
Forget Me Not: The Anne Frank Story

Forget Me Not: The Anne Frank Story

A young man intrigued by the Neo-Nazi movement inadvertently takes a time-traveling trip back to the Holocaust and finds himself on a heart-wrenching, eye-opening journey with Anne Frank.

Nataly Fish

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

Deep in the Norwegian forest, there is an old man, living an orderly and quiet life. Closed off from the rest of the world, he spends his days together with his lifelong friend, a troll. Together they share an everyday routine, drinking tea and taking care of each other. One day the troll begins to hint that the time has come for him to leave the ..

Nataly Fish

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

A nostalgic human drama based on Dazai Osamu Prize winner Tsujiuchi Tomoki's novella. Set in a declining coal-mining town in 1950s Fukuoka, the story depicts a rambunctious but pure-hearted young boy in love with an older woman. Director Hirayama Hideyuki and writer Chong Wishing, both from Begging for Love (Ai o kou hito), join hands again to make..

Nataly Fish



Cheol-su, a carefree wanderer, and Yeong-hie, a thoughtful young woman, fall in love and have a child together as they discover the meaning of life and love.

Nataly Fish

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

Diana McGowin is a successful middle-aged legal secretary. Upon her realization that she is in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, Diana courageously attempts to hide her affliction from her husband, Jack, and her children, but it isn't long before the truth becomes painfully obvious.

Nataly Fish

Élégie Du Vagabondage

Élégie Du Vagabondage

Après une énième dispute avec sa famille, Tora repart sur les routes et se retrouve à Abashiri (nord de Hokkaidô). Il se lie d’amitié avec Lily, une chanteuse itinérante. Ils parlent de leurs vies.

Nataly Fish

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

The onset of communism changed many people's lives. Children without homes were no longer raised in foster care, but in institutions. Through an interview with a man who grew up in such an institution and a woman who is trying to address the issue from the outside, this documentary shows how, even after thirty years of freedom, the Czech Republic s..

Nataly Fish

Adoptée : pourquoi moi ?

Adoptée : pourquoi moi ?

En Corée du Sud, où l'avortement est resté illégal jusqu'à cette année, élever seule un enfant suscite encore réprobation sociale et hostilité. Démunies, de nombreuses jeunes filles enceintes sont ainsi envoyées dans des foyers pour vivre leur grossesse dans le plus grand secret. C'est dans l'un d'entre eux, sur l'île de Jeju, que la r�..

Nataly Fish



C'est l'histoire de cette fille, Nathalie, qui aime un type qui ne veut plus d'elle et qui est aimée d'un autre qu'elle fait souffrir. C'est aussi l'histoire de Christelle, Fabrice et Antoine, qui n'arrivent pas à faire leur vie, qui tournent en rond, téléphonent parlent, se disputent, pour essayer d'échapper à la solitude et à la résignati..

Nataly Fish

Do Not Forget About Me

Do Not Forget About Me

This rare 1935 film (the title translated means "do not forget me") features Beniamino Gigli as, of course, an Italian singer who warbles his way through a touching love story. Features musical selections from "Il Trovatore" and "Rigoletto" as well as a lullaby and some Neapolitan songs, including the title tune. Distributed by New York's Bel Canto..

Nataly Fish

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

One early summer afternoon, Ilona leaves home to bring flowers to her beloved husband's grave on the occasion of their forty-seventh wedding anniversary. But with dementia setting in as she grows older, she finds herself increasingly lost in the bustling city. On her journey, she is brought together with different people, losing touch with the outs..

Nataly Fish

Don’t Forget Me

Don’t Forget Me

In the snowy countryside of northern China, Wen receives a telegram informing her that her father is dead. She travels to the city and finds he was branded a reactionary in the midst of the Cultural Revolution. She is distraught, and on the way home, she is harassed and attacked by thugs, but she stays in the home of a kind-hearted doctor.

Nataly Fish

Never Never Forget Me

Never Never Forget Me

Yeong-su and Jeong-ah experience many problems as their budding romance defies the strict rules of the co-ed highschool they attend. After graduation when it looks like they can be free to live their own lives, Yeong-su joins the military and their relationship will never be the same.

Nataly Fish

Oublie-moi, Mandoline

Oublie-moi, Mandoline

Le jeune et charmant mandoline, comptable de l'agence de publicité Publis-Pub, a volé des documents prouvant que la société a conservé des comptes doubles. Des remords lorsqu'elle voulait transmettre ces preuves à un inspecteur fiscal, elle décide de remettre les documents dans le coffre-fort de l'agence, mais ne sait pas vraiment comment s'..

Nataly Fish

Don't Forget Me

Don't Forget Me

Niel, jeune tubiste de 27 ans souffrant de troubles psychiques, est en phase de réadaptation. Lorsque son ami d’enfance lui propose de rejoindre son groupe de rock et de partir en tournée, Niel entre dans une phase de manie, quitte son foyer et le rejoint à Tel Aviv. Tom, 24 ans, est hospitalisée au service fermé des troubles de l’alimenta..

Nataly Fish

Never Forget Me

Never Forget Me

Yeong-su and Jeong-ah experience many problems as their budding romance defies the strict rules of the co-ed highschool they attend. After graduation when it looks like they can be free to live their own lives, Yeong-su joins the military and their relationship will never be the same.

Nataly Fish

Don't Forget About Me

Don't Forget About Me

Buenos Aires Province, a summer in the 30's. Mateo, an ex convict anarchist, travels around the Pampa in his old truck, carrying stolen hens and the illusion of finding his lost rooster, The King, which, he hopes, will lead him to glory at the cockfights. Fate faces him with Aurelia and Carmelo, two siblings in search for their father. Wandering, u..

Nataly Fish

Don't Forget to Remember Me

Don't Forget to Remember Me

"Don't Forget to Remember Me" is a story about two sisters in a small Chinese city. The main character struggles with guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder and continues to see her sister in her daily life as if her little sister was still alive. The film has won the awards for Best Short Film from Stingray International Film Festival (France),..

Nataly Fish

Don't Forget Me

Don't Forget Me

A short found footage style film about the Thammasat University Masscre.

Nataly Fish

Woman's Body Heat: Don't Forget Me

Woman's Body Heat: Don't Forget Me

A stranger, a man and a woman, meet at a certain place. Despite the fact that they have never met before, they both begin to become aware of the other. Various erotic images of the woman flash through the man's mind.... And the woman lets the man free his mind....

Nataly Fish

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