
Croisières touristiques : touché-coulé ?

Croisières touristiques : touché-coulé ?

Jusqu’à très récemment, le secteur des croisières touristiques affichait une santé de fer : cette industrie prévoyait une année 2020 record, avec plus de 30 millions de passagers transportés à travers le monde et la mise en service de paquebots toujours plus grands et plus luxueux. Mais la violente irruption de la crise sanitaire a tout ..

Nataly Fish

Tourists Going Round Yellowstone Park

Tourists Going Round Yellowstone Park

You see a shot of three horse-drawn wagons on a dirt road with some mountains in the far background...

Nataly Fish

Tourist Go Home

Tourist Go Home

This short film is a humorous look at the tourist industry in Canada. In tongue-in-cheek fashion, it points out the importance of good public relations in the tourist industry - more specifically, what not to do to tourists. (Sourced from the National Film Board of Canada: https://www.nfb.ca/film/tourist_go_home)

Nataly Fish

Alien Tourist

Alien Tourist

Imagine: An alien has landed on a foreign planet, where life once existed. The alien moves around aimlessly through dark shifting nature, occasionally coming across a frozen figure, a human, poised in time and action, in a deserted wilderness where the sunlight is now out of reach. ALIEN TOURIST comes together as a conglomeration of fragments - of ..

Nataly Fish

Tourist Trap

Tourist Trap

The little car Jeep is looking for a unique holiday location and seems to have found it: a heavenly island with unspoiled nature and beautiful tropical birds. But upon arriving Jeep finds out he is not the only adventurer. One after the other ferry brings in campers and caravans that manage to thoroughly ruin the initially idyllic trip. Human chara..

Nataly Fish

Tourist Pictures

Tourist Pictures

Short documentary of Stefan Nadelman's road trip across America, focusing on other tourists and their compulsions and desires to photograph. The film won the Perrier Across America short film contest and earned a spot in the national ResFest touring digital film festival.

Nataly Fish

Nova Scotia Tourist Industries

Nova Scotia Tourist Industries

The competition for tourist dollars is desperate! There has to be a new spin on how to entice tourists to our poverty stricken province of Nova Scotia. This film animation develops a landscape that any death wish would appreciate.

Nataly Fish

I'm Not A Tourist, I Live Here

I'm Not A Tourist, I Live Here

A rich kaleidoscope of life in Tallin and the Estonian people, portraying two men struggling to achieve their dreams.

Nataly Fish

Le petit touriste

Le petit touriste

A ’train movie’ in the Urubamba valley, where a young gringo seems to be having bad dreams. All the racket of the train and the sound of a local band punctuate the elliptical editing of a phoney narrative, which pretends to end in Cuzco.

Nataly Fish

Mapping Zeros: Notes Of a Chinese Tourist

Mapping Zeros: Notes Of a Chinese Tourist

Hong Kong / 2002 / Video / Color / Sound / 19min

Nataly Fish

Touristes hors Saison

Touristes hors Saison

Fuyant la crise politique qui s'est installée sur le côte d'Ivoire depuis 2010, Hervé a décidé de quitter son pays natal. En débarquant en Tunisie, il se trouve confronté à une triste désillusion. Rêvant d'une vie meilleure, cette dernière s'est révélée un défi au quotidien.

Nataly Fish

Les touristes de l'extrême

Les touristes de l'extrême

Travel agencies specialising in perilous holidays are offering organised trips to war zones and even areas struck by natural or nuclear disasters. We follow one group of tourists as they scale the mountains of Hindu-Kush in Afghanistan, climbing 4000m above sea level in order to ski down this one-of-a-kind slope. In Indonesia we see a different kin..

Nataly Fish

Jolicoeur Touriste

Jolicoeur Touriste

An enclosed space, a struggle against the constraints of personal isolation explored through a fractured narrative. A man living in a broken-down rented room in a Tourist Inn travels through his inebriation, his memories and his fantasies, transcending the limits of time and space, which suddenly intertwine. A film about loss and absence.

Nataly Fish

Touristes? Oh Yes!

Touristes? Oh Yes!

Une famille hollandaise décide se rendre à Paris pour assister à un concours de chant auquel participe leur bourgmestre. Leur séjour ne sera pas de tout repos...

Nataly Fish

Touristes revenant d’une excursion

Touristes revenant d’une excursion

Nice, Mont-Boron : des touristes, hommes et dames, descendent un sentier au retour d’une excursion.

Nataly Fish

Bar Wrestling 17 Not Bad For Tourists

Bar Wrestling 17 Not Bad For Tourists

Not Bad For Tourists Results Credit SoCal Uncensored RockNES Monsters (Yuma and Kevin Martenson) over Scorpio Sky and Watts. Brody King over Ethan Page. Taya Valkyrie, Katarina Leigh, and Killer Baes (Laura James and Heather Monroe) over Joey Ryan, James Ellsworth, and PPRay (Ray Rosas and Peter Avalon). PJ Black over Tyler Bateman. DoomFly (Eli Ev..

Nataly Fish

Tourists Landing at Island of Capri, Italy

Tourists Landing at Island of Capri, Italy

Several rowing boats with tourists going to the shore of Capri.

Nataly Fish

Der ewige Tourist

Der ewige Tourist

Nataly Fish

Rooms for Tourists

Rooms for Tourists

3 moving images taken in locations that are foreign to director Kennlin Lake Barlow

Nataly Fish

Australian Cricket Tourists of 1899

Australian Cricket Tourists of 1899

Film produced by William K. Dickson’s British Mutoscope and Biograph Company.

Nataly Fish

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