
Mannaja, l'homme a la hache

Mannaja, l'homme a la hache

Blade, un chasseur de prime habile au maniement de la hache, arrive dans la ville de Suttonville. Cette bourgade corrompue est tenue par le riche propriétaire McGowan qui a autrefois tué le père de Blade. Celui-ci doit mettre sa vengeance de côté lorsque McGowan l’engage pour sauver sa fille...

Nataly Fish

La maison de la terreur

La maison de la terreur

Bruno, jeune musicien a loué une grande villa isolée, entouré d'un parc impénétrable. Son magnétophone enregistre par hasard des chuchotements, d’étranges gouttes de sang apparaissent, un couteau change de place, deux jeunes filles ne plus signe de vie...

Nataly Fish

Young blades, La Jeunesse Des Trois Mousquetaires

Young blades, La Jeunesse Des Trois Mousquetaires

Le jeune D'Artagnan quitte sa Gascogne natale en quête d'action et d'aventure. Sur son chemin, il fait la rencontre de trois mousquetaires rebelles mais fidèles à Louis XIII : Athos, Porthos et Aramis. Enrôlé dans ce corps d'élite au service du Roi, D'Artagnan va contribuer à défaire les complots qui menacent la couronne de France.

Nataly Fish

La Servante et le Samouraï

La Servante et le Samouraï

A l'aube de la Restauration de l'empereur Meiji, un samouraï de basse caste, Munezo Katagiri, secrètement amoureux de la servante Kie, se trouve pris dans les luttes politiques entre clans. On lui ordonne de tuer son ancien ami Hazama, condamné à la suite d'un complot qui a ébranlé le clan. Il est écartelé entre son devoir, son amour imposs..

Nataly Fish

The Blade Master

The Blade Master

Muscle-bound Ator and his mute Asian sidekick travel from the ends of the Earth to save his aged mentor from the evil mustachioed Zor.

Nataly Fish

Avec amour et acharnement

Avec amour et acharnement

C’est Paris et c’est déjà l’hiver. Sarah et Jean s’aiment, ils vivent ensemble depuis plusieurs années. C’est un amour qui les rend heureux et plus forts. Ils ont confiance l’un en l’autre. Le désir ne s’est jamais affadi. Un matin, Sarah croise par hasard François son ancien amant, ce François qui lui a présenté Jean, ce F..

Nataly Fish

Le Sabre Infernal

Le Sabre Infernal

Interrompus en plein duel nocturne, un redoutable épéiste et son rival s'associent pour contrecarrer les plans d'un certain monsieur Yu. L'objectif de ce dernier : mettre la main sur une puissante arme, à la réputation aussi mystérieuse que terrifiante, pour régner sur le monde des arts martiaux. Désirant damer le pion à cet être maléfiqu..

Nataly Fish

Rusty Blade

Rusty Blade

Lin Dawei, an assistant to the county government, needs money to feed his family. Lin is persuaded by his colleague Lu Qian to steal Jin Mantang's gold. Ten years later, the emperor's eldest son was born, the emperor pardoned the criminals, and Lin Dawei returned home. However, things did not go well in his hometown. Jin Mantang joined forces with ..

Nataly Fish



Naomitsu second fils de la famille Hatakeyama et sa fiancée la princesse Ako sont forcés de s'enfuir suite à une conspiration menée contre celui-ci. Durant leur fuite, ils tombent nez à nez avec un bandit du nom de Tajomaru. Après que Naomitsu soit parvenu à le tuer, il va décider de prendre la place de celui-ci. Il espère ainsi réussir �..

Nataly Fish

Snow on The Blades

Snow on The Blades

At Sakurada Gate in 1860, the shogun’s chief minister and his retinue of bodyguards are ambushed and annihilated. Bearing the responsibility and shame for this failure is Shimura Kingo, master swordsman and chief of the guard. Forbidden to take his own life in atonement, he is instead tasked with hunting down the remaining assassins; however, fat..

Nataly Fish

The Wild Blade of Strangers

The Wild Blade of Strangers

During the chaotic period towards the end of the Tang Dynasty, the Prince of Liang usurped power and secretly eliminated the heir to the throne. Tian Anye, a humble charcoal seller, unintentionally gets entangled in this conspiracy. In a series of intense battles where allies and enemies become blurred, the secrets hidden within Tian Anye and the t..

Nataly Fish

The Hovering Blade

The Hovering Blade

Following the brutal rape and murder of his teenage daughter, a single father seeks revenge against the responsible youths. His pursuit for justice becomes a deadly cat-and-mouse game with both the perpetrators and the police.

Nataly Fish

Le Nouvel Angyo Onshi

Le Nouvel Angyo Onshi

L'histoire se passe dans une contrée inconnue. Après la chute de l'empire Jushin et à la mort de l'empereur, le pays se trouve plongé dans le chaos, laissant régner la terreur et la loi du plus fort. Agents secrets du royaume disparu, les Angyo Onshi avaient pour mission de veiller au respect des lois et châtier les gouverneurs oppressant le ..

Nataly Fish

The Final Blade

The Final Blade

Early Qing Dynasty, Jin guard(the imperial guards of Ming) assassin-ed into the palace of the general Li, won the Chicken Cup back. three hundred years later, inside a temple, the lead of Jin guard He Fan is dying to protect the chicken cup from the treasure hunter David Wong, He fan died in the battle, only survived is his son He Xingyun, the trea..

Nataly Fish

The Blade Spares None

The Blade Spares None

Ho Li-Chun, a pretty but ruthless swordswoman, and three challengers are participating in an open tournament at Prince Kuei's Palace. A knight, Chen Jo-Yu, is defeated in the tournament. He flees and later returns with knight Tang Ching-Yun who wields a strange sword. They get trapped but Ho deliberately sets both free after seeing Tang's weapon wh..

Nataly Fish

Kamen Rider Blade: Missing Ace

Kamen Rider Blade: Missing Ace

Four years after an alternate ending to the series, in which Blade seals the Joker, the characters have moved on with their lives: Kenzaki is a garbage man, Mutsuki has graduated high school, and Kotarō has published a book about the Kamen Riders to great success. The Undead have been re-released, and a new trio of Kamen Riders—Glaive, Larc and ..

Nataly Fish

Red Blade

Red Blade

Living a troubled home-life, a teenager becomes so stressed out with everything around her that she disappears into a series of fantasy-related books. While trying to escape her situation, she soon finds herself living in feudal Japan with a ninja master and his students who inform her that she's in a separate dimension from her regular life and ar..

Nataly Fish

The Blade of Wind

The Blade of Wind

Magic Knife disciple Ya Qing involved in the conspiracy of the "snake man" and forced to flee to meet two friends.

Nataly Fish

Dragon Blade

Dragon Blade

The communication system of the X-Force base in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is hacked by a mysterious saboteur. Bai Lu is assigned to Kuala Lumpur to carry out a reconnaissance mission. The Sky Key, which can open a space-time portal and is stored in the Malaysian base, is stolen. At the same time, Bai Lu suddenly loses contact and is suspected of steal..

Nataly Fish

Tekkaman Blade: Twin Blood

Tekkaman Blade: Twin Blood

Twin Blood is an alternate version of Blade and Evil's first battle, with drastically different character and mecha designs from the rest of the series. Blade/D-Boy does not need Pegas to transform and the armor more closely resembles the Radam humanoids from Tekkaman Blade II.

Nataly Fish

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