
Danses macabres, squelettes et autres fantaisies

Danses macabres, squelettes et autres fantaisies

Et si les danses macabres, au-delà de leur folklore grimaçant, mettaient en scène la mise à mort du Moyen Âge et l’invention, en plein XVe siècle, de l’Europe moderne ? C’est l’hypothèse de l’écrivain Jean Louis Schefer. Une enquête sous forme de conversation et de promenade, entre Paris et le Portugal, avec deux réalisateurs, R..

Nataly Fish

Detective Dee and Skeleton General

Detective Dee and Skeleton General

A series of murdering arose in SuZhou village, and the civilians only could see the white skeleton soldiers left at the scenes. Di, RenJie is the most well-known detective during that time, so he gets into the investigations digging out the truth for justice.

Nataly Fish

Des secrets dans le placard

Des secrets dans le placard

À l’occasion de leur anniversaire de mariage, Manuel va passer quelques jours chez ses parents afin de célébrer l'événement. Mais le véritable motif de cette visite est que Manuel a besoin d'argent pour déménager au Danemark avec son petit ami. Mais rien n’est gagné d’avance : la dernière fois qu'il a vu sa famille, au moment des f�..

Nataly Fish

Le squelette joyeux

Le squelette joyeux

Un squelette danse, s'effondrant de temps en temps en un tas d'os et se reconstituant rapidement.

Nataly Fish

Great Grandpa’s Skeleton

Great Grandpa’s Skeleton

Amidst the grand ceremony to honor ancestors and relocate Great Grandpa’s bones, mayhem erupts as his skeleton mysteriously vanishes. With the entire family gathered for the ceremony, they embark on a hilarious quest led by Grandma to recover the vanished bones.

Nataly Fish

Skeleton Flowers

Skeleton Flowers

High school student, Yo, lived with her father, Nao, after her mother, Sachiyo, left the family when she was very young. However, their life together came to an end and they started a new life as a family of four with her father's second marriage partner, Miko, and her stepdaughter, four-year-old Hinata. She confides in Riku, who belongs to the sam..

Nataly Fish

La femme-squelette

La femme-squelette

Tired and bored by her graceless daily life, a young housewife mourns her lost American lover and dreams of a better life, elsewhere. Inside her, the skeleton woman, hidden into the dark, is waiting to be saved.

Nataly Fish

The Skeleton Ghost

The Skeleton Ghost

Chaos is unleashed in several villages by an old demonic witch who rises from the dead. In a creepy hut filled with kemenyan incense smoke, an old witch is performing a ritual with a skull on a pedestal. The skull then transforms into a talking head that laughs often! “Aku tidak mahu mati! (I don’t want to die)” she cackles, and the head gra..

Nataly Fish

The Hunter and the Skeleton

The Hunter and the Skeleton

A colourful version of an Eastern Tibetan folk tale in a wonderful combination of flash with thangka (traditional Tibetan paintings with embroidery) and a score that combines native Tibetan music with modern influences. A hunter on his way up into the mountains meets a fearsome skeleton monster: are they friends or enemies?

Nataly Fish

Skeleton in the Boy's Arms

Skeleton in the Boy's Arms

Experimental work by Isao Yamada (Color, 8mm).

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Skeleton in the Closet

Skeleton in the Closet

A skeleton comes out of the cupboard and takes over his host's life.

Nataly Fish



For Sarah, her past has become a blur but she can’t shake the feeling that something horrible is locked away in her memories. Drawn back to her childhood home by a strange force, Sarah pieces together her past to unveil the truth behind the fate of her younger sister.

Nataly Fish

The Unbelievable 3: The Skeleton Road

The Unbelievable 3: The Skeleton Road

Master Szeto is back and, with his mostly fearless crew in tow, he traipses across Asia in search of the supernatural. What he finds will either amuse or insult you, or perhaps both. But will it entertain you? That indeed is a mystery for us all. To find out how this reviewer fared, read on…if you dare.

Nataly Fish

Talking Skeleton

Talking Skeleton

Serialized in Aliwan Komiks.

Nataly Fish

Come On Murderer: The Pink Skeleton
Charlie the Cancelled Skeleton

Charlie the Cancelled Skeleton

Angry about a film firing him as the lead actor for not allowing him to work from home, one man plots out for revenge on the film, successfully running a cancellation petition to get the film pulled and cancelled. Unbeknownst to him, however, is the film he cancelled might just be out to cancel him in return.

Nataly Fish

Interview with the Skeleton

Interview with the Skeleton

No overview found.

Nataly Fish

Les Secrets Derrière Le Mur

Les Secrets Derrière Le Mur

Dans les années 60, un étudiant introverti épie ses voisins à l'aide d'une longue-vue depuis son appartement.

Nataly Fish

Regarding Eloise

Regarding Eloise

Eloise lives alone, shutting others out of her life, committed to her art. The film follows her internal rationale as she is forced to address a haunting secret hidden away in the depths of her home.

Nataly Fish

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