
What's Really Wrong With Secretary Kim?

What's Really Wrong With Secretary Kim?

Park Sang-tae, who started the business with the help of his wife's family, secretly enjoys a secret relationship with Mi-yeon, Secretary Yeo, at the office whenever she has time. Seung-gyu, the training secretary, will be asked to film a video clip of an affair that will be used as evidence for divorce by President Park's wife, Hye-yeong. Seung-gy..

Nataly Fish

The Love That is Wrong

The Love That is Wrong

Amy and Ann are a lesbian couple but their relationship gets disrupted when Amy falls in love with her male office colleague named Wang. As Amy spends more and more time with Wang Ann feels that she has lost Amy to Wang and develops a hatred towards men.....a hatred that will lead her to kill.

Nataly Fish

Un taxi inquiétant

Un taxi inquiétant

A la sortie d'une boîte de nuit, Trudy, étudiante en droit et en criminologie, fait appel aux services d'une société de chauffeurs privés, Netcar, pour rentrer chez elle. Le lendemain matin, elle se réveille nue, sans aucun souvenir de la fin de sa soirée, dans la chambre d'un motel. Elle prend conscience qu'elle a été droguée, puis viol�..

Nataly Fish

Wrong Side Up

Wrong Side Up

A man who deals with parcels at an airport cargo company finds that he likes planes more than people.

Nataly Fish

Charlot et le parapluie

Charlot et le parapluie

M. Snookie vole un parapluie puis, en essayant d'aider une femme à traverser une flaque d'eau, le Clochard apparaît et intervient.

Nataly Fish

Right Yaaa Wrong

Right Yaaa Wrong

Two cops who are best friends have a friendly rivalry until their need for supremacy leads them to fight to be top dog.

Nataly Fish

Faux coupable

Faux coupable

Il s’appelle Jordan, il est jeune, beau garçon, hacker, charmeur et... fou à lier. Lors d’une soirée, il fait connaissance de Louise, étudiante bien sous tous rapports, qui passe une nuit avec lui... et signe, sans le savoir, un pacte avec le diable. Car comment aurait-elle pu deviner que son partenaire d’une nuit, dont elle essaie vainem..

Nataly Fish

All the Wrong Clues

All the Wrong Clues

Dans les années 40, un détective privé voit sa vie chamboulée par la petite amie d'Al Capone qui veut s'enfuir avec lui.

Nataly Fish

Wrong Rosary

Wrong Rosary

Muezzin Musa falls for his neighbor, the Catholic nurse Clara. The story gets even more exceptional when Musa meets Yakup, who turns out to be connected with Clara.

Nataly Fish

There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane

There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane

Filmmaker Liz Garbus investigates the mysterious tragedy of Diane Schuler in an effort to understand what went wrong.

Nataly Fish

Wrong Reasons

Wrong Reasons

When an ambiguously Intentioned masked man kidnaps a drug addicted punk singer, it triggers a police investigation as well as a media circus.

Nataly Fish

On devient tous fous

On devient tous fous

Tout va mal lorsque Jiro tente de rompre la relation de sa mère avec un homme d'affaires.

Nataly Fish

On the Wrong Track

On the Wrong Track

A look at two brothers, whose reckless careers as gang members create conflict with friends, family, the police, school and their lives.

Nataly Fish

What on Earth Have I Done Wrong?!

What on Earth Have I Done Wrong?!

Doze runs into many problems as he tries to secure funding for what he thinks will be the next mockumentary blockbuster.

Nataly Fish

Wrong No.

Wrong No.

A story of a middle class guy, passionate about becoming an actor and prove his worthiness to his family. Ditching a job interview as a favor from a father to his son, the story leads to new endeavors.

Nataly Fish

The Wrong Man

The Wrong Man

Tensions and romance run high when a shoe salesman has a first date with a sea archaeologist.

Nataly Fish

The Wrong Millionaire

The Wrong Millionaire

The American boat is on its way to Gothenburg. On board are the Swedish-American millionaire Fridolf F. Johnson from Detroit (Håkan Westergren) and his male secretary of the same name (Fridolf Rhudin). The millionaire stays hidden in his cabin with the secretary and does not appear on deck. A journalist arrives out at sea by airplane and asks for ..

Nataly Fish

CID: Wrongly Accused

CID: Wrongly Accused

One episode of Ann Hui and Yim Ho “CID” Series (1976), which won one of the very first awards for Hong Kong in an international television competition.

Nataly Fish

Le Monde comme il ne va pas

Le Monde comme il ne va pas

À partir de « L'Espoir » d'André Malraux (1945), « Microcosmos » de Claude Nuridsany et Marie Pérennou (1996), « Le Monde comme il ne va pas » de G. K. Chesterton (1910), deux exercices de montage diffusés sur France 2 dans le cadre de l'émission « Le Cercle de Minuit » en janvier 1996.

Nataly Fish

I Love Wrongdoing

I Love Wrongdoing

Badawyia is a younger dancer who dreams of stardom. She meets the young doctor, Elwy, and they fall in love. A director asks her to be the star of his new movie, but when Elwy asks her to marry him, his father disapproves.

Nataly Fish

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