font croire aux villageois qu'ils sont à la recherche d'un trésor, ils semblent surtout s'intéresser à une femme quasi-centenaire. Au fil des jours, Bezhad multiplie des rencontres qui von..

Nataly Fish

Plus il est con plus il s'en donne l'air

Plus il est con plus il s'en donne l'air

Fantozzi contro tutti est un film de comédie italienne, sorti en 1980. Il est le troisième film de la saga du greffier malchanceux Ugo Fantozzi, joué par son créateur, Paolo Villaggio.

Nataly Fish

La Force du vent

La Force du vent

Vagues, soleil et passion sont au rendez-vous lorsqu'une adolescente privilégiée vit son premier amour avec un moniteur de kitesurf insouciant dans une station balnéaire.

Nataly Fish

Voices in the Wind

Voices in the Wind

In her search for answers, 17-year-old Haru sets out on a long journey across the country to the town where, in 2011, the devastating tsunami swept away her brother and parents. This road trip takes the young woman, who is still haunted by her loss, from Hiroshima to Tokyo and Fukushima and all the way to Ōtsuchi, where her family home once stood...

Nataly Fish

Long & Winding Road

Long & Winding Road

Because of her motion sickness, a 68-year-old mother decides to embark on a four-day walking trip to attend her youngest daughter's wedding.

Nataly Fish

Chasing the Wind

Chasing the Wind

Anna hasn’t seen her family for a decade. When her grandmother dies, she returns home to take care of her grandfather. In the week leading up to the funeral, nothing goes as expected, and Anna is forced to reconsider how she lives her life.

Nataly Fish

Legends of Winding Roads

Legends of Winding Roads

One of the golden decades of 100-year-old Estonian autosport was the 80s. Estonians were such great rally drivers that several of our crews raced in the ranks of the USSR team every season. The status of a member of the Soviet Union team was the peak, and it was every driver’s dream to get there because it was a door leading behind the Iron Curta..

Nataly Fish

Winding: A River Story

Winding: A River Story

The river and nature are placed in the forefront of the film, taking on the role of the main character. Through rare archival materials in addition to personal and social stories, we reveal the importance of the connection between society and its land, between nature and man. This is a portrait of one small river that flows in the heart of the Isr..

Nataly Fish

Autumn Winding Roads

Autumn Winding Roads

"There were three of us — Grishka, Kanatai and me. We were sitting on a flat boulder near the mill and talking lazily for nothing to do. The youngest of us is Kanatai, a pale, thin boy. He's two years younger than me, and he looks like he could get a couple more years. Grishka is red-haired and thick-lipped. He is already in his thirties, and thi..

Nataly Fish

Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window

Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window

This engaging series of childhood recollections tells of an unconventional school in Tokyo during World War II that combined learning with fun, freedom, and love. The school had old railroad cars for classrooms and was run by an extraordinary man – its founder and headmaster, Sōsaku Kobayashi – who deeply valued children's independence, and wh..

Nataly Fish

South Wind 2: Speed Up

South Wind 2: Speed Up

Nenad, Maras his little brother, wants to follow the ilegal footsteps of his brother and now Maras and Baca have to free him from the clutches of the bad guys.

Nataly Fish

Colors of Wind

Colors of Wind

Yuri leaves Ryo with mysterious words. Ryo goes to Hokkaido knowing that his doppelganger magician is missing. Ryo realizes Yuri was also the magician’s lover and he learns magic. The story that crosses over two identities, illusion and magic.

Nataly Fish

Whisper 4 - La légende de la guerrière

Whisper 4 - La légende de la guerrière

Whisper n’est plus le même depuis l’accident de Mika : il est devenu impulsif et anxieux, ne dort plus et refuse même de s’alimenter. San Mika, personne ne sait plus quoi faire pour l’aider. Mais lorsque la jeune Ari rencontre Whisper pour la première fois, un lien spécial se crée immédiatement. Ressurgit alors une vieille légende su..

Nataly Fish

The Wind Guardians

The Wind Guardians

Un jeune homme qui vit à Xiaoyanggang rêve de martyre, mais il est aveugle et ne peut se faufiler sur le marché qu'en escroquant. Un jour, Rakshasa a attaqué Xiaoyanggang et sa mère, qui dépendait de lui, a soudainement disparu. Lang Ming a dû s'engager sur la voie de la découverte de la vérité. Après une vague d'agitation, d'anciens die..

Nataly Fish



Dans le monde imaginaire de Windaria à une époque inconnue, les deux royaumes d’Isa et de Paro cohabitent en paix au pieds de l’arbre de vie géant, Windaria. Itha, un royaume maritime riche, est gouverné par l’impératrice Guinebia. Paro, au contraire, est un royaume qui souffre des maux de l’industrialisation, est gouverné par le roi ..

Nataly Fish

North Wind: Broken Time

North Wind: Broken Time

China’s booming animation industry has reached us. The film in question is Shuo Feng — Po Zhen Zi, an action epic directed by Zheng Wu and based on an internet novel by A Nu. From what we understand, the film is set in the eighth century, during China’s Tang dynasty. The story draws inspiration from real historical battles, which pitted Chin..

Nataly Fish

Windows from the South

Windows from the South

A movie about a breakup. The narrative develops through the author's conversations with his long-time partner, and follows the contemplation of the end of a nine-year romantic relationship.

Nataly Fish

Words from the Wind

Words from the Wind

KIM Hee-gap is a legendary composer who has written over 3,000 popular songs in South Korea, including Leopards of Kilimanjaro and Nostalgia. A documentary about his life, shot from 2014 until now, showcases the history of K-pop music. These songs are essential to our lives, and their stories live on.

Nataly Fish

Anywhere the Wind Blows

Anywhere the Wind Blows

Having recently fled Chinese political persecution, a HongKonger activist is trying to rebuild his life in the United States, but a visit from his ex-boyfriend rekindles unresolved feelings and threatens to derail his plans.

Nataly Fish

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