
The Inflight Food Trip

The Inflight Food Trip

It's not just plane food!

Nataly Fish

La Malédiction des rats

La Malédiction des rats

Le Dr Kate Travis fait des recherches sur la croissance. Elle découvre une formule qui permet aux cellules de croître artificiellement. Elle expérimente ce produit sur un petit garçon de 6 ans touché par une malformation génétique. L'expérience tourne au drame, l'enfant devient hystérique et dangereux. Avec l'aide d'un de ses anciens élè..

Nataly Fish

Stephen B.: Food for Thought

Stephen B.: Food for Thought

Stephen B's food bit, often copied never duplicated! Standup comedy.

Nataly Fish

Histoires d'Amérique: Food, Family and Philophy

Histoires d'Amérique: Food, Family and Philophy

Des immigrés juifs russes et polonais racontent leurs souvenirs de l'arrivée à New York, parlent de l'intégration, de l'héritage de leur culture, de l'avenir de leurs enfants.

Nataly Fish

Fast Food Fast Women

Fast Food Fast Women

Bella va avoir trente-cinq ans. Serveuse dans un restaurant new-yorkais, elle est l'âme du lieu, la confidente ou le bouc émissaire, selon l'humeur des clients. Cote coeur, elle traine depuis des lustres une liaison sans lendemain. Alors, quand sa mère, a des milliers de kilomètres de la, lui propose de rencontrer quelqu'un, Bella tente le coup..

Nataly Fish

Beyond Food

Beyond Food

Beyond Food explores the ways a group of extraordinary people live amazing lives, eat delicious food while extracting more energy and mental focus from their daily rituals. Biohackers, Paleo, Vegan, Neuroscientists, Athletes, Foragers, Ranchers, Farmers, Gut scientists. Some of our characters are Dave Asprey (Bulletproof Exec), Mariel Hemingway, La..

Nataly Fish

Food, Funk & Favela

Food, Funk & Favela

"Food, Funk and Favela", which portrays the story of the NGO project "Cozinhas Solidárias Gastromotiva", draws a direct parallel between three elements that are fundamental to building a new future: food, culture and a look at people who live in the outskirts, often unassisted by public authorities.

Nataly Fish

Food Love

Food Love

With "FOOD LOVE" (2023), Mayr and Hase present their second short film and the follow-up to their debut film "CAR LOVE" (2022). Here, the themes of food and sexuality are negotiated; more specifically, it's about French "haute cuisine," which is brought into a sexually charged context during the film. The boundaries between the art of cooking, f..

Nataly Fish

Italian Fast Food

Italian Fast Food

The Film centers around an American-style fast food restaurant in Milan, the employees who work there and the clients that frequent the place.

Nataly Fish

Food Stamped

Food Stamped

Food Stamped is an informative and humorous documentary film following a couple as they attempt to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet on a food stamp budget. Nutrition educator Shira Potash teaches nutrition-based cooking classes to elementary school students in low-income neighborhoods, most of whom are eligible for food stamps. In an attempt to wa..

Nataly Fish



This is an animated documentary about FOOD! I interviewed vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian and meat eater about their opinions about food and life choices. Then I animate real food with stop-motion technique based on the interviews. By putting the conversations in different context, the food speak for themselves.

Nataly Fish

Pigeon Food

Pigeon Food

Performing a daily ritual, Zoki, a retired PE teacher, meets Dejan, a boy who has a big problem. Zoran will recognize himself in Dejan and will have a reason to use his hard-earned knowledge, while Dejan will get everything he didn't know he needed.

Nataly Fish

Talking about Food and Other Things

Talking about Food and Other Things

A "short" documentary about people explaining their eating habits in the context of their lives. The film conveys the peculiar way in which we talk about ourselves, delving into the connections between personal life and outside activities, all with the pretext that food has a strong iconic force.

Nataly Fish

Food of Love

Food of Love

A group of ex-university students reunite to perform a Shakespeare play in a quaint English village.

Nataly Fish

The Future of Food

The Future of Food

Partie pour enquêter sur l’utilisation des pesticides dans l’agriculture américaine, Deborah Koons Garcia s’est intéressée à la zone d’ombre qui entoure aujourd’hui les « aliments biotechnologiques ». Ses recherches l’ont conduite à poser des questions cruciales ayant trait aux OGM, à leurs effets inconnus et potentiellement ca..

Nataly Fish

The Food of Love

The Food of Love

The vulgar gangster Roquey van Smacker extorts and blackmails in order to get what he wants, but when he kills his girlfriend who is beloved by the members of his own band, they plan to take revenge.

Nataly Fish

Fast Food Matador

Fast Food Matador

In praise of a New York deli delivery man, who dodges cars like a matador dodges bulls.

Nataly Fish

Devil's Food

Devil's Food

When a TV anchor woman finds her career to be hampered by her uncontrollable weight problems, she closes a deal with the devil. He lends her her ideal weight, she promises him her soul. By contract. Soon enough she realizes she's made a terrible mistake and tries to negotiate her way out of it. Alas, the devil knows but one motto: "a deal is a deal..

Nataly Fish

Food Place

Food Place

An ensemble comedy about the ragtag employees at a rundown fast food restaurant wiling away the days until their lives actually start

Nataly Fish



This film documents the legendary SoHo restaurant and artists' cooperative Food, which opened in 1971. Owned and operated by Caroline Goodden, Food was designed and built largely by Matta-Clark, who also organized art events and performances there. As a social space, meeting ground and ongoing art project for the emergent downtown artists' communit..

Nataly Fish

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