


'Tránsitos' emerges from a desire to film the San Fermin festival in Super 8. Pamplona becomes a theatre where everyone dresses in red and white, where it feels like everything revolves around a panting bull in a portrait of the decadence of one world and the birth of another.

Nataly Fish

Transit Love

Transit Love

With all set to move to Barcelona and find her boyfriend, Mercedes gets to know Ariel, who turns to be a very pleasant company. At the same time, Juan arrives at Argentina, after many years, and searches for his fiancée, but ends up meeting Micaela.

Nataly Fish



Diego Tejerina, a prisoner with temporary releases, uses his knowledge of sociology to reflect on freedom and confinement.

Nataly Fish

Transition verticale

Transition verticale

Une jeune championne d'escalade en salle décide de se mesurer aux parois rocheuses les plus spectaculaires, puis à la montagne en hivernale...

Nataly Fish

Arturo Gámez (Bodies in Transit)

Arturo Gámez (Bodies in Transit)

Arturo Gámez, a young television repairman, suffers a strange energy accident while he is at work. He is transported to another parallel dimension, living a series of adventures there.

Nataly Fish

Black Water Transit

Black Water Transit

In this action thriller set in post-Katrina New Orleans, business owner Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is struggling to run a legitimate shipping company while bad guy Ernest Pike (Karl Urban) is struggling to get his family's illegal gun collection out of the country. When their paths collide, Jack realizes that exposing Pike might get him j..

Nataly Fish

Transitioning : Transgender Children

Transitioning : Transgender Children

Du plus tôt qu’ils s’en souviennent, ils ont rejeté l’identité sexuelle qui correspond à leur anatomie. Ces enfants et ces adolescents racontent leurs histoires, sans peur et avec détermination. Ils sont l’expression d’une nouvelle génération assumant très jeunes leur identité transgenre. Leurs parents, quant à eux, évoquent le..

Nataly Fish

Forbidden Transit

Forbidden Transit

From her roots in Southern Italy to her landing in Bologna, the trans leader Porpora Marcasciano relives her self-discovery, from a negated identity to battles for human rights.

Nataly Fish



"Transit" is the director's film diary about a trip whose farewell was marked by social unrest in Mexico City. The first stop is Barcelona, ​​which portrays his immigrant status and uprooting parades, along with loss of identity and the Spanish economic crisis. That crisis will become the reason for a renewed flight to Morocco to investigate a ..

Nataly Fish

The Age of Transitions

The Age of Transitions

The cutting edge group known as transhumanists see a beautiful future brought about by artificial intelligence, life extension, and cybernetics. What one must realize before getting carried away with such utopian dreams is that transhumanism was born out of the elitist pseudo-science eugenics. This documentary provides vital information on the hist..

Nataly Fish



A doctor committed against the revolution decides to escape in a boat. A criminal friend introduced him to a modest revolutionary family to cover it up. During the events aspects of a society in transition are reflected.

Nataly Fish

Transition and Happiness

Transition and Happiness

Rosa María is a transsexual woman and a father who completed her sexual reassignment surgery at the age of 59. Until then her behaviour had been that of a typical macho male. This documentary shows her “transition” or gradual empowerment as a woman, a process that holds a certain promise of fulfilment. Alongside her friend, Fina, also a transs..

Nataly Fish

Cultures en transition

Cultures en transition

Le film met en garde contre les dangers contre les dépendances en agriculture d'intrants chimiques et de ressources énergétiques. Le film décrit des alternatives agricoles en France, le mouvement des Villes en transition et le changement de paradigme agricole à Cuba comme des exemples préfigurateurs d'un nouveau mode de production agricole, �..

Nataly Fish

Sans transition

Sans transition

The road can be long when allowing yourself to love again. Shy and self-effacing Léo leads a solitary existence, but an encounter with the confident Thom turns his world upside down.

Nataly Fish

In Transit

In Transit

David and Lucia are two strangers. Once, a while back, they were not. David has always been shy; Lucia always lovely. The rest of the story is just life and its turns. one early morning, at a gas station, they meet by coincidence. The conversation will shake their certainties. Although, they are not the same people anymore, there are things that ne..

Nataly Fish



After being discharged from the hospital, Yeon-su wanders around looking for a place to go.

Nataly Fish

Transit 17

Transit 17

The movie is set in the future, 2026, Europe is no longer the same and separated from the rest of the world after a deadly virus spreads.

Nataly Fish

In Transition

In Transition

Tawny Kim heads to a halfway house for female ex-inmates transitioning into mainstream life. Once there, Tawny encounters her old cellies, Concha and Farhonda, and reveals her intentions to acquire monies owed to them.

Nataly Fish

O Zé Analfabeto e o Trânsito

O Zé Analfabeto e o Trânsito

Nataly Fish

Sea of Transition

Sea of Transition

Nataly Fish

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