
The Standard Deviants: The Supersonic World of Differential Equations

The Standard Deviants: The Supersonic World of Differential Equations

Mastered trigonometry? Conquered calculus? Differential equations await the intrepid math scholar...and the Standard Deviants are ready to help! This video covers the basics: First order differential equations, higher order differential equations with constant coefficients, method of undetermined coefficients, and variation of parameters.

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants: The Creepy, Crawly World of Calculus

The Standard Deviants: The Creepy, Crawly World of Calculus

Original 1995 version.

Nataly Fish

Standard Deviants - The Constructive World of Advanced Spanish: Verbs

Standard Deviants - The Constructive World of Advanced Spanish: Verbs

Learn Spanish beyond the basic level with interactive, fast-paced graphics and humor.

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants: The Zany World of Basic Math

The Standard Deviants: The Zany World of Basic Math

Whether you're learning about quotients and numerators for the first time or you're looking for a quick review, The Standard Deviants deliver. Throw your calculators away: this video covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, ratios and percentages the quick and easy way.

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants: The Split-Infinitive World of English Grammar

The Standard Deviants: The Split-Infinitive World of English Grammar

As a famous English teacher once remarked on his deathbed, "Dying is easy; grammar is hard." If English is your native language, you probably don't have much trouble conversing and communicating with others. But even life-long English speakers have trouble with certain elements of grammar. That's where we can help.

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants: The Wrinkle-Free World of English Composition

The Standard Deviants: The Wrinkle-Free World of English Composition

The Standard Deviants use comedy to help students grasp the skills needed to write a paper. They cover everything from stating and supporting a position, to collecting information, and revising a thesis.

Nataly Fish

Burning of the Standard Oil Co.'s Tanks, Bayonne, N.J.
The Standard Deviants: The Salsa-Riffic World of Spanish, Part 1

The Standard Deviants: The Salsa-Riffic World of Spanish, Part 1

Learning how to speak Spanish is easy with The Standard Deviants. They'll begin by introducing you to the Spanish alphabet, vocabulary, and pronunciation. You will also learn greetings, punctuation, the gender of nouns and pronouns, some essential verbs, and much more.

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants Video Course Review: The Unbelievable World of Physics

The Standard Deviants Video Course Review: The Unbelievable World of Physics

Original, 1-part version from 1996.

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants: Shakespeare Tragedies

The Standard Deviants: Shakespeare Tragedies

You know, a lot of people love and enjoy Shakespeare's plays. But, just as many people complain that they don't "get" Shakespeare. That's not surprising, because Shakespeare can be really tough to handle. But don't worry, the Standard Deviants are going to teach you Shakespeare like it's never been taught before!

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants: The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 2

The Standard Deviants: The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 2

Organic Chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals specifically with the structures, synthesis, and reactions of carbon-containing compounds. This organic chemistry tutorial will help you understand the various structures and reactions, as well as acids, bases, nomenclature, alkene and cycloalkene conformations, functional groups, Markovinkov's ..

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants: The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 1

The Standard Deviants: The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 1

Organic Chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals specifically with the structures, synthesis, and reactions of carbon-containing compounds. This organic chemistry tutorial will help you understand the various structures and reactions, as well as acids, bases, nomenclature, alkene and cycloalkene conformations, functional groups, Markovinkov's ..

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants: The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 3

The Standard Deviants: The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 3

The Standard Deviants cover everything you need to ace organic chemistry.

Nataly Fish

Human or AI? The future of beauty standards

Human or AI? The future of beauty standards

"As this technology continues to develop, challenges to our perception of what is real are immense, and our trust in what we are seeing is eroded. These fake people are already changing industries such as modelling and marketing, but can they offer a more diverse reflection of humanity than has historically been available - or are they destined to ..

Nataly Fish

Food Hygiene Standards for the Catering Service Industry

Food Hygiene Standards for the Catering Service Industry

The China Style for Eating Places

Nataly Fish

It Is What It Is (or The Standards of Outrage)

It Is What It Is (or The Standards of Outrage)

After being Evicted from a British love-themed reality show, Kevin Best learns that his TV romance break-up has caused a simmering public outrage.

Nataly Fish

The Standard

The Standard

During the final days of the First World War, Officer Menis does his duty in defending the battle flag of the defeated Austro-Hungarian empire, while his fellow troops, a motley gang recruited from several different countries not loyal to the royal family, simply try to survive by any means possible.

Nataly Fish

Theodor Herzl, Standard-Bearer of the Jewish People

Theodor Herzl, Standard-Bearer of the Jewish People

This early film biography of the founder of modern Zionism depicts a young Herzl learning about Jewish persecution throughout the ages and developing his theory of political Zionism, which he saw as the only solution to anti-semitism.

Nataly Fish

Échange standard

Échange standard

Mitch et Dave sont meilleurs amis, l'un est responsable, raisonné et marié, l'autre est un homme-enfant paresseux, dragueur et apathique. Jusqu'au jour où, l'un et l'autre se retrouvent dans le corps et la vie de son meilleur ami …

Nataly Fish

PASS the Short Film

PASS the Short Film

An extremely brilliant Government school student intentionally fails in weekly tests to be remanded on Saturdays; a temporary trainee teacher wants to figure out the mystery.

Nataly Fish

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