
Spectrum Restoration

Spectrum Restoration

More than 30% of Brazil's Pantanal biome was affected by fires between the years 2018 and 2021 due to unscrupulous agribusiness. Felippe Mussel's experimental film consists of a sound spectrogram of these fires, from which a fragment of the Ecuadorian constitution gradually emerges, granting nature the same rights as humans.

Nataly Fish



A drama about a family's effort to save their antique restoration business.

Nataly Fish

Restoring Three Maidens

Restoring Three Maidens

This short documentary piece consists of experiential statements from people involved in the process of restoring the Indonesian 1956 classic film "Tiga Dara" by the famous Indonesian director Usmar Ismail, that's been conducted throughout the year 2015-2016. This collaborating group of Indonesian and Italian tried to assemble and restore frame by ..

Nataly Fish

Defeat of the German Forces Near Moscow: The Restored Soviet WW2 Documentary

Defeat of the German Forces Near Moscow: The Restored Soviet WW2 Documentary

Soviet wartime cameramen accompanied the fighting troops of the Red Army on foot, aboard their tanks, and in their aircraft to film this epochal documentary of the Battle of Moscow that halted the vaunted and---until then, unstoppable---German war machine cold in its tracks.

Nataly Fish

La Huella. The Story of a Beach Bar/Resto

La Huella. The Story of a Beach Bar/Resto

Twenty years ago, three friends in the flower of their youth met to take up a challenge: to build on the beach of a small Uruguayan village a beach restaurant like the ones that used to exist in the 50s. Pure simplicity and honesty. A wood and straw ranch on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, where tales of Argentina, Uruguay, sea bass, silverside, ..

Nataly Fish

R 21 AKA Restoring Solidarity

R 21 AKA Restoring Solidarity

The growing struggle for Palestinian self-determination between 1960 and 1980 was supported by radical left-wing movements worldwide, also in Japan. This is illustrated by a collection of 16mm films by militant filmmakers from various countries, which were dubbed and screened in Japan. Their Japanese audiences felt oppressed by the US after World W..

Nataly Fish

De l'amour et des restes humains

De l'amour et des restes humains

Dans les années 1990, dans une ville canadienne, des jeunes gens dans la vingtaine cherchent amour et sens à leur vie. Un serveur gay, David, qui n’arrive pas à concrétiser son métier d’acteur, et Candy, l’ex-amante de David, une critique littéraire, fréquentent les discothèques. D’une génération pour qui le sexe est banalisé, en..

Nataly Fish

Continent perdu

Continent perdu

Three directors collaborated on the Italian documentary Continente Perduto. The "lost continent" of the title is Asia, specifically Indonesia, here lovingly photographed in Ferraniacolor by Mario Craveri, Giannni Rafaldi and Franco Bernetti. Highlights include a Cantonese wedding aboard a floating junk, the annual wheat and rice harvest, the animal..

Nataly Fish

Film-Related Scrap Wood Projects

Film-Related Scrap Wood Projects

Model-making backgrounds to BILL, THE GALACTIC HERO and TOMBSTONE RASHOMON

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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