
Ron Carter: Finding the Right Notes

Ron Carter: Finding the Right Notes

The life and career of jazz musician Ron Carter, the most recorded bassist in history, featuring original concert footage and insights from jazz icons.

Nataly Fish

Anna Mariani - Photographic Notes

Anna Mariani - Photographic Notes

The paths that the artist traveled to create two essays that are landmarks of contemporary Brazilian photography.

Nataly Fish

Notes On Migration

Notes On Migration

After being disappeared by a fascist group in 1960, this film by the Master Jacinto Esteva about the emigration of Spanish workers in 1960 was recently found to the delight of documentary lovers.

Nataly Fish

13 notes en rouge

13 notes en rouge

Après une soirée bien arrosée, Charlotte se réveille au beau milieu de la nuit, entendant dans la pièce voisine sa colocataire se faire brutaliser par un assaillant inconnu... avant de se faire tuer de manière particulièrement violente. La brute serait à la recherche d'un objet précieux que les filles lui auraient volé dans sa propriét�..

Nataly Fish

Notes of Forms

Notes of Forms

How can the complex narrative of experience be understood as a coherent whole through the collection of states and thoughts? Since 2016, YR has dedicated itself to the ongoing exchange of its creative processes and focuses on the conscious abolition of any type of judgement. YR uses real life experiences and observations as its basic materials –..

Nataly Fish

how surely gravity’s law: notes and sketches

how surely gravity’s law: notes and sketches

Exhibition version of how surely gravity's law I

Nataly Fish

Wild Blue, Notes for Several Voices

Wild Blue, Notes for Several Voices

This experimental film examines the physical and emotional effect of violence as it is seen through the eyes of women around the world, ranging from a Irish mother explaining the use of "knee-capping" by the IRA to an Arabic woman describing how war and terrorism has impacted her country. Each woman who narrates uses her own native tongue, with nin..

Nataly Fish

Le miracle de Nairobi - Des notes d'espoir

Le miracle de Nairobi - Des notes d'espoir

Au Kenya, pour de nombreux jeunes, intégrer l’orchestre Ghetto Classics représente une porte de sortie, sur fond de violence, de drogue et de pauvreté. Une ode à l’espoir pleine d’émotion et de poésie. L’orchestre Ghetto Classics égaie au quotidien les rues de l’immense et dangereux bidonville de Korogocho, en périphérie de N..

Nataly Fish

Lettres de Dunblane : Retour sur une fusillade

Lettres de Dunblane : Retour sur une fusillade

À 16 ans d'intervalle, deux tragédies frappent des écoles. Le traumatisme rapproche deux prêtres, l'un à Dunblane, en Écosse, et l'autre à Newtown, dans le Connecticut.

Nataly Fish

Notes for the future

Notes for the future

After my grandmother’s death I begin to question our gender roles between her generation and mine. Reflections, voice notes and 8mm files of women from different times try to define what they were in their time and what we long for in ours.

Nataly Fish

Diaries, Notes, and Sketches

Diaries, Notes, and Sketches

An epic portrait of the New York avant-garde art scene of the 60s.

Nataly Fish

Notes for Jerome

Notes for Jerome

During the summer of 1966 Jonas Mekas spent two months in Cassis, as a guest of Jerome Hill. Mekas visited him briefly again in 1967, with P. Adams Sitney. The footage of this film comes from those two visits. Later, after Jerome died, Mekas visited his Cassis home in 1974. Footage of that visit constitutes the epilogue of the film. Other people ap..

Nataly Fish

Death Note : La comédie musicale

Death Note : La comédie musicale

Comédie musicale autour de la série death note.

Nataly Fish

Notes from Underground

Notes from Underground

Adapted from Dostoevsky's novella, Henry Czerny plays the narrator, Underground Man. Filled with self-hatred, he keeps a video diary where he discusses his own shortcomings and what he thinks is wrong in contemporary society. His bitterness spills over at a dinner party attended by his old college friends, an occasion which sends him running to a n..

Nataly Fish

Le Marchand de notes

Le Marchand de notes

Le marchand de notes Bicornu se fait enquiquiner par un troubadour nommé Niglo.

Nataly Fish

Une note salée

Une note salée

Porky Pig et Daffy Duck doivent une somme faramineuse au Broken Arms Hotel. Le gérant contrecarre leurs efforts pour s'échapper sans payer leur facture.

Nataly Fish

Take Your Own Notes

Take Your Own Notes

Take Your Own Notes features the stories of five women veterans who live in the greater Rockford, IL area. The documentary demonstrates how the five women make an impact in their families and local communities and connect with each other through their shared experiences in the United States military. Take Your Own Notes provides an outlet for women..

Nataly Fish

Wartime Notes

Wartime Notes

24 February 2022. In Ukraine, everyday life flows like any other day. The first bombings arrive, forcing many to leave the country, others to take up arms, almost everyone to face separations, fears, the absence of basic necessities and bereavement. The film is the director's journey, driven by the need to get to the emotional epicentre of this con..

Nataly Fish

Notes from a Women Salesman

Notes from a Women Salesman

Set in 1978 Milan, Bravo lives his life among luxury clubs and illegal gambling dens in the company of his friend Daytona. Bravo defines himself as an entrepreneur. His business is women - because he sells them. The life of a women salesman is not an easy one, though. The meeting with Carla and a night in the town will change his life forever. Brav..

Nataly Fish

1000 Rupee Note

1000 Rupee Note

Après avoir accepté un confortable pot-de-vin de la part d'un homme politique, une vieille dame décide d'aller faire du shopping, mais les choses ne se passent pas très bien.

Nataly Fish

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