
La Prisonnière du Caucase ou les Nouvelles Aventures de Chourik

La Prisonnière du Caucase ou les Nouvelles Aventures de Chourik

Chourik, un anthropologue un peu naïf, se rend dans le Caucase afin de documenter les coutumes et traditions de la région. Il tombe amoureux de Nina, qui rend visite à son oncle. Cependant, son oncle la promet en mariage sans la mettre au courant. Il organise alors son enlèvement ; après un premier essai infructueux, il convainc Chourik de par..

Nataly Fish

The Kidnapping of Groom

The Kidnapping of Groom

Being unable to shoot a film about Azerbaijani wedding customs, hopeless director decide to make a film about real wedding event. Though the stubborn father of bride resists approval the plan.

Nataly Fish

The Kidnapping of a Wizard

The Kidnapping of a Wizard

Young graduate student Anna Ivankevich arrives in her native village, where she has not been for about 20 years. Here, in the rural silence of her aunt’s house, she is going to write her dissertation. Suddenly, two strange strangers unexpectedly appear in the house, whom Anna initially mistakes for thieves. They claim that the owner of this house..

Nataly Fish

The Kidnapping of Mr. Wang

The Kidnapping of Mr. Wang

Nataly Fish

The Palisade Street Kidnapping

The Palisade Street Kidnapping

Nataly Fish

Kidnapping of the sex symbol

Kidnapping of the sex symbol

Nataly Fish

The Kidnapping of a Wizard

The Kidnapping of a Wizard

A young post-graduate from Minsk Anna Mazurkevich comes to her native village, where she hasnt been for 12 years, to stay in her grannys house. Here, in peace and quiet, she is intended to write a thesis. But suddenly two strangers come and claim that yesterday in Minsk the houses owner let out to them for two weeks, and to convince her they switch..

Nataly Fish

The Kidnapping (Old Man Yang)

The Kidnapping (Old Man Yang)

Old man Yang is about to move away from the Beijing Hutong that he lived in for years, but he cannot help reminiscing about the old times. Until one day, he gets a mysterious Prize Drawing...

Nataly Fish

The Double Kidnapping of Sigifredo López

The Double Kidnapping of Sigifredo López

The documentary “The Double Kidnapping of Sigifredo Lopez” tells the shocking story of the 12 deputies from Valle del Cauca who were kidnapped by the FARC-EP in 2002, and the only person who survived: Sigifredo Lopez. After being held captive, Lopez was released, but he became embroiled in a political controversy over his alleged involvement in..

Nataly Fish

Preventing the kidnapping of elementary school student Yumi

Preventing the kidnapping of elementary school student Yumi

This is an educational anime short produced to be shown in schools and designed to prevent child abduction. It follows a young girl named Yumi who dreams about a video game she is playing which teaches her what to do if a strange man tries to force her into a car.

Nataly Fish

Junichi Yaoi's UFO On-site Coverage Vol.2: A Series of Kidnappings by Aliens. Uncovering the Truth behind Human Experiments!


Jaime, Marta et leur fille, Isabel, se préparent à fêter leur emménagement dans leur nouvelle villa quand brutalement, trois hommes cagoulés font irruption... En une nuit, leur vie va basculer.

Nataly Fish

Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai

Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai

Tarui Shotaro est un homme ordinaire qui rêvait de devenir un héros lorsqu'il était enfant, mais qui se débrouille maintenant comme travailleur à temps partiel. Un jour, la fille d'un chef yakuza lui demande d'organiser un faux enlèvement.

Nataly Fish



Crime drama based on true incidents around a Kidnapping - and murder case ,also taking much time describing the psychological moments which propel the criminals. It's strictly focused on them, the law representatives are mostly faceless and out of the plot. Lo Lieh plays a moneyless guy working on a gas station, it's owner is a thorn in his flesh, ..

Nataly Fish

Kidnapping Mr. Heineken

Kidnapping Mr. Heineken

L’histoire vraie de l’enlèvement de Henry « Freddy » Heineken, le petit-fils du fondateur de la marque de bière. En 1983, le baron de la boisson au célèbre packaging vert est kidnappé avec son chauffeur Ab Doderer par cinq malfrats. L’affaire se soldera par une demande de rançon de 35 millions de florins, soit la plus importante s..

Nataly Fish

Colère noire

Colère noire

Deux enfants d'une dizaine d'années sont enlevés à l'entrée d'une école. L'un est le fils d'un riche industriel, l'autre d'un mécanicien sans le sou. Une importante rançon est bientôt exigée, mais l'industriel refuse de payer...

Nataly Fish

Le cauchemar d'une adolescente

Le cauchemar d'une adolescente

Grace Somerville, 19 ans, rêve de devenir mannequin. Malgré les inquiétudes de sa mère et son petit ami, Matt, elle souhaite poursuivre dans cette voie plutôt que d'aller à l'université. Elle décide de partir seule pour Miami car elle a décroché un contrat avec un photographe, Hunter Kelly. Malheureusement, Hunter est bien décidé à la ..

Nataly Fish

To Trap a Kidnapper

To Trap a Kidnapper

Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.

Nataly Fish

Junichi Yaoi's UFO On-site Coverage Vol.1: Horrible Sigma Project—Humans Kidnapped by Aliens

Junichi Yaoi's UFO On-site Coverage Vol.1: Horrible Sigma Project—Humans Kidnapped by Aliens

Horror Sigma Project, Humans Kidnapped by Aliens!! It's no longer a matter of not being there! !! World premiere! !! Super clear UFO live-action video and photos! !! Finally get the national top secret document!! A living ET in the US base! Real!

Nataly Fish

Renée Nyberg: The Kidnap of Ulrika Bidegård

Renée Nyberg: The Kidnap of Ulrika Bidegård

Journalist Renée Nyberg meets showjumper Ulrika Bidegård, who in 1993 was kidnapped and kept locked up for five days while the police launched an extensive search operation. Now she and her family are talking about the terrible days and life afterwards.

Nataly Fish

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