
Taipei Suicide Story

Taipei Suicide Story

Au cours d’une nuit, le réceptionniste d’un hôtel de Taipei dans lequel les gens viennent se suicider se lie d’amitié avec une cliente qui hésite entre la vie et la mort.

Nataly Fish

Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad

A group of professional commandos have to rescue a young female hostage from the drug cartel. Once in the jungle, they're being killed one by one by a fearful enemy.

Nataly Fish

The Suicide Song

The Suicide Song

Original story by Yasushi AKIMOTO, writer of the mega hit movie One Missed Call (Chakushin Ari) series. As the project was in development with an idea of an "infectious song (Densen-Uta)", one of the staff called out..."There was a real Densen-Uta!" He discovers on the internet of a song back in 1933, Hungary, which caused mysterious deaths of many..

Nataly Fish

The Suicide Forecast

The Suicide Forecast

An insurance agent helps a financially desperate client make his suicide look like an accident and becomes the target of a fraud investigation. To protect his career, he must visit all his remaining suicide-prone clients and talk them out of killing themselves.

Nataly Fish



Un homme d'affaires ruiné doit se suicider pour payer son usurier s'il ne veut pas que sa famille soit tuée, mais un policier s'en mêle et découvre un sinistre secret.

Nataly Fish

Pig-Chicken Suicide

Pig-Chicken Suicide

Pig Chicken Suicide is a veritable assault on the senses, mixing violent images of animal slaughter, racial strife, and surrealism to tell the story of two Koreans living in Japan whose love is destroyed due to overwhelming racial discrimination. In explicit abattoir photos and much symbolism, Matsui tells about the struggles of ethnic Koreans in ..

Nataly Fish

32 Pills: My Sister's Suicide

32 Pills: My Sister's Suicide

Traces the life and mental illness of New York artist and photographer Ruth Litoff, and her sister's struggle to come to terms with her tragic suicide.

Nataly Fish

La tentative du désespoir

La tentative du désespoir

Molly, étudiante en psychologie, se réveille un matin en apprenant qua sa colocataire s'est suicidée en laissant un mot d'adieu. Elle commence alors à faire des rêves étranges sur la mort d'Emma. Molly pense que son subconscient essaye de lui dire quelque chose et elle va creuser pour comprendre ce suicide.

Nataly Fish

Suicidez-moi docteur

Suicidez-moi docteur

Un homme qui vient d'apprendre qu'il a une maladie incurable tente de se suicider.

Nataly Fish

Piège fatal

Piège fatal

Après avoir découvert la personne qui a causé le suicide de leur mère, deux sœurs jumelles exécutent un plan diabolique pour la venger.

Nataly Fish

Suicide Blonde

Suicide Blonde

In the course of one crazy night, a down on his luck valet parking attendant loses a gangster's car and his heart to a dangerous blonde with a death wish.

Nataly Fish

Cherry Blossoms in the Air - The Suicide Raiders - Oh, Buddies!

Cherry Blossoms in the Air - The Suicide Raiders - Oh, Buddies!

In 1943 Japan is facing defeat. This makes Shinkichi, a straight, selfless student-patriot, ever more restless. He can no longer stand his soft "behind-the- gun" role of munition factory worker. School-mates one after another are going to the front, where he feels he should be. The last straw is an official report of his father's death in the Battl..

Nataly Fish

Suicide Troops of the Watchtower

Suicide Troops of the Watchtower

Stalwart soldiers of the Japanese Empire – Japanese and Korean alike – stand in defense of a military outpost threatened by "bandits."

Nataly Fish

Suicide Made

Suicide Made

Kim Kwangseok is a very well known folk rock singer in South Korea. He is having committed suicide in 1996. There are still many theories concerning his death, but not one of them is definitive. This is a documentary that explores the truth that must not be left out of his life and music.

Nataly Fish

Suicide Island

Suicide Island

Nataly Fish

Suicide Mission

Suicide Mission

Santo must investigate a secret conspiracy involving a spy training camp, a brainwashing plot, and a kidnapped Nazi scientist.

Nataly Fish

L'affaire Dreyfus, suicide du colonel Henry

L'affaire Dreyfus, suicide du colonel Henry

Shows the interior of the cell of the Prison Militaire du Cherche-Midi, Paris, where Colonel Henry is confined. He is seated at a table writing a letter, on completion of which he rises and takes a razor out he had concealed in his porte-manteau, with which he cuts his throat. The suicide is discovered by the sergeant of the guard and officers.

Nataly Fish

Midnight Virgin

Midnight Virgin

Chie (Sanae Ōhori), newly arrived in Tokyo, saves her friend from school, Mari (Annu Mari), from a suicide attempt. The two girls become close, eventually leading to a lesbian relationship. Their affair drifts into sadism and involvement with a bizarre sex cult, resulting in the deaths of the two lovers.

Nataly Fish

Suicide Bus

Suicide Bus

30 décembre 1997, Okinawa, un homme organise un voyage touristique en car dont l'issue du parcours sera la mort. Les voyageurs sont tous des personnes voulant mettre un terme à leur existence en camouflant leur suicide en accident de la route pour faire profiter leurs proches de leur assurance-vie. Mais une jeune femme pleine de vie, Mitsuki, arr..

Nataly Fish

Super femmes contre Chiens Jaunes

Super femmes contre Chiens Jaunes

Les Philippines sont occupées par l'Armée japonaise. Paco Rodriguez chef de l'armée clandestine est le seul survivant d'une attaque suicide, manquée, sur l'ile Carabolis, dans un palace réservé aux officiers supérieurs japonais. Le Major Stony Stonewall est désigné pour diriger la mission qui devra opérer une attaque surprise. Il demande..

Nataly Fish

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