
What Remains in Me

What Remains in Me

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past”, is announced in white letters, emulating the VHS format and quoting a famous line by American writer William Faulkner on the screen before the appearance of the protagonist in an everyday situation. This quote is the introduction and declaration of principles of What remains in me, director Tamara..

Nataly Fish

Dark Blue Comet, or the Remains of a Broken Mind

Dark Blue Comet, or the Remains of a Broken Mind

A painter struggles to find inspiration for her latest work. Meanwhile, a thief attempts to rob a store.

Nataly Fish

Polytechnique: Ce qu’il reste du 6 décembre

Polytechnique: Ce qu’il reste du 6 décembre

Raconté par l'actrice Karine Vanasse, ce documentaire donne la parole 30 ans plus tard aux survivantes et aux témoins de l'événement, à ceux qui ont vécu l’horreur de près et qui ont commencé leur lente guérison dans les jours, les mois et les années qui ont suivi.

Nataly Fish

What Remains of Us

What Remains of Us

Déjouant la douane et la sécurité chinoise, une jeune femme québécoise, originaire du Tibet par son père, se rend dans son pays d’origine avec les deux réalisateurs. Porteuse d’un message d’encouragement filmé du 14e Dalaï Lama à son peuple, ils rencontrent en secret des Tibétains qui visionnent le message. Au fil de leurs rencontr..

Nataly Fish

Ouverture du reliquaire de Sergueï Radonejski

Ouverture du reliquaire de Sergueï Radonejski

Dziga Vertov documente les funérailles de Sergueï Radonejski.

Nataly Fish

All Remains to People

All Remains to People

Renowned scientist Dronov works in Novosibirsk on the creation of ultra-modern engine. He has a bad heart, he was afraid not to have time to finish the job, and test engine at a factory in Moscow, unfortunately, is not the first time passes unsuccessfully. Dronov abandons the rest of the work, even the leadership of the Institute entrusts to his di..

Nataly Fish



Itamar and Thomas share a bed, walls, an apartment and electricity bills. Thomas commands, manages, and criticizes; Itamar is silent and listens. Between the apartment walls, frustration and loneliness unfold.

Nataly Fish

The Remainings

The Remainings

Declared dead by accident, Iolanda Bambirra lives like a ghost between life and death in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, a town in ruins and with no trace of time.

Nataly Fish



The final installment in the five-part Cows series is a remarkable example of photo-videography as an art form. Photographs, which over time transform pixel by pixel, pose inconvenient questions about our relationship with animals: Are they merely objects for our consumption? Organic matter we've become disconnected with? Or…?

Nataly Fish

Leaving to Remain

Leaving to Remain

With the UK’s hardening immigration policy in the background, director Mira Erdevički follows the lives of three Roma: Petr Torák, Denisa Gannon and Ondrej Oláh. Settled in the UK over 20 years ago, the trio still feel attached to their native Slovakia and the Czech Republic. As the country goes into lockdown, they film their lives throughout ..

Nataly Fish

What Remains

What Remains

The silence can be more thunderous than many screams. Even when we lose everything, there is always something left.

Nataly Fish

Future Remains

Future Remains

The Finnish designer Henrik Wahlforss had a flourishing career in industrial design and innovation in the 1970s. In 1980, he decided, however, to leave his career to write a book. Not any book; he wanted to write his prediction about the future, which became for him a life-long project. Combining archive material, interviews, and dramatizations, t..

Nataly Fish

Remains Quiet

Remains Quiet

An afternoon on a large film set somewhere in rural France, A runner takes up position...

Nataly Fish

Song Remains the Same

Song Remains the Same

Hamdija Šahinpašić (1914-2003) was one of those rare individuals able to memorize songs in their authentic traditional form. Šahinpašić belonged to a family known for its songs. In the early 1950's, Miodrag A. Vasiljević recorded Šahinpašić singing dozen of songs at the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Belgrade. A 1967 publication ..

Nataly Fish

Angola, Those Who Decided to Remain

Angola, Those Who Decided to Remain

On February 4, 1961, armed militants attacked the prison and administration posts in Luanda, the capital of Angola; a brutal repression against black populations ensued; at the same time, the long strike of cotton workers in the east of the country was crushed, with napalm bombing. On 15 March, northern bakongos attacked properties and villages, ki..

Nataly Fish



In and out of movement, from stop to go, photos hurtle us into their lived antecedents. A collection of a grandfather's photos are brought to life again, confronted by the fictitious present, and the granddaughter with a camera.

Nataly Fish

Estimating time remaining

Estimating time remaining

The house we harbour within is places in time. Events overlap in space, recur through that space, the house changes and expands. Each single perception exerts its influence on those that follow; at times, remote experiences converge, affecting the space and the way it is perceived in turn.

Nataly Fish

Remains of Guilt

Remains of Guilt

Cinematic portray of an act of domestic violence.

Nataly Fish

Les vies qui nous restent

Les vies qui nous restent

A young Romanian immigrant who recently moved to Montreal with her mother misses home, and soon realizes that her life will not be going back to the way things were.

Nataly Fish



The life of a farmer in north-western Spain is turned upside down when his son returns home from the city. Under the guise of a western opening in bright light, the film gradually plunges into a darker world to relate what remains of farming culture today. The situation crescendoes to a dazzling, dramatic final shot.

Nataly Fish

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