
Camarades gangsters, levez-vous !

Camarades gangsters, levez-vous !

Déconstruction du casse de la banque de Roumanie perpétré en 1959 par des gangsters à qui l'État ordonnera ensuite de rejouer leurs rôles dans une reconstitution filmée.

Nataly Fish

The Communist

The Communist

The “Film about the Father” is a difficult genre. Andreas Goldstein, son of the GDR cultural functionary Klaus Gysi (1912–1999) has tackled this task with a complete lack of vanity, but with insistence: measured and calm, honest and intellectual, analytical and personal. He uncovers a mosaic that renounces both the teleologies of the self-sty..

Nataly Fish

I'm an Old Communist Hag

I'm an Old Communist Hag

The film tells the story of a generation that cannot adapt to the reality post-revolution. Nostalgic Emilia tries to keep alive the golden age.

Nataly Fish

The First People's City Found By The Chinese Communist Party

The First People's City Found By The Chinese Communist Party

With the continuous advancement of artillery fire in 1947, Yangquan was liberated, and the Chinese Communist Party established its own city in ruins, becoming the first people's city created by the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. The whole film takes the construction of the city as the main line, with the elimination of enemy agents and ..

Nataly Fish

Community Gardens

Community Gardens

Sous le soleil d’été, dans un jardin en Lituanie, l’histoire d’un père et d’un fils indifférents l’un à l’autre. Leur relation finit par se désagréger complètement, sonnant le glas de la masculinité toxique.

Nataly Fish

Community on the Beat

Community on the Beat

A policeman helps people fix their lives and contribute to society, including a teenage criminal, a mentally challenged opera lover and an ex-thief.

Nataly Fish

Congrès de Tours. 1920 : La Naissance des deux gauches

Congrès de Tours. 1920 : La Naissance des deux gauches

Le 29 décembre 2020 a marqué le centenaire du congrès de Tours qui a vu la scission de la SFIO et la naissance du Parti communiste. Un congrès dont les débats ont remis en cause le sens même du socialisme et de la gauche. Une scission dont les conséquences se font encore entendre aujourd’hui.

Nataly Fish

Bad Communication

Bad Communication

Nataly Fish



Mars 2020, une mystérieuse pandémie est déclarée dans le monde. Dans une ville confinée, Kais et Sarra, jeune couple avec leur chat Baghera, tentent de s'adapter à cette nouvelle vie marquée par le couvre-feu, les pénuries et l'incertitude. Quelque chose change en Kais, il devient de plus en plus étrange…

Nataly Fish

We've Been Communing for Years

We've Been Communing for Years

It all started when Astrid was going to move to Gothenburg. A first-hand lease in an apartment district turns into a hub for 13 years of life. Many people have lived and slept here. Love has bloomed and life has been changed.

Nataly Fish

Under Suspicion of Being A Communist

Under Suspicion of Being A Communist

“If I don’t walk, I don’t make any money”. This affirmation made by Leonel Badilla gives us a view of his daily routine in which he walks the Ñunoa neighborhood every day asking for money in order to pay for his daily bread and sleeping arrangements. He must be sure to earn this money by the end of every day or run the risk of staying out ..

Nataly Fish



In difficult moments of life, the community saves, and when it has saved, it begins to weigh down. This is what happens to the family of our heroes – Eugeny and Elena.

Nataly Fish

Ancient City Community Police

Ancient City Community Police

Nataly Fish

You Made Me a Communist

You Made Me a Communist

Paramu, a farmer, lives with his wife and two kids in a small village. He struggles to earn money for his family. Things take a turn when his son exposes the wrongdoings of Nair, a cruel landlord.

Nataly Fish

Community: Rehearsal

Community: Rehearsal

“Stu” theatre rehearses “The Patients”, a play based on Mikhail Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita”.

Nataly Fish

Communist Pacha Adhava Appa

Communist Pacha Adhava Appa

Nataly Fish

The Community

The Community

A Comunidade is a short documentary focused on CCL, the oldest camping park in Portugal.

Nataly Fish

The Communion of My Cousin Andrea

The Communion of My Cousin Andrea

Andrea’s communion takes place in a small Galician church, according to ancient traditions. Fortunately, with her filmmaker cousin and the help of some technical tools, the little girl takes matters into her own hands.

Nataly Fish

The Last Communists

The Last Communists

The film is about the Norwegain Communist Party in Oslo. It portrays the last standing true believers and raises questions like; What makes them tick? Why do they still fight for the Utopian - some would say dystopian - ideas of Lenin and Mao? In short, how is it at all possible to be a Norwegian communist today?

Nataly Fish

Incheon Waltz, The Community Musical

Incheon Waltz, The Community Musical

Have you ever gone on a trip anywhere? In-Ah has taken a flight everyday but she hasn’t been on a journey. Kang-Il has works for the airport but he’s never gotten on a plane.One day, In-Ah has something stolen and Kang-Il chases after the thief. Later, they meet a mysterious old woman. The old woman doesn’t know anything about them. It is th..

Nataly Fish

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