
James Brown - The Night James Brown Saved Boston

James Brown - The Night James Brown Saved Boston

On April 5, 1968, soul legend James Brown performed a concert in Boston that many say shielded that city from the kinds of devastating riots that ripped other cities apart after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Nataly Fish

Saved by the Belle

Saved by the Belle

The stooges are traveling salesmen stranded in Valeska, a tropical country prone to earthquakes. Having no luck selling fur coats to the natives they are arrested when they receive a telegram instructing them to "get rid of present wardrobe" and an official thinks they are planning to assassinate president Ward Robey. With the help of Rita, a beaut..

Nataly Fish

L'Homme qui sauva la fête de Noël

L'Homme qui sauva la fête de Noël

Au début des années 1910, Alfred Carlton Gilbert possède une usine de jouets où il invente et fabrique un kit de construction pour enfants (Erector Set). Pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale, les hauts fonctionnaires de la Maison Blanche lui demandent de convertir l'usine de jouets en une entreprise de fabrication d'armes pendant la durée de l..

Nataly Fish

Le chien qui a sauvé l'été

Le chien qui a sauvé l'été

Belinda débute une carrière dans l'événementiel. Lors d'une fête, l'arrivée inopinée de sa rivale Marilyn, accompagnée de son insupportable roquet, entraîne la chute du gâteau, des cadeaux et d'une partie des invités dans le bassin. La faute étant rejetée sur son chien, Zeus, Belinda décide de lui faire suivre un stage de dressage dan..

Nataly Fish

Astérix & Obélix : Au service de Sa Majesté

Astérix & Obélix : Au service de Sa Majesté

50 avant Jésus Christ. César a soif de conquêtes. À la tête de ses glorieuses légions il décide d'envahir cette île située aux limites du monde connu, ce pays mystérieux appelé Britania, la Bretagne. La victoire est rapide et totale. Enfin… presque. Un petit village breton parvient à lui résister, mais ses forces faiblissent. Cordeli..

Nataly Fish

Saved from Himself

Saved from Himself

Joseph Graybill, learning that his friends have been making a lot of money in the stock market, takes a flyer himself. However, when a drop in the shares he has bought wipes him out, he breaks into his employer's safe for money to pay for a margin call. Will the thought of his grey-haired mother and the importunities of his co-worker Mabel Normand ..

Nataly Fish

Saved By Jane

Saved By Jane

This beautifully moving short story shares an insight into Jane’s commitment, compassion and love for rescuing animals that most of our society considers food. Showing them the same respect as our companion animals, Jane has created a forever home for over 130 farm animals. An award-winning, debut short film from filmmaker Damian Sciberras, fea..

Nataly Fish

Everything Not Saved

Everything Not Saved

What do we remember and why? Three actors audition to play Rasputin in a music video, only to realise they know nothing about him because they're bad at sorting fact from fiction, joke from song lyric, and history from Don Bluth cartoon.

Nataly Fish

Santa Gets Saved

Santa Gets Saved

One week before Christmas, Mrs. Claus catches Santa cheating and leaves him. To ease the pain, Santa turns to drugs. Join Rudolph in an adventure to get Santa clean and save Christmas for millions of children worldwide through the love of Jesus Christ.

Nataly Fish

Saved by Deportation

Saved by Deportation

In 1940, Joseph Stalin ordered the deportation of 200,000 Polish Jews from Russian-occupied Eastern Poland to forced labor settlements in the Soviet interior. This cruel action ended up saving Jews from the Holocaust. Seven deportees share their story.

Nataly Fish

Saved by Faith

Saved by Faith

An inspirational faith-based documentary telling real stories of life and death situations where divine providence miraculously saved a life.

Nataly Fish

Saved by Wireless

Saved by Wireless

Swain and Conklin, two international secret service men of questionable reputation, have taken up headquarters in an underground refuge from which they direct their operations. They are engaged in an effort to steal a valuable code book from Prime Minister Cogley.

Nataly Fish

Saved By Love

Saved By Love

A renowned criminal who has been committing crime from a young age after being put to work on the streets by his wicked uncle unearths shocking secrets from his family’s past when he attempts to change his ways. Starring Daniel K. Daniel, Destiny Etiko, Odinaka Mbadiugha, Ifeanyi Azodo, Chika Anyanwu and Obi Okoli.

Nataly Fish

Seven Were Saved

Seven Were Saved

Une infirmière emmène une victime d'amnésie, emprisonnée par les Japonais pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, aux États-Unis dans un avion piloté par Richard Denning. Les passagers comprennent un colonel japonais en route pour Manille pour faire face à des accusations de crime de guerre, et un couple qui s'est marié le jour de leur libérat..

Nataly Fish

Saved by Language

Saved by Language

Can a language save your life? Yes it can, even an ancient one from the 15th century. Saved by Language tells the story of Moris Albahari, a Sephardic Jew from Sarajevo (born 1930), who spoke Ladino/Judeo-Spanish, his mother tongue, to survive the Holocaust. Moris used Ladino to communicate with an Italian Colonel who helped him escape to a Partiza..

Nataly Fish

Turkish Star Wars

Turkish Star Wars

Dans le futur, l’Homme est parti à la conquête de l’espace, et colonise d’autres planètes. L’humanité vit paisiblement et possède une technologie très avancée. Mais de méchants hommes souhaitent utiliser ces technologies pour devenir immortels. S’opposent alors les membres de l’Empire Tyrannique (qui veulent être immortels) et ..

Nataly Fish

Saved by the Party-State

Saved by the Party-State

Juxtaposing two films made during different periods of major political, economic and social upheaval in China, Maja Korbecka complicates dominant narratives of women’s liberation, displaying ways in which female characters can be made to serve as a mouthpiece for power.

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Saved Ben-Hur

The Man Who Saved Ben-Hur

The Man Who Saved Ben-Hur explores the filmmakers relationship with his 89-year old second cousin, Johnny Alarimo, at the end of his life. A charismatic loner, Johnny spent a dazzling career behind the scenes in show business without never forming any lasting relationships. Destine to die that way, the film is a subtle dance between a subject who w..

Nataly Fish

Saved from a Life of Crime

Saved from a Life of Crime

Becoming imbued with a lawless spirit, Tom, a street waif of twelve, holds up an old woman with a toy pistol, robs her of a dollar and gets away. Exhibiting the money to some of his companions, the boy proceeds to give them all an ice cream treat. The feast is interrupted by the police, who nab Tom.

Nataly Fish

The Boy Who Saved Christmas

The Boy Who Saved Christmas

Santa's evil twin kidnaps Santa, planning on reversing Christmas forever, not counting on the courage of a boy and his friends who embark on an adventure to rescue Santa.

Nataly Fish

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