
Im Schatten des Krieges

Im Schatten des Krieges

Nataly Fish

Images of the World and the Inscription of War

Images of the World and the Inscription of War

Farocki’s intriguing and troubling film explores the processes of visual perception and how they affect our understanding of history and society. In a work reminiscent of the writings of Paul Virilio and Michel Foucault, Farocki examines a range of phenomena including aerial reconnaissance photos of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Nataly Fish

In the Maelstrom of War - The Story of a German Family

In the Maelstrom of War - The Story of a German Family

A film about the destructive power of war, about mental destruction and the effects on future generations.

Nataly Fish

Hitler's American Business Partners

Hitler's American Business Partners

Henry Ford, the legendary automobile manufacturer, James D. Mooney, the GM manager and Tom Watson, the IBM boss, were all awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the Nazis' highest distinction for foreigners, by Hitler for their services to the Third Reich. At this time, in 1937 and 1938, Hitler's armaments industry was running at full speed. ..

Nataly Fish

My Private War

My Private War

Late in the 1980s, two documentary film makers found six German men, all in their 60s and 70s, who had been soldiers in the German invasion of the USSR in 1942. Each carried an 8mm camera into battle and they still had their film. "Mein Kreig" alternates between interviews with these older men, now apologetic, philosophical, or defiant about their ..

Nataly Fish

Ukrainian Agony - Der verschwiegene Krieg
Krieg und Frieden

Krieg und Frieden

The third episodical film, after Deutschland im Herbst and Der Kandidat, in which notable German film makers reflect on the state of their country.

Nataly Fish

Gegen Freund und Feind - Von Kriegsende zum Mauerbau
Cour Martiale

Cour Martiale

In this war drama, three Nazi survivors are rescued after their battleship sank. Initially they are given heroes' accolades for their courage, but then it becomes apparent that these men actually jumped ship three hours before the boat sank. The men are tried and subsequently executed.

Nataly Fish

Die Staatsfeinde - Kalter Krieg und alte Nazis
The White Massai Warrior

The White Massai Warrior

For the first time in history, a white man has been invited to become a Massai Warrior. The Massai of East Africa are one of the last tribes on earth to live as they did hundreds of years ago. Benjamin will live among the tribe, sleeping, hunting, and surviving in the bush. He will get to know their culture, their customs of dancing and playing, ..

Nataly Fish



A war photographer in different theatres of conflict, Belfast, Beirut, Mogadishu begins to suspect that his uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time to get the perfect shot is making him an agent of the action that is more causal of the conflict than reactive to it. This takes the argument about whether a war correspondent is a ..

Nataly Fish

Der Krieger Gottes - Osama bin Laden
Die Partitur des Krieges - Leben zwischen den Fronten
Images of War

Images of War

"This film is a found footage montage of war coverage since World War II. The clips are taken from television documentaries from Arte to CNN. The images show aestheticized fireworks from Dresden to Bagdad, where people only appear as shadows. The sound is also a collage with Liszt's 'Prelude' as the pathetic announcement of the nazi news to the fan..

Nataly Fish

Kriegsschiffe - 400 Jahre Geschichte
Moderner Krieg - Wie Neue Waffen Das Militär Verändern
In feindlichen Tiefen - Der geheime U-Boot-Krieg der Supermächte
Plötzlich Krieg? - Ein Experiment
Drei Kriege - 1. Teil: Tauroggen
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