
The Tunnel

The Tunnel

Max Allan, a visionary engineer persuades investors to fund building an undersea railway connecting France to the United States. But there are powerful forces who wants to stop his futuristic dream.

Nataly Fish

The Tunnel

The Tunnel

The Tunnel deals with the torture of political prisoners under the Bourguiba regime.

Nataly Fish

Ligne d’Alger à Koléa : Tunnel de Pointe-Pescade

Ligne d’Alger à Koléa : Tunnel de Pointe-Pescade

Panorama d’un petit tunnel, d’un paysage aride, puis d’une agglomération.

Nataly Fish



Mira works as a falconer on a rubbish dump. With her birds of prey she is responsible to take care of the inconvenience caused by gulls. When the body of a little baby was found in the dirt, the rubbish dump workers soon have reason to suspect that Mira knows more about it.

Nataly Fish

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision

On a regular day, 1,000,000 travelers travel in Stockholm's subway. It is a myriad of lives that can be likened to blood cells in the city's system of arteries. Public transport is like a bloodstream where tunnel train drivers perform the work of the heart. It is largely their merit that the spate of people is pumped around the city's underground w..

Nataly Fish



1969. The Prague Spring has been demolished. New barbed wire installations have been erected. Julia, who is thirteen, has moved with her mother to a village in northern Austria which lies on the Czech border. Julia has not spoken since her father's death. Her isolation increases in the village where she is an outsider. Provoked into proving her co..

Nataly Fish

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision

A committee investigating TV's first uncensored network examines a typical day's programming, which includes shows, commercials, news programs, you name it. What they discover will surely crack you up! This outrageous and irreverent spoof of television launched the careers of some of the greatest comedians of all time.

Nataly Fish

Vegas Tunnels

Vegas Tunnels

A Channel 5 Documentary

Nataly Fish

Berlin Tunnel 21

Berlin Tunnel 21

In Berlin in 1961, an American soldier and a German engineer join forces to build a tunnel under the Berlin Wall in order to smuggle out refugees, including the soldier's East German girlfriend.

Nataly Fish

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision

Deux détectives enquêtent sur une série de meurtres sauvages perpétrés par un tueur sadique.

Nataly Fish

Der Tunnel

Der Tunnel

Un ingénieur est embauché pour planifier et superviser la construction d'un tunnel sous-marin entre l'Europe et les Etats-Unis. Mais, certains intérêts ne veulent pas voir ce projet aboutir et utilisent tous les moyens à leur disposition, y compris le sabotage et l'assassinat, pour arrêter sa construction.

Nataly Fish

The Tunnel: The Other Side of Darkness

The Tunnel: The Other Side of Darkness

THE TUNNEL is hands down the greatest Australian found footage feature and this tenth anniversary documentary not only gives you a look behind-the-scenes at the production of the film, but also insight into its impact and enduring legacy.

Nataly Fish

Bridge and Tunnel

Bridge and Tunnel

Unspooled through a series of vignettes, this slice-of-life tale follows a group of young college graduates who are forced -- because of a bleak economic environment -- to shack up with their parents and settle for low-paying jobs.

Nataly Fish

Tunnels de guerre : la grande évasion

Tunnels de guerre : la grande évasion

Hiver 1944. Au cœur de l’Allemagne nazie, 76 pilotes – britanniques, canadiens, norvégiens et français – détenus dans un camp de prisonniers de la Luftwaffe s’évadent. La véritable histoire de ces hommes dépasse de loin la fiction imaginée par Hollywood… Parmi les témoins de ce documentaire, Jack Lyon, l’un des derniers surviva..

Nataly Fish

Lyon-Turin : Le Dernier Tunnel XXL

Lyon-Turin : Le Dernier Tunnel XXL

Construire sous la terre est un véritable défi, ce qui fait des tunnels, les ouvrages d´art les plus difficiles à réaliser. Le tunnel Lyon-Turin est l´un des chantiers les plus importants du 21e siècle : 2 tunnels de 57.5 kilomètres de long chacun, il va permettre de traverser le massif des Alpes à 160 km/h. Un projet titanesque qui néces..

Nataly Fish



A sociohistorical drama about the construction of the Simplon-tunnel: A conflict develops when German workers want to strike and fight for better working conditions while Italian workers simply want to earn money and provide for their families.

Nataly Fish

The Tunnel

The Tunnel

Deux ingénieurs, Richard MacAllan et Frederick Robinson, obtiennent le financement de leur projet insensé : percer un tunnel souterrain entre l'Angleterre et les États-Unis. Leur plus ardente avocate est Varlia Lloyd, fille d'un de leurs sponsors. Elle use à plusieurs reprises de son influence pour que les travaux puissent se poursuivre. Aprè..

Nataly Fish

The Tunnel

The Tunnel

Three refugees run the race of their lives from Calais to Dover through the Euro Tunnel, trying to beat the trains and overcome their terror in a bid to reach their freedom and start new lives in the UK.

Nataly Fish

The Tunnel

The Tunnel

A man walks through a seemingly mundane tunnel

Nataly Fish

The Tunnel

The Tunnel

The thirteen survivors of a catastrophe by a tunnel's collapse tries to balance their experience trapped along 15 days inside it with their day-by-day outside it.

Nataly Fish

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