


“Changing life” was the objective proclaimed by the politicians who came to power in France in 1981.
 It was this impetus that enabled the Ministry of Culture to provide the major creators of avant-garde music with the means to develop new ways of making and listening to music. Luc Ferrari seized this opportunity to create a collective struct..

Nataly Fish

Listening to Third Grandmother’s Stories

Listening to Third Grandmother’s Stories

Wen Hui's great aunt talks about her experiences during land reform under Mao .

Nataly Fish

Hope No One's Listening

Hope No One's Listening

16mm Kodak Reversal Film, 1973. Transferred to Video and digitised with Screenplay Graphics approx. in 2018

Nataly Fish

Cat Listening to Music

Cat Listening to Music

Chris Marker films a cat reacting to the sound of a piano playing.

Nataly Fish

Is Everybody Listening?

Is Everybody Listening?

A documentary about the 82% of US citizens that listen to the radio for their entertainment, news and sport.

Nataly Fish

Are You Listening Mother?

Are You Listening Mother?

A Kurdish woman is sentenced to six years of house arrest with an electronic ankle bracelet. The charge: supporting terrorist activities. From now on an invisible border runs through her garden in a Turkish village, which she repeatedly trespasses. Her older son is torn between obedience and rebellion. How far will he go to protect his mother from ..

Nataly Fish

Listening to the Voice of a Wind

Listening to the Voice of a Wind

An evocative trio of short stories following three women named Gina makes up Listening to the Voice of a Wind, a superbly made drama about hanging on to your dreams while trying to make it in a new land. Keeping the same fascinating themes while ricocheting around the country, the film expertly fuses the stories into one major artistic statement.

Nataly Fish

Talking & Listening

Talking & Listening

A film about talking, letting others know what you think, and listening, learning the things that others may have to say.

Nataly Fish

Dog Listening to Music

Dog Listening to Music

A dog listens to music

Nataly Fish

Still untitled - Way of Listening
Preemptive Listening (Part 1: The Fork in the Road)

Preemptive Listening (Part 1: The Fork in the Road)

A short 16mm film which serves as part 1 of a larger research project on sonic obedience and disobedience through the trope of the siren. It posits the siren's loud glissando wail as a conditioned and learned signal, one that can potentially be perceptually and musically rewired. For this first chapter of the project, Lebanese trumpet improviser Ma..

Nataly Fish

Listening to the Judge

Listening to the Judge

Edited down from a more than six-hour conversation between director Isabel Coixet and her subject, this documentary portrait gives controversial Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón free reign to discuss his highest-profile public actions.

Nataly Fish

Listening in the Dark

Listening in the Dark

Human beings are horribly blind to the effect that they have on the natural environment. Yet all around us those repercussions reverberate.

Nataly Fish

Listening to Rain

Listening to Rain

Listening to Rain is a coming of age story centered around two girls who are sexually assaulted during their senior year of high school. This unique films follows Haley and Emily as they attempt find themselves and recover from unimaginable trauma. Written by Stefanie Walesch and Joshua Good, this film is an insightful look into the adolescence exp..

Nataly Fish

Deaf Women Listening to Stockhausen, Pt. 1

Deaf Women Listening to Stockhausen, Pt. 1

3 projectors/screens, color, silent

Nataly Fish

Beyond Ultra Violence: Uneasy Listening by Merzbow

Beyond Ultra Violence: Uneasy Listening by Merzbow

Documentary about and with the Japanese electronic composer and artist Merzbow.

Nataly Fish

A Wayfarer's Journey: Listening to Mahler

A Wayfarer's Journey: Listening to Mahler

Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss lends his voice as the late-19th-century Austrian composer Gustav Mahler, who overcame a difficult childhood by using music as his therapy. Nearly 100 years later, renowned pianist Christoph Eschenbach reveals how Mahler's music helped heal the wounds of his own childhood trauma. The documentary explores the he..

Nataly Fish

You're Not Listening

You're Not Listening

A short film about Artists' Television Access.

Nataly Fish

The Wake Up Call: Anybody Listening?

The Wake Up Call: Anybody Listening?

Steeped in spiritual history and sprinkled with ancient sacred sites, Wiltshire England is host to exquisite historic Stone Circles and numerous fresh Crop Circles every summer. This area is laced with ley lines and the people who have honored them for thousands of years.

Nataly Fish

Looking for listening

Looking for listening

The construction of the image is simultaneous with the production of sound. The first recorded video is used as both visual and sound score for the second which, intended as a new score, determines the third. The procedure makes it possible to obtain an image-sound orchestration created by a single performer in real time in the presence of the spec..

Nataly Fish

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