


The strained relationship between a grandfather and his grandson and the young woman who smooths the troubled waters

Nataly Fish

Steve Trevino: Grandpa Joe's Son

Steve Trevino: Grandpa Joe's Son

Stand-up featuring Steve Trevino in his first special

Nataly Fish

Grandpa Called It Art

Grandpa Called It Art

This MGM Passing Parade series short takes a look at changing definitions of art in the United States.

Nataly Fish

Portrait of Grandpa Doc

Portrait of Grandpa Doc

The story of a gentle and loving grandfather who encourages his grandson's ambition to be a painter.

Nataly Fish

My Grandpa is Gay

My Grandpa is Gay

Lan returns home and spends three days with her gay grandfather and traditional Chinese parents.

Nataly Fish

Grandpa Goes To Town

Grandpa Goes To Town

Joe and Lil Higgins invest their life savings in a frontier hotel. Upon arrival, the family discovers that the establishment is smack dab in the middle of a ghost town that hasn't seen a human face in years.

Nataly Fish

Grandpa's Magical Toys

Grandpa's Magical Toys

It's a very special day when Peter and his friends go to Grandpa's to see his toys. And before they know it, they find themselves magically shrinking to toy size! That's just the beginning in this delightful musical adventure. Meet Punchinello the Clown, a singing British sailor, a jump-roping Little Dutch Girl, young Scottish dancers, and more, as..

Nataly Fish

Pépé le morse

Pépé le morse

Sur une plage, Lucas et sa famille forment un cortège funèbre insolite, gravissant une dune fouettée par le vent d’automne. Pépé est mort parce qu’il est resté trop longtemps à se prélasser au soleil. Un autel de coquillages et de mégots de cigarettes est érigé en son honeur. La mer sait-elle seulement ce qu’est la mort ? Mami prie..

Nataly Fish

C'est quoi ce papy ?!

C'est quoi ce papy ?!

Aurore, la plus déjantée des mamies fait une chute spectaculaire lors d’une danse endiablée. Elle perd la mémoire et se retrouve en convalescence dans une maison de repos. Des bribes de souvenirs lui remontent parfois, évoquant un mystérieux Gégé, qu'elle aurait pu connaître dans sa jeunesse. Ses sept petits enfants décident alors de fa..

Nataly Fish

Caillou: Adventures with Grandma and Grandpa

Caillou: Adventures with Grandma and Grandpa

During a sleepover at his grandparents' seaside cottage, Caillou is excited to try swimming in the ocean but spends his time focused on the things they do differently than his Mommy and Daddy.

Nataly Fish

Grandpa, Will You Run with Me?

Grandpa, Will You Run with Me?

A celebration of how the very young and the very old appreciate and enjoy each other via sketches and variety performances.

Nataly Fish

Grandpa, the Troublemaker

Grandpa, the Troublemaker

An introverted, shy young man struggles to find his place in society while dealing with its people and his surroundings, until an accident turns his life upside down. But will it be enough to bring about his transformation?

Nataly Fish

The Portrait of Grandpa Su

The Portrait of Grandpa Su

Nataly Fish

Grandpa's Marijuana Handbook: The Movie

Grandpa's Marijuana Handbook: The Movie

A relaxed and humorous look at pot as medicine as well as a guide for general use of the substance for recreational purposes.

Nataly Fish

Papi rebelle

Papi rebelle

Jack adore son grand-père et ses histoires du temps où il était pilote d'avion dans la Royal Air Force. Mais Papi n'a plus toute sa tête : il se croit toujours en pleine Seconde Guerre mondiale ! Les parents de Jack le placent dans une maison de retraite dirigée par l’intrigante Miss Dandy. Le "Commandant Papi Bunting", aidé par son vaillan..

Nataly Fish

Dear Grandpa, It's Micheal

Dear Grandpa, It's Micheal

This is the story of Micheal Whitell and his triumph over living with the autism spectrum, thanks to guidance from his late grandfather.

Nataly Fish

Grandpa Nacho´s  kite

Grandpa Nacho´s kite

Valentina takes her college classmates to Bragado in search of recreating the memory she has from when she was little, when her grandfather Nacho taught her how to make a kite.

Nataly Fish

Grandpa's Funeral

Grandpa's Funeral

The family is silently preparing for the grandpa's funeral. The daughters are already missing him; the youngest cannot accept that she is not immortal.

Nataly Fish

Grandpa's Girl

Grandpa's Girl

A 1924 Jack Duffy comedy. Jean manages to be expelled from college to be able to go to Europe with her grandfather. When he learns about that, grandpa disinherits Jean and starts looking for a grandson to replace her. Jean dresses as a boy, Oswald. Grandpa then tries to marry Oswald and test his new grandson’s strength.

Nataly Fish

Grandpa's Psycho

Grandpa's Psycho

A dark and gritty psychological thriller that explores one small town man's need to purify the world of sin, one sinner at a time. His medieval and brutal cleansing process directly contradicts the devotion he has for his granddaughter. Tension builds as we discover secrets surrounding the psychotic behavior of this quaint God-fearing little town.

Nataly Fish

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