
In Absentia

In Absentia

Set in the rugged Welsh mountains, a woman learns the truth about the memories she lost, and discovers they might be better left forgotten.

Nataly Fish



Love at first sight turns awry when reality and fantasy begin to merge.

Nataly Fish

Absent Father

Absent Father

When a teenage girl becomes impregnated by God, she finds he's never around when she needs him.

Nataly Fish

Absent Objects

Absent Objects

Shots of empty photo albums.

Nataly Fish

The Absent-Minded Professor

The Absent-Minded Professor

Henry Crawford is the titular absent-minded professor busy at work in his laboratory. He has a girlfriend, but she is getting frustrated at his repeatedly missing their dates and spending more time with his experiments than with her. One day, Prof. Crawford makes an incredible discovery a form of rubber that defies gravity with each bounce, which h..

Nataly Fish

Absently Present

Absently Present

Nataly Fish

The Absent House

The Absent House

In times of climate change and the dramatic challenges it poses, The Absent House delivers a much-needed, hopeful and proactive message that we can live sustainably while preserving the planet for future generations.

Nataly Fish

Wounds and Other Absent Objects

Wounds and Other Absent Objects

Short film by Anish Kapoor commissioned by BBC Channel 4 as part of the 'TV Sculpture' programme. The impact of Anish Kapoor's sculpture is immediate while its full meaning is more elusive and mysterious. His visual puzzles are tailor-made for television. For Wounds and Other Absent Objects Kapoor has created an electronic palette with which to exp..

Nataly Fish

Est Absent

Est Absent

“Reading Rimbaud today means to relate his experiences, his desires, to ours – it means that we see a strong connection between his quest and what is today at stake in gay issues. Selecting pieces of poems and letters I have tried to give back a kind of emergency that I sense within his poetry.” –Yann Beauvais

Nataly Fish

In Absentia

In Absentia

A man stumbles upon a bizarre string of clues that seem to coincide with his haunting nightmare. Where do the clues lead? Was it only a nightmare? Where will the journey end?

Nataly Fish

Absent Referent

Absent Referent

Explores the ways images of medical violence and care are being looked at and talked about by a variety of people. Some people turn their heads away and some watch without a blink.

Nataly Fish

Deus in Absentia: Maldición

Deus in Absentia: Maldición

Nataly Fish

An Absent-Minded Mother

An Absent-Minded Mother

Mrs Grayson accidentally leaves her baby son at a shop and flies into a panic when she returns home to find him missing.

Nataly Fish

Absent Driver

Absent Driver

A private chauffeur drives you around, wherever you like, whenever you like, but do you even know who or what drives you?

Nataly Fish

Image in-but-not-of Itself (cum ipsa absentia)

Image in-but-not-of Itself (cum ipsa absentia)

Examples of technological impositions and how that which is not=there is e+affected.

Nataly Fish

The Absentee

The Absentee

2004 short film by Royston Tan

Nataly Fish

Barbara, chansons pour une absente

Barbara, chansons pour une absente

Barbara s'est éteinte le 24 novembre 1997. 20 ans après, ses textes, ses mélodies et surtout sa voix unique suscitent toujours autant d'émotion. A travers quelques-unes de ses plus belles chansons et extraits d'interviews, Barbara se raconte. Vous voulez savoir qui est Barbara ? Ecoutez-la.

Nataly Fish

Don't Be an Absentee

Don't Be an Absentee

A Soundie with Patti Ryan.

Nataly Fish

Visages d'une absente

Visages d'une absente

L’absente, c’est la mère disparue du réalisateur, une figure qu’il convoque en interrogeant la mémoire de ses enfants, nés de pères différents et qui n’ont pas grandi ensemble. Il confronte ces mémoires trop pleines ou trop vides (ou trop pleines de leur vide) aux traces que sa mère a laissées, lettres et photos sans légendes ou p..

Nataly Fish

Lingua Absentia

Lingua Absentia

Lingua Absentia is a paper cut-out animation about a mother and her schizophrenic daughter, Abby. Guided by the mother’s voice-over narration, the film takes the viewer through Abby's severe cancer treatment and her long process to recovery.

Nataly Fish

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