
The Owl Who Married a Goose: An Eskimo Legend

The Owl Who Married a Goose: An Eskimo Legend

An owl marries a goose. They have off-spring, but somehow their habits of life are not compatible.

Nataly Fish

The Owl's Feathers

The Owl's Feathers

Based on a Puerto Rican folk tale, the story begins when Mañito, an owl, is invited to a festival. Not feeling happy with the way he looks, Mañito borrows some bright colored feathers in order to attend.

Nataly Fish

The Owl

The Owl

The mood in a teacher's lounge changes when the reason behind a colleague's nickname is brought to light.

Nataly Fish

The Owl

The Owl

The Owl is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Chan Wai Man

Nataly Fish

The Owl

The Owl

The film is about the class struggle in the village between the various strata of society on the eve of Soviet powerformation.

Nataly Fish

The Owl

The Owl

Short movie written, directed and edited by Aleksandar Ilić. It won the Silver Bear for Best Short Film at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1973.

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The Devil's Owl

The Devil's Owl

A girl gives birth to an owl creature and this monster rallies all its furry friends into a bloody revolt against the humans for their savage behavior.

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The Owl That Didn't Give a Hoot

The Owl That Didn't Give a Hoot

A boy cares for an abandoned owl and prepares her for life in the wild.

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Owl and the Sparrow

Owl and the Sparrow

In modern-day Saigon, three lonely strangers form a unique family as a ten-year old orphan plays matchmaker to a zookeeper and a beautiful flight attendant.

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The Owl Paula

The Owl Paula

A young boy is getting ready to start school and can't wait till September 1st.

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Uhuka, The Little Owl

Uhuka, The Little Owl

Story about a family of baby owls who live in a hollow tree. One owlet refuses to learn proper owl skills, and spends his time looking at television until he is forced to take care of himself.

Nataly Fish

The Sight of Owl

The Sight of Owl

In the midst of longing and an unknown, strange dream, an alarm sounds and the main character, Jeong Ye-won, wakes up from sleep.

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The Blind Owl

The Blind Owl

Film based on the famous Iranian novella by Sadegh Hedayat, considered one of the great works of modern Persian prose. A man who is perhaps losing his mind spits his murderous fantasies and confessions at a shadow on the wall of his room that has the shape of an owl.

Nataly Fish

The Owl and the Lemming

The Owl and the Lemming

The oral history of Inuit is filled with many folktales, legends, and myths. In this traditional story, a young owl catches a lemming to eat. Inuit stories are often instructive, and with this fable, children quickly learn the value of being clever and humble, and why pride and arrogance are to be avoided. This short puppet film utilizes composited..

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The Cry of the Owl

The Cry of the Owl

Robert is magically attracted to Johanna. He observes and stalks her. Finally, the two get to know each other. But Johanna's relationship with Karl is not quite over.

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The Boy and the Owl

The Boy and the Owl

A young boy lives his life in a magical way, surrounded by the picturesque atmosphere of his village.

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Fiche pédagogique - La chouette hulotte

Fiche pédagogique - La chouette hulotte

Le premier épisode de la série "Fiche pédagogique" a tout d’un programme scolaire. Il donne à voir la chouette hulotte et son habitat tout en évoquant l’histoire culturelle de cet « oiseau de mauvais augure ».

Nataly Fish

When the Owl Flies

When the Owl Flies

After the novelette of the same name of M.Ibrahimbeyov. Tahir is twelwe. His parents are seperating and he is troubled by incident which impels his guestion the nature of relations between men and women.

Nataly Fish

The Boy Walked, the Owl Flew

The Boy Walked, the Owl Flew

How the boy Vasya and the owl Dusya went to look for the missing sun.

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An Owl, a Garden & the Writer

An Owl, a Garden & the Writer

Mahmoud Dowlatabadi est l’un des romanciers iraniens les plus prolifiques. Dans ce magnifique portrait poétique, réalisé avec grâce par sa fille cinéaste Sara Dolatabadi, il revient sur sa vie tout au long du 20e siècle mouvementé. L’espace d’un film, sa fille parvient à créer ses propres images d’un père plein d’idées brillant..

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