
The Sky Oscillates Between Eternity and Its Immediate Consequences

The Sky Oscillates Between Eternity and Its Immediate Consequences

Two protagonists in a future smart city show how the city runs on controlling time by exploiting and selecting life cycles of organisms, including humans, and environments as a whole.

Nataly Fish

Vérité conséquences

Vérité conséquences

One fearless and the other reluctant, dragged in the game despite her best judgement, Éliane and Mel challenge each other with dares. Over the course of the night, the tension rises.

Nataly Fish

Les résultats du féminisme

Les résultats du féminisme

L’employé d’une boutique de chapeaux doit livrer une commande, et en chemin, subit les assauts de plusieurs femmes. Dans ce monde à l'envers, l'émancipation féminine a rebattu les rôles stéréotypés masculin/féminin. Très efféminés, ces messieurs s'occupent du ménage et des enfants, tandis que, dominatrices, les dames fréquentent l..

Nataly Fish

Consequences Of Any Kind

Consequences Of Any Kind

Lena and Rita are friends but they act like it’s something more. What do they want from each other and what do they really feel? The lack of clarity between them will have its consequences.

Nataly Fish

Sex, Drugs and Consequences

Sex, Drugs and Consequences

Nataly Fish

The Long Term Consequences of Smoking

The Long Term Consequences of Smoking

Josh loses heat in his house and with his girlfriend.

Nataly Fish

Paranormal Consequences: The Bottom of the Stairs

Paranormal Consequences: The Bottom of the Stairs

After a haunting first night, a team of paranormal investigators return to a terrifying asylum to film for their followers. Little do they know the shadows hold a secret and it's coming for them. Their footage had been lost... until now.

Nataly Fish

Tragic Consequences: Teenagers and Guns

Tragic Consequences: Teenagers and Guns

In 1994 there was a shooting in Boulder, Colorado involving two 16 year old boys. "Tragic Consequences" looks deeply into what led up to the shooting, the context of gun violence in America and the tragic effect one shooting can have on not just the victim and perpetrator, but on witnesses, family, friends and the community at large.

Nataly Fish

Extreme Consequences: The Reality of Prison Life

Extreme Consequences: The Reality of Prison Life

A compelling look at the choices that lead to incarceration and the reality of being locked up in Pelican Bay State Prison.

Nataly Fish

Consequences of Violence

Consequences of Violence

When a young man gets out of prison and returns home to a mother's scorn, he rebels and returns to a life of violence. But he made the mistake of a lifetime when he failed to consider, The Consequences of Violence.

Nataly Fish

Consequences of Young Pregnancy

Consequences of Young Pregnancy

A former call girl becomes a famous actress but past family skeletons reemerge to bite her in the ass.

Nataly Fish

Drunkenness and Its Consequences

Drunkenness and Its Consequences

Alcoholism and its Ill-Effects was considered to be one of the most popular science propaganda (or educational) films produced in Russia before the revolution of 1917. Alexander Khanzhonkov, the most prominent Russian film producer of that era, financed a special department dedicated to non-fictional cinema, despite the fact that such films were no..

Nataly Fish

Shaolin Temple Death or Consequence

Shaolin Temple Death or Consequence

Martial arts action film Wu Seng was made in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Jet Li classic The Shaolin Temple. Set in the 14th century during the early years of the Ming Dynasty, Wu Seng stars Hong Kong action star Terry Fan Siu Wong as Shaolin-trained general Yang Wu. After Yongle usurped the throne from Emperor Jianwen, loyal general Ya..

Nataly Fish



The fumes emanating from a traffic jam make everybody, and every animal, cough.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Deborah and Simon park their car to go hug in the forest. They get knocked out and wake up in a house where four dangerous psychopaths spend their time humiliating and killing innocent people. Attached, chained, they have no chance of escaping. They will live - with other young people, for they are not alone - what they would like to be a nightmare..

Nataly Fish

The Consequence

The Consequence

Nataly Fish



Second collaboration with the composers Haro/Fiori. The images refer to the crisis of the representation of reality which emerges with the mass diffusion of electronic images on television and on video in the last decade of the 20th century. The piece also illustrates the discussion relevant at the time (1991-92), and still so today, on the replace..

Nataly Fish

De bière en cendres

De bière en cendres

Un crématorium au milieu d’un paysage enneigé. Pour les employés de cette modeste entreprise, le processus qui préside à l’accompagnement des corps jusqu’à la crémation fait l’objet d’une routine méticuleuse, entre la réception des cercueils, l’accueil des familles et l’entretien du four. Dans ce monde silencieux, où le resp..

Nataly Fish

Quiet consequence

Quiet consequence

According to the novel by S. Rodionov, "Cambrian Clay". Investigator Ryabinin is instructed to conduct the case of theft of gasoline. His predecessor, having arrested the Toptunov gas station operator and not providing the leadership with evidence, was removed from business. Ryabinin frees the operator and thereby makes a big mistake: Toptunov is k..

Nataly Fish

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