
Paula Abdul Cardio Dance

Paula Abdul Cardio Dance

Who said exercise has to be like work? This is a workout for people who want to have fun! Paula Abdul brings you the best of her own unique style in this dance-packed cardio workout, followed by lower body toning and adancer's stretch. Count on it, you'll break a sweat, AND, you'll get in shape.

Nataly Fish

Paula & Jeff

Paula & Jeff

Paula is unemployed and uncertain of her future. Her best friend Jeff is heart broken and unable to move on from his most recent relationship. Together they embark on a road trip from Los Angeles to Paula's hometown of Seattle looking for answers.

Nataly Fish

L'Anniversaire de Paula

L'Anniversaire de Paula

Paula flees to Dunkirk to spend the end year celebrations. She is going to turn 50. She wanders around the city where she used to live, searching "men from her past".

Nataly Fish

Paula Toller - Projeto Inusitado
As Noites Diabólicas de Paula Clossidy

As Noites Diabólicas de Paula Clossidy

A doctor is invited to dinner at the home of her favorite writer, Paula Clossidy, however, the author turns out to be stranger than the stories she publishes. Based on a short story by R. F. Lucchetti.

Nataly Fish

Paulas letzter Wille

Paulas letzter Wille

Nataly Fish

The Life of Paula

The Life of Paula

The Life of Paula examines a day in the life of a working-class immigrant Latina with a taste for the finer things in life. After getting fired from her job, Paula goes from one awkward interaction into the other in a failed attempt to connect with the people in her life.

Nataly Fish

La eternidad de Paula

La eternidad de Paula

Nataly Fish

Modestas Paulauskas. Krepšinio švyturys
Paula Abdul: Under My Spell Live

Paula Abdul: Under My Spell Live

Broadcast recording of Paula Abdul's Under My Spell Tour.

Nataly Fish

Paula sans lui

Paula sans lui

Paula vit son premier grand chagrin d’amour. Ses deux amies d’enfance Maude et Lola décident de lui changer les idées le temps d’un week-end, dans les montagnes du Var.

Nataly Fish

Paula: A História de uma Subversiva
Confessionário - Relatos de Casa - Ana Paula
Et demain, Paula ?

Et demain, Paula ?

Jadis, Paula était une avocate brillante et respectée. Lorsqu'un de ses clients, un meurtrier qu'elle venait à peine de faire libérer, a froidement assassiné deux enfants, son univers de certitudes a volé en éclats. Aujourd'hui, dans l'anonymat de la rue, elle rumine son dégoût des autres et son rejet d'une réalité devenue abjecte. A tel..

Nataly Fish

El Quipu de Paula en Nueva York

El Quipu de Paula en Nueva York

Nataly Fish

Paula Fernandes: Encontros Pelo Caminho
Lilly Schönauer - Paulas Traum

Lilly Schönauer - Paulas Traum

Nataly Fish

Paula contra la mitad más uno

Paula contra la mitad más uno

Shortly before a match against River Plate, members of the Boca Juniors football team are kidnapped.

Nataly Fish

Silhouettes - Paula Machado

Silhouettes - Paula Machado

The way artists see their art, and how that makes them see the world.

Nataly Fish

The Heart of Paula

The Heart of Paula

When mining engineer Stephen Pachmann (Jack Livingstone) is sent to Mexico to investigate a mine, his wife Paula (Velma Lefler) is so miserable that her brother, Bruce McLean (Forrest Stanley) offers to go in his place. While south of the border, Bruce gets involved with an aristocratic Spanish girl, Paula Figueroa (Leonore Ulrich).

Nataly Fish

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