
Firewire Sniper

Firewire Sniper

The film tells the story of the male protagonist Song En (played by actor Xie Mengwei) who gave up his identity as a police officer in order to destroy the dark forces that were poisoning the local area and the deeper people behind them. At the same time, he was burdened with the revenge of his father's murder and the betrayal of a traitor in the p..

Nataly Fish

Sniper Elite: Nano Crisis

Sniper Elite: Nano Crisis

Terrorists in the State of S have hijacked a large number of nanobots, which are breakthrough medical nanobots developed by top scientists from many countries around the world, capable of giving countless patients a new life. The terrorists want to use it to achieve the purpose of rebellion to seize power,

Nataly Fish

Idol Sniper NEO

Idol Sniper NEO

There are two sides to Sayaka Ichimonji: she's a bubbly pop idol and a bloodthirsty sniper. She's been sent as an assassin to a secret ring of hitmen called Destiny. She´s been assigned the killing of Himuro, the biggest gun trafficker in all of Japan.

Nataly Fish



The Tiger Security Team of the Storm Security Company is responsible for security and rescue work. Luo Xinglie is punished for accidentally injuring a hostage during a rescue mission. He gets reduced to a security officer and gets no reward for the mission. At this time, the Tiger Team receives a new mission, hired by the International Peace Founda..

Nataly Fish

Sniper 3 Dawn

Sniper 3 Dawn

Nataly Fish

Stalingrad Snipers

Stalingrad Snipers

Le commandant Yashin est envoyé près de Minsk, où il découvre la trace de potentiels missiles au sein de la ville. Le temps presse alors pour les retrouver, d'autant que de mystérieux snipers abattent ceux qui restent à découvert...

Nataly Fish

Ghost Sniper

Ghost Sniper

Nataly Fish

Iron Lady Sniper

Iron Lady Sniper

Nataly Fish

La Tour mortelle

La Tour mortelle

L'histoire tristement célèbre de Charles Whitman, "sniper favori de l'Amérique» (selon les mots de Stephen King), est dit ici une fois de plus.

Nataly Fish

Ice Sniper 2

Ice Sniper 2

Nataly Fish

Snipers - Bulletproof

Snipers - Bulletproof

SNIPERS: BULLETPROOF deconstructs and analyzes the little known sniper events that have occurred when no other course of action was possible. The people who planned the takedowns, or pulled the trigger, share their techniques and bring to light the many factors that had to be considered in each mission: terrain, wind speed, temperature, elevation c..

Nataly Fish

Lethal Sniper

Lethal Sniper

Zuo Yingjie, a decorated sniper, is put in prison by a false accusation, where he receives a top-secret mission from a female agent Shen Xue of assassinating a Japanese bacteriologist Kitano Seichyo. But a traitor sells him out, leaving him in grave danger against his mortal enemy Shitagawa Kunimasa, an ace marksman of the Japanese. Some conspiraci..

Nataly Fish

SWAT Mission: Sniper Storm

SWAT Mission: Sniper Storm

Special police captain Pan Yufei led the team to fight against lawbreakers in order to protect the peace and justice of Hongkong. In one case, the evidence of a citizen, Lao Zhao, adds to the crime and the criminals are punished. As Lao Zhao and Pan are celebrating Xiao Xiong's promotion banquet, Tao Huan, a gun king killer, suddenly appears and b..

Nataly Fish

About Crazy Love, a Sniper and an Astronaut

About Crazy Love, a Sniper and an Astronaut

Male opera singer and female debutante are madly in love. Unfortunately, their love is threatened by Spaceman, who is also in love with debutante, and then by eerie Sniper.

Nataly Fish

Sniper Hero

Sniper Hero

In the "cold gun" campaign of the war against the United States, Ren Dongfeng, who has been in the army for two years, shows his talent for shooting in a battle for a position, but also causes the death of his comrades at the muzzles of enemy snipers, which becomes a shadow in his heart.

Nataly Fish

Battle for the Western Front

Battle for the Western Front

Inspired by Canuck WWI flying ace Billy Bishop, two young soldiers crash the front lines in August 1918. With the Allies detained, their platoon must desperately hold out alongside legendary Anishinaabe sniper Francis "Peggy" Pegahmagabow.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



After studying Central female school where learner was trained as a spinier, in 1943 Aliya joined the Soviet armed force with her girlfriends .She shot an German sniper who killed many Soviet soldiers in an fighting action.

Nataly Fish

Sniper 2

Sniper 2

1943, en pleine seconde guerre mondiale, l'Armée Rouge ayant perdu beaucoup d'hommes, elle choisit alors de former une unité de femmes, tireuses d'élite. Elles devront être capables de survivre derrière les lignes ennemies mais très peu en reviendront vivantes...

Nataly Fish

The Gun

The Gun

Luigi, a middle-aged engineer who, getting increasingly worried about the rising crime rate in his surroundings, follows the advice and example of his sleazy drinking cronies to arm himself with the titular weapon; the problem is that he starts carrying – and, occasionally, brandishing – it with him everywhere.

Nataly Fish

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