
The Plagues Warmth Is My Only Source Of Comfort

The Plagues Warmth Is My Only Source Of Comfort

Visions of the plagues warmth

Nataly Fish

The Plague

The Plague

In a city in South America an outbreak of bubonic plague occurs. While people try to flee and the military close the city, an idealistic doctor decides to stay and help the sick. In the ever-changing circumstances, he puts up a brave fight, being helped by others but also involving them without being able to control the situation.

Nataly Fish

Les Dieux de la peste

Les Dieux de la peste

À sa sortie de prison, Franz Walsch, un petit escroc, retrouve sa petite amie Joanna, ainsi que Gorilla, son associé, qui, entre-temps, a tué son frère. Il décide néanmoins de refaire équipe avec lui.

Nataly Fish

The Year of the Plague

The Year of the Plague

A terrible disease is found in a Mexican town. A doctor tries to alert the authorities when he discovers its epidemic nature. No one listen to him and soon after the disease spreads. The government tries to control the information in order to prevent panic.

Nataly Fish

The Year of the Plague

The Year of the Plague

C’est l’été à Barcelone. Il fait beau, il fait chaud. Pourtant, Victor n’a pas le moral : sa copine Irène vient de le larguer. Ses collègues bienveillants tentent bien de le consoler maladroitement, mais rien n’y fait : Victor a perdu le moral. Il ne remarque même pas la vague de suicides. Mais soudain, Irène l'appelle : elle semble ..

Nataly Fish

The Plagues

The Plagues

During his last night on La Paz, a detective looking for a criminal visits four different zones of the city. On these zones, with their characters and situations, the detective faces enemies that represent the mythological plagues that struck the Uru nation, beasts defeated by the Condor. The detective sees himself as the Condor.

Nataly Fish

Le Fléau

Le Fléau

Raul, un modeste agriculteur qui essaye de produire écolo, embauche Iurie comme assistant. D’origine moldave, celui-ci s’entraîne avec acharnement pour devenir un professionnel de la lutte. Petit à petit, les histoires de ces deux hommes croisent celles de trois femmes solitaires : Maria, une très vieille dame qui doit quitter sa demeure fa..

Nataly Fish

The House of the Plague

The House of the Plague

On its quest of death and terror, plague approaches a small village. The village knows nothing and lives its normal life…

Nataly Fish

La Peste à Florence

La Peste à Florence

Grandeur et décadence de Florence, déchirée entre foi mortifère et débauche. Une pépite expressionniste aux somptueux décors et costumes, scénarisée par Fritz Lang et récemment restaurée. Ce chef-d'oeuvre inspiré d'une nouvelle d'Edgar Allan Poe, symbolise la chute de l'Empire allemand alors rongé par l'inflation. À la Renaissance, s..

Nataly Fish

The Plague

The Plague

Rosa's father escapes from a nursing home and comes back to his former house. He hides a secret, and he's not coming alone.

Nataly Fish

The Plague

The Plague

A funny teenager is bullied by a pair of bastards.

Nataly Fish

The Golden Plague

The Golden Plague

Nataly Fish

The Plague at the Karatas Village

The Plague at the Karatas Village

A new mayor seeks the origins of a mysterious illness that is running rampant throughout a remote village.

Nataly Fish

Chavismo: The Plague of the 21st Century

Chavismo: The Plague of the 21st Century

An analysis of the causes, social, political, and economic that caused the rise of Hugo Chávez as president of Venezuela; his abuse of power and the response of civil society, including the student movement; his political fall as well as the secrecy that surrounded his illness and the succession of Nicolás Maduro.

Nataly Fish

The Plague

The Plague

In a Yakut village, one opposite the other, two single-parent families live, without mothers. The timid and unrequited Ivan is constantly humiliated by his neighbor, the impudent and self-confident Tikhon. After Tikhon beats Ivan in front of his son, the teenager becomes disillusioned with his father and begins to spend more and more time with his ..

Nataly Fish

The Plague

The Plague

A nurse in the Red Crescent (the Turkish equivalent of the Red Cross) fights to save the populace during a plague.

Nataly Fish

The Golden Plague

The Golden Plague

At the end of the war a disillusioned German exile returns home only to fall into the dark world of black market goods and drug trafficking.

Nataly Fish

The Cherry Plague

The Cherry Plague

A woman recalls her mother's death while visiting her tomb.

Nataly Fish

Sketches: On War and The Plague

Sketches: On War and The Plague

A conversation between a father (the poet) and his son (the illustrator) about imagination as the creator and, at the same time, transgressor of reality.

Nataly Fish

Major Grom: Plague Doctor. Behind the Scenes

Major Grom: Plague Doctor. Behind the Scenes

Additional materials for "Major Grom: Plague Doctor" (2021).

Nataly Fish

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