
A shelter among the clouds

A shelter among the clouds

Quand Besnik remarque une fissure dans le plâtre du mur de la mosquée et se met à gratter, il se rend compte qu'il y a quelque chose en dessous. Presque immédiatement, deux dames d'un institut de restauration des monuments viennent inspecter la fissure. Le mullah proteste en disant qu'elles n'ont pas le droit d'entrer parce que leurs têtes ne ..

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Shangku Shelter

Shangku Shelter

Le Zanskar est un royaume isolé du nord-ouest de l'Himalaya indien, où la population locale est enneigée six mois par an. Environ 10 000 Zanskaris vivent dans la vallée isolée. En hiver, les cols de montagne sont bloqués, la route de Jeep d'été ferme et les bus s'arrêtent. Il y a deux décennies, trois amis ont fondé une école de ski - p..

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Following on from Shelter (1981), the setting is again an air-raid shelter. Close-up images of trees are dissected and reformed abstractly. The film culminates with images of elderly survivors of the war in another example of Aihara’s unique blending of documentary storytelling with abstract illustration.

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Occupés à zapper face à leur télévision, à préparer des conserves ou à discuter politique, les parents de Rado, jeune ado de douze ans, n’ont pas vu leur fils grandir. Le père, entraîneur de water-polo, pense qu'il a été et est toujours un bon père. Aussi, il ne comprend pas que son fils se mette à traîner avec les punks du quartie..

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Blindage. Mortar Shell's in the Yard


The elevator at a nursing home is the perfect place for a dancer to explore the limits of his body, memory, and the flow of time. Imprisoned by four walls, he is forced to face the helplessness of his own weakening body. Starring Pina Bausch’s long-time soloist Jan Minařík, one of the most important Czech dancers of the twentieth century.

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Auður tries to get acclimated to the life on a small island, away from the stress of a modern community.

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Girl with Shells

Girl with Shells

Thirteen-year-old Vendula dozes off at school and dreams about her parents riding in a carriage dressed in their wedding clothes. The young teacher is angry with the girl who has already failed a year, and has no idea that she is looking after three younger half-brothers. They all have a different father and their mother comes home noisy and drunk ..

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Margot enjoys life pleasures: eating, drinking, smoking, dressing in nice clothes. However, when her proposal for an advertising campaign is rejected, she becomes aware of how lonely she feels. Then Anna stands at her door. Anna was sent by the health insurance to make Margot lose weight. Every evening Anna prepares a healthy, light dinner for Marg..

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Shells Have Never Spoken

Shells Have Never Spoken

Shells Have Never Spoken is a black and white documentary film made in 1962 by Sergiu Nicolaescu. It is the first Romanian underwater film.

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Shell of Men

Shell of Men

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Shell Shock

Shell Shock

Two shell-shocked veterans struggle to overcome their pain.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 The Last Human

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 The Last Human

A compilation film, recapping the Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Season 2 series.

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L'Arbre aux papillons d'or

L'Arbre aux papillons d'or

Après la mort de sa belle-sœur dans un accident de moto à Saigon, Thien se voit confier la tâche de ramener son corps dans leur village natal. Il y emmène également son neveu Dao (5 ans), qui a miraculeusement survécu à l'accident. Au milieu des paysages mystiques de la campagne vietnamienne, Thien part à la recherche de son frère aîné,..

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Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn

Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn

In an age when large-scale natural disasters frequently happen all over the world, when cyborgs and autonomous robots are beginning to appear on the market in technologically advanced nations, and major world powers compete for technology and resources, the divide between rich and poor grows and the future for the poor looks bleak. In this transiti..

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Az travaille chez un ostréiculteur à Sète. Les huîtres il connaît ça par cœur, il les ouvre par centaines. Dans l’une d’elle, Az décide de cacher une bague, pour demander sa petite amie Jess en mariage. Elle ne dit pas oui. Heureusement, sa bande d’amis est prête à tout pour l’aider à sortir la tête de l’eau.

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Marked Ama: Stirred-Up Shell

Marked Ama: Stirred-Up Shell

A couple arrive by boat to a small fishing village where women dive for seafood. He is returning from a trip and he brings his latest girlfriend, a former hostess, with him. This causes jealousy with a local diver, a woman he had relationship with before he left. Meanwhile the other female divers find ways to satisfy themselves after a hard days wo..

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A Turtle's Shell is a Human's Ribs

A Turtle's Shell is a Human's Ribs

Based on Satoshi Kawasaki's encyclopedia which illustrates what it would be like if the human body acquired the bodily mechanics of various animals.

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Horny Diver: Tight Shellfish

Horny Diver: Tight Shellfish

A small fishing village becomes the target of Mr. Matsunaga, a ruthless real estate developer who wants to turn the quaint area into a lucrative tourist attraction. Hiring a young, horny man named Junpei to bed the local ladies in an attempt to persuade them all to sign deals for their land, the lovely diving girls of the area succumb to his sexua..

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Bawdy Tales of Edo: Octopus & Sea Shell

Bawdy Tales of Edo: Octopus & Sea Shell

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