
Son of Sofia

Son of Sofia

Athènes, 2004, Jeux olympiques d’été. Misha, 11 ans, quitte la Russie pour rejoindre sa mère, Sofia, et vivre avec elle. Mais il ne se doute pas qu’un père l’attend à l’arrivée. La Grèce nage en plein rêve olympique alors que Misha est lui violemment propulsé dans le monde des adultes. Les aspects les plus sombres de ses..

Nataly Fish

Finding Sofia

Finding Sofia

A conflicted animation filmmaker travels to Argentina chasing after a girl he met online, only to end up living with her and her intimidating boyfriend on an isolated island on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

Nataly Fish

Sofía Volverá

Sofía Volverá

Nataly Fish

About Sofía

About Sofía

A 12 year-old girl remembers a bedtime story her father told her.

Nataly Fish

Taxi Sofia

Taxi Sofia

Lors d’un rendez-vous avec son banquier, un petit entrepreneur qui travaille comme chauffeur de taxi pour arrondir ses fins de mois découvre que le montant du pot de vin qu’il doit verser pour obtenir son prêt a doublé. Désemparé, l’homme tue le banquier et se suicide. Le drame suscite un débat national à la radio au sujet du désespoi..

Nataly Fish

Portraits of Sofía

Portraits of Sofía

Portraits made in 2020 and 2021.

Nataly Fish

La abuela Sofía

La abuela Sofía

Ofelia, the daughter of a bloody Mexican hit man, wishes to learn the arts of magic. In her dreams a woman speaks to her: The Witch Of Infinite Colors. She wants to be his teacher but a monster will stop her.

Nataly Fish

Shadows of Sofia

Shadows of Sofia

Filmmaker Kevin Booth travels to Bulgaria where a clandestine meeting with an Oligarchs' notorious banker reveals all, transforming the story into a political adventure - an entire country controlled by a shadowy mafia boss linked to the KGB.

Nataly Fish

I, sofia

I, sofia

On Christmas Eve, Sofia has to leave the house where she lives because her cousin Maria asks her to before the arrival of her husband. Sofia has to decide whether to give into the judgement of others or to go and find herself.

Nataly Fish

Sofía cumple 100 años

Sofía cumple 100 años

Nataly Fish

La Traviata, par Sofia Coppola & Valentino

La Traviata, par Sofia Coppola & Valentino

Au printemps 2016, la cinéaste Sofia Coppola dévoilait sa première mise en scène lyrique à l'Opéra de Rome : une Traviata sur son trente et un, avec des costumes conçus par la maison de couture Valentino. Après la diffusion du spectacle dirigé par le jeune chef Jader Bignamini, retour sur sa genèse en compagnie de Sofia Coppola et du cout..

Nataly Fish

Sophie's Wisdom

Sophie's Wisdom

Sofía tries to decide which is the most important virtue of all, while Faith, Justice and Charity try to gain her attention.

Nataly Fish

Sofia Foi

Sofia Foi

Sofia was forced to leave her home and is now homeless. The young woman spends her days wandering the alleys of the University of São Paulo campus, where she offers her services as a tattoo artist. One ethereal night, her wanderings mingle with memories of an unfulfilled love. Wrapped in a dark, melancholy atmosphere, the film contemplates the fra..

Nataly Fish

La Dernière Ambulance de Sofia

La Dernière Ambulance de Sofia

Dans une ville qui ne possède que 13 ambulances pour deux millions d’habitants, Krassi, Mila et Plamen sont nos héros improbables : gros fumeurs, bourrés d’humour et sans cesse en train de sauver la vie d’autrui, malgré le grand nombre d’obstacles. Cependant, le système brisé les met à rude épreuve. Combien de temps vont-ils encore ..

Nataly Fish

Sofia Areal: An Anti-Pain Office

Sofia Areal: An Anti-Pain Office

The painter Sofia Areal is a singular case in the portuguese arts. Her paintings are expansive, open, solar, vital and affirmative. The documentary starts in 2011, with the artist being filmed during several ocasions.

Nataly Fish

Sofía Niño de Rivera Expuesta

Sofía Niño de Rivera Expuesta

Nataly Fish

Sofía Niño de Rivera: Lo Volvería a Hacer

Sofía Niño de Rivera: Lo Volvería a Hacer

Stand-up comedy special

Nataly Fish

Princess Sofia: The Secret Bookstore
Lola Y Sofía, las reinas del Tiktok

Lola Y Sofía, las reinas del Tiktok

More than 13 million followers on Tik Tok and almost four million on Instagram. The sisters Lola and Sofía Moreno have become one of the most important content creators in Spain. Their videos on social networks accumulate thousands of views and the most important fashion or beauty firms want to count them among their ambassadors.

Nataly Fish

Violeta & Sofia

Violeta & Sofia

Three different continents meet when two women find comfort in each other through the memory of their grandmothers’ dishes. They find themselves joined by the simple gesture of cooking, while contemplating the different migrant generations they're part of.

Nataly Fish

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