


En septembre 1938, un hôtel du Quartier latin à Paris est le lieu d'habitat transitoire d'étrangers — qui ont fui l'Europe de l'Est soumise aux nazis — et de Français bienveillants, paniqués par une guerre mondiale imminente.

Nataly Fish

Israel - Promised Land, Threatened State

Israel - Promised Land, Threatened State

Another war in the Middle East - another attack on Israel - another death of innocents. The battle for Palestine has been raging for decades, with Israel's enemies denying the country its right to exist.

Nataly Fish

Menace de mort

Menace de mort

André s'éprend soudainement d'Hélène, la maîtresse d'un riche industriel, Bernier, en qui il découvre bientôt celui qui l'a autrefois vendu à la Gestapo. Il s'ensuit des scènes violentes qui se terminent par l'assassinat de Bernier. Mais André maquille sa vengeance en faisant retomber les soupçons sur Jacques, le secrétaire de la victim..

Nataly Fish

Under Threat

Under Threat

After her wealthy father becomes bankrupt , Sally goes to live with her sister and husband where she lives a liberated life. She gets filmed at one of the parties she is invited to while stealing a piece of jewelry. Hassan, who filmed the video, tries to blackmail her to help him steal the apartments of their friends.

Nataly Fish

Espace, l'odyssée du futur: SOS débris spatiaux


Deep in Brazil, where law and justice require first and last name, the struggle for a piece of land becomes a matter of life or death. "Threatened" shows peasants in the South and Southeast of Pará, who have to fight for a piece of land for farming and living.

Nataly Fish

Qayamat: City Under Threat

Qayamat: City Under Threat

CBI Officer Akram Sheikh is on the verge of nabbing three dreaded Pakistan-backed arms dealers, the brothers Ali and Abbas and their common moll Laila. When Sheikh busts an important arms deal conducted by his three targets, Ali-Abbas join forces with Gopal, a corrupt scientist to get hold of a deadly virus and take the tourists at the Elphinstone ..

Nataly Fish

Rapid Response Corps 2: Nuclear Threat

Rapid Response Corps 2: Nuclear Threat

Hilarious comedy about a bunch of crazy private detectives who are trying to save the world from a nuclear disaster! Everything would be easier if there were not so many pretty Bulgarian girls who destract some of the agents, but sometimes help with fighting back. This is a second instalment of the Rapid Response Corps with the same characters from..

Nataly Fish

Camera Threat

Camera Threat

Somewhere in the dreary nooks of Mumbai's film industry, Camera Threat explores the ambivalent relationship this film city has with the moving image. Seated on a casting couch, two actors are getting stuck in impromptu conversations on the side effects of a world that no longer bothers to tell facts from fiction.

Nataly Fish

Une famille trop parfaite

Une famille trop parfaite

Au cours d’un séminaire de travail, Kent et Amy, deux agents immobiliers, passent la nuit ensemble. Quand Brad, le mari d'Amy l'apprend, une dispute éclate et Amy tombe dans les escaliers. Dévasté par la mort de sa femme, Brad décide de se venger. Il se rapproche dangereusement de Sarah, la femme de Kent, et tue Miguel, un des collègues de ..

Nataly Fish

Threaten Korea Queer Culture Festival - Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Syria's Ticking Time Bomb

Syria's Ticking Time Bomb

The severe earthquake in February 2023 has also brought northern Syria back into the international spotlight, a region that has long gone largely unnoticed. Yet a conflict has been smouldering here for years that could escalate at any time and have international repercussions: The terrorist organisation known as IS, which had its stronghold here a..

Nataly Fish

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