
Delusion of the Fury: A Ritual of Dream and Delusion

Delusion of the Fury: A Ritual of Dream and Delusion

Conjoined fables are told, one Japanese, the other African, a ghost story colliding with farcical folklore.

Nataly Fish

Ritual of the Dead

Ritual of the Dead

An explorer is haunted by a mummy after murdering his brother to steal jewels found in an ancient Egyptian tomb.

Nataly Fish

The Meaning of a Ritual

The Meaning of a Ritual

A "mobile plant doctor" must grow and change when she takes on an emotionally fragile artist as a client.

Nataly Fish

Never Ending Space Ritual - History of Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O.

Never Ending Space Ritual - History of Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O.

The History of Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O., told through a collection of rare live performances. Disk 1 tracks the band through their first decade from 1998 to 2007 telling the ongoing story through rare live videos including the very early rare footage. Featuring many special guests appearances from Mani Neumeier (Guru Guru),..

Nataly Fish

The Moon of the Kurent: The Ritual

The Moon of the Kurent: The Ritual

A Slovenian horror short.

Nataly Fish

The Ritual: Black Nun

The Ritual: Black Nun

Plot Unknown

Nataly Fish

The Ritual

The Ritual

A young brahmin boy studying in a village away from home and a young widow isolated by her condition form a bond.

Nataly Fish

The Ritual

The Ritual

”Rytual” is a vividly illustrated record of the character's struggle with everyday activities. A sequence of overlapping interactions between a human and a dog often assumes a grotesque, comical form of intolerable compulsions. The short film raises a timid question about the complexity - or should we say imperfections - of human nature. Behavi..

Nataly Fish

Antim Sanskar: The Last Ritual

Antim Sanskar: The Last Ritual

A gifted but troubled detective investigates the disappearance of a celebrated filmmaker.

Nataly Fish

I-Omante -The Bear Ritual-

I-Omante -The Bear Ritual-

This film focuses on I-OMANTE ritual that is to liberate the souls of the Gods from the furs and meat and send them back to the Land of the Gods. The Ainu believed that bears were Gods. The Gods come to the Land of the Ainu, which means “human beings”, with meat, furs and medicine (the gall bladders of the bears) as their gifts.

Nataly Fish

Ritual to the Sun

Ritual to the Sun

Aurora, a restless and mischievous Indigenous girl, begins a fantastic adventure exploring her own culture with pride and joy while discovering her identity.

Nataly Fish

The Ritual of Color

The Ritual of Color

The materiality of reversal-film is being portrayed. This analogue technology, with its exposed chemical skeleton is clashing in an anachronistic filmic gag with contemporary digital animation. Colour is not presented as a natural, but a highly constructed medium in the expierence of film. This is a short experimental-essay which is questioning can..

Nataly Fish

The Ritual

The Ritual

Away with words.

Nataly Fish

Banishing : La demeure du mal

Banishing : La demeure du mal

Angleterre, dans les années 1930. Un jeune révérend, sa femme et leur petite fille emménagent dans un manoir. Bientôt, un esprit vengeur prend possession de la fillette. Les parents sont contraints afin de sauver leur enfant, de remettre en doute leurs croyances et de se tourner vers la magie noire...

Nataly Fish

The Wicker Man

The Wicker Man

Suite à la disparition mystérieuse d'une jeune fille, le sergent Neil Howie débarque sur l'île de Summerisle afin de mener son enquête. Très vite, Howie est surpris par les mœurs libertaires de la communauté qu'il découvre, leur goût du secret et par Lord Summerisle, un homme charismatique qui semble régner sur l'île.

Nataly Fish

The Sunrise Ritual

The Sunrise Ritual

The film follows a Catholic Manobo teacher from Surigao del Sur who walks viewers through her fondest memories and dreams for the future of the ALCADEV Lumad School and her students. She also recounts her experience of the 2015 Lianga massacre, the darkest night of her life. The film aims to shed light on the plight of the Manobos of Surigao del Su..

Nataly Fish

Ritual for the Rainbow

Ritual for the Rainbow

A story about four preteens who live outside of society's safety nets due to domestic violence. They lack role models and authority figures until they meet a Wiccan who organizes rituals to teach them confidence and how to combat violence and patriarchy — for a fee, of course. Candy for life! Magic in color!

Nataly Fish

RITUAL, Part IV: The Blends

RITUAL, Part IV: The Blends

Tracing the footsteps of urban space involves understanding the various elements that influence urban development. One of the inseparable problems of cities is the attraction of migrants from various fields. The river, which has been a part of the city’s long history, brings with it all the polemics related to the city’s development.

Nataly Fish

The Horse-running Ritual of Honmoku Shrine

The Horse-running Ritual of Honmoku Shrine

For four hundred years, the Honmoku Shrine in Yokohama’s Naka Ward has hosted the Oumanagashi Horse Running Festival to ward off evil. The day before the festival, ouma horse figures made from sedge grass and placed on boards are passed overhead by shrine parishioners dressed in formal costume until they enter the shrine. On the day of the fe..

Nataly Fish

Le Rite

Le Rite

Le jeune séminariste américain, Michael Kovak, se rend au Vatican pour y étudier les rites de l’exorcisme. Féru de psychologie, il nourrit de sérieux doutes à l’égard de ces pratiques anciennes et juge que la « possession » relève de la psychiatrie, plutôt que de la démonologie. Il se heurte périodiquement à ses formateurs, jusq..

Nataly Fish

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