
The Drummer's Fate

The Drummer's Fate

A young boy is trying to find his family and fights enemies of the state.

Nataly Fish

The Drummer's Fate

The Drummer's Fate

A young boy is trying to find his family and fights enemies of the state.

Nataly Fish

The Drummer for the Red Cross

The Drummer for the Red Cross

Colourful orphanage life.

Nataly Fish

The Drummer

The Drummer

Niko is a promising young musician. He looks at life with hope and dreams of owning his own drum-set. When a charismatic drug dealer Kogo appears in Niko’s life, he finds himself in the middle of a drug distribution and corrupt police feud. There comes a moment for Niko when he begins to reassess his life.

Nataly Fish

Le batteur du Boléro

Le batteur du Boléro

Court-métrage dans lequel Jacques Villeret joue le rôle d'un percussionniste dans un orchestre symphonique interprétant un long extrait du Boléro de Maurice Ravel.

Nataly Fish

Siggi Valli, the drummer

Siggi Valli, the drummer

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Nataly Fish

Tambour battant

Tambour battant

La rivalité existant entre Albert Gambier, chef de la fanfare municipale et la formation de jazz, animée par Jacques Hélian, provoque bien des aventures comiques dans cette petite ville de province. Tout se terminera en chansons, grâce à l'amour unissant Jimmy, le compositeur de la formation et Nicole, la fille de Gambier.

Nataly Fish

Tambours sur la digue

Tambours sur la digue

Based on the play by Hélène Cixous, filmed in 2002, Tambours sur la Digue is a story written by Hélène Cixous based on an ancient Asian fable about who shall be saved during a flood and presented by live actors as puppets and puppeteers, evoking the theatrical traditions of Japanese Noh and bunraku.

Nataly Fish

Drummer from the Hus Yan Mountains

Drummer from the Hus Yan Mountains

A talented young tambourine player joins an ensemble in the capital of a West China province.

Nataly Fish

Le Crabe-Tambour

Le Crabe-Tambour

Le « Jauréguiberry », un navire d'assistance de la Marine nationale, effectue sa dernière sortie dans l'Atlantique nord sous la direction de son commandant, un homme malade qui se sait condamné par un cancer. À son bord, Pierre, le médecin, le soulage comme il peut. Parfois, le commandant l'invite à déjeuner dans sa cabine. C'est là qu'il..

Nataly Fish

Ex Drummer

Ex Drummer

Trois types handicapés, formant un groupe rock sans batteur, sont à la recherche d'un batteur, de gloire et de succès. Ils proposent à Dries, un écrivain renommé, de rejoindre leur groupe. Dries accepte avec plaisir et décide que son handicap sera qu'il ne sait pas jouer de la batterie. Tel un dieu ultime mais en même temps diabolique, il d..

Nataly Fish

Man Who Causes a Storm

Man Who Causes a Storm

Shoichi Kokubun (Yujiro Ishihara) is a roughneck street musician, who has a brother that is determined to propel him into stardom. In attempt to catch the attention of a popular jazz band, his brother appeals to their manager who has the power to make him a star. In a graphic portrayal of love, betrayal and success, Shoichi brews up a storm with a ..

Nataly Fish

King Drummer

King Drummer

Ling Yun plays the replacement hired for a popular band whose egotistic drummer quit to join a rival group. When the new arrival becomes a hit, he earns the jealous wrath of the predecessor. Meanwhile, the young drummer's mother is fervently against his music career. With the gorgeous Lily Ho as the manageress of the band and some terrific drumming..

Nataly Fish

Bob Dylan Never Ending Tour Diaries: Drummer Winston Watson's Incredible Journey

Bob Dylan Never Ending Tour Diaries: Drummer Winston Watson's Incredible Journey

Drummer Winston Watson performed 400 shows with Bob Dylan over five years, traveling the world 10 times over. Watson energized Dylan fans and Bob Dylan himself with his joyful and dynamic drumming style, as he helped launch Dylan's "Never Ending Tour" in 1992 that continues to this day. Winston Watson chronicled his incredible 5-year journey with B..

Nataly Fish



A Japanese drummer comes to Beijing for a performance where he finds himself lacking inspiration, until he meets Fushun, the bathhouse master.

Nataly Fish



25-year-old Sara Mouritzen dreams of a carriere as a drummer on the big stages and fights deeply with the admission to the Musical Conservatory of Jutland. She finds it difficult to have confidence in order to be accepted in a world, where men, beers and attitude dominates. As the entrance examination moves closer, Sarah struggles with self-esteem..

Nataly Fish

To chase down a Drummer

To chase down a Drummer

Nearing completion on a brand new documentary, the last interview turns out to be harder to obtain than expected, as the subject suddenly withdraws from the project. Left alone, the crew has to find a way to get that interview – at all costs.

Nataly Fish

Kodo: Live at the Acropolis

Kodo: Live at the Acropolis

Live action documentary footage of a concert by the Kodo drummers of Japan at the Acropolis, Greece, in 1995, with commentary by members of the drum group concerning the concert and the drum troupe

Nataly Fish

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