
Miss Fisher et le Tombeau des larmes

Miss Fisher et le Tombeau des larmes

Telle une Indiana Jones en jupons, la plus glamour des détectives nous embarque dans un périple mouvementé de Londres au Moyen-Orient. Suspense, charme et humour toujours au rendez-vous de cette formidable reconstitution des années folles, dans des décors splendides et des costumes fastueux.

Nataly Fish

A Spicy Fish

A Spicy Fish

Tayma est une Syrienne rurale qui croit que son bonheur est lié à sa famille. Elle quitte l’école et épouse Jamil, qui meurt à la guerre, quittant Tema et leur fille Nay, l’obligeant à ouvrir un petit restaurant dans le village. Une vie réussie loin de sa famille.

Nataly Fish

Dead Fish

Dead Fish

Lorsque traîtres, tueurs et amoureux se rencontrent à Londres...

Nataly Fish

L'Affaire Amy Fisher : Coupable sous influence

L'Affaire Amy Fisher : Coupable sous influence

This sensational true story of a near fatal attraction left Mary Jo Buttafuoco paralyzed for life and made Amy Fisher America's most infamous teenager. Imprisoned 5-15 years for a crime she confessed to Fisher has nothing to lose by telling how it was-her way, her story. Deception, Promiscuous Sex, and Violence

Nataly Fish

Fiego and the Magic Fish

Fiego and the Magic Fish

The happily married fisherman Fiego, strives to make his wife ‘s life even better when he is granted wishes by a magic fish.

Nataly Fish

Plouf ! Petit poisson courageux

Plouf ! Petit poisson courageux

Quand une mystérieuse substance noire envahit le récif paradisiaque de Coralia, un courageux et téméraire petit poisson-perroquet nommé Alex, accompagné de ses amis, décide de tout faire pour trouver la cause de cette pollution sous-marine avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.

Nataly Fish

Dead Fish - XXV

Dead Fish - XXV

Formed in the capital of Espírito Santo, and considered one of the main names of hardcore in Brazil, the band Dead Fish recorded in 2016 its 25 years of career in a performance at Audio Club, in São Paulo.

Nataly Fish

Fish School: Into The Deep

Fish School: Into The Deep

Dive into the deep with Fifi, Lily and all their little reef fish pals, Fish School is in session. Professor Shark has a new lesson for the little ones: they are going to learn all about the creatures of the deep, big ones, small ones, amazing ones. It's Fish School: Into The Deep.

Nataly Fish

The Book of Fish

The Book of Fish

Il s'agit d'un long-métrage historique sud-coréen en noir et blanc sur un érudit de l'ère Joseon et un pêcheur en exil. L'histoire parlait de leur échange de connaissances en écrivant un livre.

Nataly Fish

Kettle of Fish

Kettle of Fish

A lifelong bachelor confronts his intimacy issues when he sublets his apartment to a fetching biologist. His heartsick fish and his wise best buddy are on hand to provide perspective.

Nataly Fish

Strange Fish

Strange Fish

Strange Fish looks at our quest for someone to love and something, or someone, to believe in. The tyranny of couples and groups, the pain of not belonging and the fear of being alone are all laid bare in a series of powerful images. Strange Fish mixes humour, religious iconography and physicality, taking it beyond the boundaries of traditional dan..

Nataly Fish

Rosalie Fish

Rosalie Fish

For Rosalie Fish, Indigenous student-athlete and activist, running isn’t just a sport — it’s how she represents the strength and resilience of indigenous women within her tribe and beyond.

Nataly Fish

Wish of the Fairy Fish

Wish of the Fairy Fish

If you go fishing, be prepared to draw the fish of your dreams, the magical Pike, which can grant any three wishes. Only Emelya let two wishes down the drain, and decided to save the third. Therefore, in order to achieve the hand of the royal daughter Anfisa, he will have to act without magical power, on his own. And Pike will help him, who without..

Nataly Fish

Lucky Fish

Lucky Fish

Two Asian-American teenagers meet in the bathroom of a Chinese restaurant while having dinner with their families.

Nataly Fish

The Fish Child

The Fish Child

Lala, fille de bonne famille dans la banlieue cossue de Buenos Aires, est follement amoureuse de la Guayi, jeune et jolie paraguayenne au service de ses parents. Ensemble, elles rêvent de partir dans le village d'origine de Guayi, au bord du lac Ypoà. Mais un drame familial va brusquement les séparer...

Nataly Fish

Let's Fish

Let's Fish

Let's Fish is fun and light-hearted. The use of live actors grounds the series in semi-reality, while the use of an animated background and animated characters allows for imaginative situations and stories. Let's Fish also takes aim at the American way of life, providing thoughtful social commentary.

Nataly Fish

Fish People

Fish People

A group of guys face the problems of daily life in a shared house

Nataly Fish

Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation

Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation

Albert Fish, the horrific true story of elderly cannibal, sadomasochist, and serial killer, who lured children to their deaths in Depression-era New York City. Distorting biblical tales, Albert Fish takes the themes of pain, torture, atonement and suffering literally as he preys on victims to torture and sacrifice.

Nataly Fish

Little Fish, Strange Pond

Little Fish, Strange Pond

Mr. Jack and Sweet Stephen cruise aimlessly through the streets of LA speculating about life, death, divine will and the force of power that predetermines their existence. Mr. Jack attempts to illustrate to his sidekick the delicate and natural forces of the universe. Sweet Stephen's superficial charm and bloodsucking lifestyle sends him and Mr. Ja..

Nataly Fish

A Fish Tale

A Fish Tale

Johnny believes in the future of Africa. He lives in Israel, but dreams of returning with modern fish farming techniques. His wife, Thérèse, sees little hope back home. She is determined to create the best possible future for their children, whatever the price may be. When their visas expire, tensions between the two arise, leading to an inevitab..

Nataly Fish

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