
The First Professional Killer

The First Professional Killer

Taiwanese movie

Nataly Fish

Professional Work Style: The Work of Voice Actor Hiroshi Kamiya ~ Searching for an Answer, Looking for a Voice ~

Professional Work Style: The Work of Voice Actor Hiroshi Kamiya ~ Searching for an Answer, Looking for a Voice ~

An NHK documentary that introduces top professionals who are active in the line. In this work, it adheres to Hiroshi Kamiya, who has had an overwhelming presence in the voice actor industry, for five months. We approach his days of struggle in a harsh world.

Nataly Fish

Les Braqueurs

Les Braqueurs

Forcés de faire profil bas après leur dernier braquage, Popeye et sa bande partent à Macao pour un autre contrat. Mais l’homme derrière ce contrat n’est autre que Macao Park, l’ancien partenaire de Popeye, qui s’est échappé avec 68 kg d’or après leur dernier coup quelques années auparavant. Macao Park est lui-même accompagné de ..

Nataly Fish

I'm Professional

I'm Professional

Fugui, a down-on-his-luck drag queen, accidentally obtains tickets for a Laos tour and participates in a scripted killing game that focuses on acting. Fugui plays the role of a secret agent with all his heart, but mistakenly gets into the middle of a gangster's fight.

Nataly Fish

Code Momentum

Code Momentum

Alex Farraday, l'une des meilleures braqueuses du monde, sort de sa retraite pour effectuer un dernier casse et s'emparer de précieux diamants. Lorsque son visage est accidentellement révélé pendant l'opération, elle est contrainte de fuir la ville. Elle devient la cible de la CIA et d'une organisation criminelle internationale, prête à tout..

Nataly Fish

The Games Teachers Play

The Games Teachers Play

The story of an unconventional teacher facing up to his unruly and apathetic class.

Nataly Fish

Professionnels pour un Massacre

Professionnels pour un Massacre

Pris la vente d'armes volées, 3 soldats confédérés obtiennent un sursis de l'équipe de tir, à condition qu'ils aillent au Mexique sur une mission pour récupérer l'or volé appartenant à la Confédération.

Nataly Fish

Le mercenaire

Le mercenaire

A la veille de la Révolution mexicaine, dans une mine victime d'une mutinerie conduite par Paco Roman, un employé qui a fait exécuter les contremaîtres et humilié le responsable Alfonso Garcia, les propriétaires souhaitent cacher sept tonnes d'argent. Ils embauchent un mercenaire, le Polak, réputé pour ses qualités de tireur et pour avoir ..

Nataly Fish

One Last Dance

One Last Dance

An assassin is hired to kill the men responsible for kidnapping an important man's son. With every death, the killer gets closer to the last kidnapper's name... his own.

Nataly Fish

Le Boxeur manchot

Le Boxeur manchot

Yu, le meilleur boxeur de son école ne râte pas une occasion de se battre, démolissant tout sur son passage. Mais le méchant de service ne s'avoue pas vaincu et engagera tous gros bras du pays pour dévaster l'école en question, laissant simplement Yu avec un bras en moins. Recueilli par un moine taoïste qui lui enseignera la technique de « ..

Nataly Fish

One Appreciated Professional of Sure Future

One Appreciated Professional of Sure Future

The young lawyer Vincenzo, Lucetta's new husband, daughter of a building speculator, discovers, on the night of the wedding, that he can not fulfill his duty as husband.

Nataly Fish

Professional Sex Performers: A Docu-Drama

Professional Sex Performers: A Docu-Drama

The world of secret sex performers is shown through the lives of a husband and wife team. Their manager must contend with pesky customers and a determined detective.

Nataly Fish

Professional Killers

Professional Killers

Two assassins are hired to carry out a hit on the second wife of a candle merchant, but someone is watching...

Nataly Fish

Professionals: Blood Grudge Weapon

Professionals: Blood Grudge Weapon

A lone gunman confronts a gang of Mexican criminals.

Nataly Fish

Hideaki Anno: The Final Challenge of Evangelion

Hideaki Anno: The Final Challenge of Evangelion

EVANGELION is coming to an end. NHK spent 4 years with exclusive access to director Hideaki Anno, documenting the creative process behind the final EVANGELION: 3.0+1.0 THRICE UPON A TIME. For the first time, the camera is allowed inside Anno's studio. The documentary attempts to capture why master filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki (STUDIO GHIBLI) describes ..

Nataly Fish

Professional Killers – Assassin's Quarry

Professional Killers – Assassin's Quarry

An assassin is mistaken for a doctor and threatened by a band of masterless warriors, but they realize their mistake and retreat into the darkness. Days later, he is asked to kill the doctor's brother. What secrets are these men hiding?

Nataly Fish

Deadly Professional 2023

Deadly Professional 2023

An epidemic is spreading through the towns of Edo – it spreads via people, and if you get the fever, your face will turn red like a demon, and then you will die. There is no cure in sight, and people’s anxiety is increasing.

Nataly Fish

Professional Killers – Assignment by Night

Professional Killers – Assignment by Night

Three assassins take on a band of thieves who specialize in murder.

Nataly Fish

Top Girl or la déformation professionnelle

Top Girl or la déformation professionnelle

Helena, 29, a single mother with an 11-year-old daughter, is a moderately successful actress who earns a living as an escort in the sex industry. Her relationship with her own mother, a singing teacher, is tense, and she’s also increasingly annoyed with her job. Meeting David offers her an opportunity.

Nataly Fish

Professional Special: Director Miyazaki Hayao
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