


Daniel Piron a le blues. Son couple est monotone, ses idéaux se sont envolés, même son travail de journaliste est une farce. La seule idée qui le galvanise encore est de retrouver et de filmer Tony Sacchi, héros révolutionnaire de sa jeunesse.A travers cette aventure, Daniel voudrait réhabiliter le jeune homme ardent et engagé qu'il était...

Nataly Fish

Un cow-boy pour père

Un cow-boy pour père

La vie de la ville au rythme rapide des deux sœurs est bouleversée quand ils sont envoyés vivre dans le pays avec leur père après leur mère est tuée.

Nataly Fish

Mon cow-boy adoré

Mon cow-boy adoré

Kay Kingsley, un auteur-compositeur et sophistiqué avec succès à New York. tombe amoureuse d'un propriétaire de ranch veuve, Chris Heyward, elle rencontre à la Rodéo Madison Square Garden et ils se marient et quittent pour son ranch dans l'ouest. Ses amis avertissent d'un désenchantement au début de la vie sur un ranch, loin des lumières s..

Nataly Fish

Mad Cows

Mad Cows

When her TV star husband Alex decides to divorce her so that he can start a career in politics, newly single mother Maddy goes shoplifting and ends up in jail. Losing custody of her infant child, Maddy hatches a scheme to break out of prison with the assistance of her friend Gillian, who's avoiding the law herself for credit card fraud. Now Maddy h..

Nataly Fish

Riders of the Purple Cows

Riders of the Purple Cows

When a gang of outlaws put Andy Clyde's ranch house under siege, daughter Alice Day recruits college heart throb Ralph Graves to save daddy.

Nataly Fish

Still Life with Cows

Still Life with Cows

Two women together out west. One can't walk. Create a story.

Nataly Fish

Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type

Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type

The literacy rate in Farmer Brown's barn goes up considerably once his cows find an old typewriter and begin typing. To the harassed farmer's dismay, his communicative cows quickly become contentious. When he refuses to comply with their demands, the cows take action. Farmer Brown finds another note on the barn door: "Sorry. We're closed. No milk ..

Nataly Fish

When the Cows Come Home

When the Cows Come Home

Official 25th anniversary redux of the seminal Wicked Lamb Pictures film, shot in one night in June 1997.Featuring new music from Elliot and the Pool,Jaguar MC and Uncle Dirty,MPB and more

Nataly Fish

Cold Cows

Cold Cows

What ice storm? All this cows can think about are their past lives.

Nataly Fish

73 Cows

73 Cows

A beef farmer struggles with his conscience every time he takes his cows to slaughter, and so sets about doing something extraordinary.

Nataly Fish

Driving Home the Cows

Driving Home the Cows

While driving home the cows one evening, a boy decides to go to war. He falls to win his parents' consent as they have already given the lives of two sons to the great cause. The boy, therefore, steals away in the night, stopping to say good-bye to his young sweetheart. In a hotly contested battle, the boy is wounded and taken prisoner.

Nataly Fish

Til The Cows Come Home

Til The Cows Come Home

When Canada's Government takes the decision to transform the correctional system to one that puts punishment first, the country's rehabilitative prison farms are one of the first causalities. A strong opposition forms towards the farm closures and for two days in late summer of 2010, hundreds of angry protesters stand in front of Frontenac Prison F..

Nataly Fish

The Leaving of the Cows

The Leaving of the Cows

Cows in the heart of the city? The cow houses of Liverpool were urban dairies, supplying fresh milk and cheese to local people, and once home to over 4,000 cattle. This delightful colour film from July 1975 records the departure of the animals from the last remaining cow house in Marlborough Road, West Derby. We then see them contentedly settled in..

Nataly Fish

The Cow's Husband

The Cow's Husband

Bimbo as a bullfighter.

Nataly Fish

The Cows of Dolo Ken Paye: Resolving Conflict Among the Kpelle

The Cows of Dolo Ken Paye: Resolving Conflict Among the Kpelle

In Fokwele, Liberia, a town in transition to modern ways, conflicts arise because of differing life styles. Many old customs of the Kpelle tribe are still alive, but are complicated by new economic practices and social structures. Cattle divide the town into two classes: the rich cattle owners, and the poorer rice farmers, whose crops areoften mara..

Nataly Fish

Dad Milks Cows In Texas

Dad Milks Cows In Texas

"Dad Milks Cows in Texas" is a nonfiction portrait of a person that carries out the early morning work on a dairy farm. Together with cows and machinery, Ramón is a part of the process and routine of dairy work. He also happens to be the filmmaker's dad.

Nataly Fish

A Cow's Tale

A Cow's Tale

Does technology make our lives easier? Audrey works away at her computer and she encounters a problem. Nothing seems to help: neither a co-worker's advice, nor the user manual, nor the help line. Stuck on hold, Audrey dreams of how simple life must have been before the age of technology. This animated tale, with a real animal soundtrack, makes fo..

Nataly Fish

Cows, Cash & Cover-ups? Investigating VCJD

Cows, Cash & Cover-ups? Investigating VCJD

Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) is the human version of mad cow disease and has been described as a "ticking time bomb" in Britain. This documentary explores the claims by families of vCJD victims that a criminal inquiry should be held to examine the possibility of a cover-up by authorities of BSE in farming and the food industry.

Nataly Fish

Chemist Cows

Chemist Cows

After being disillusioned with 2% milk, Benji sets off on a quest to find untainted, pure, 100% milk.

Nataly Fish

Cows Come Home

Cows Come Home

The bond between a farmer and his cow is unlike any other and it would take some out of this world forces to separate them.

Nataly Fish

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