
7 Days in Heaven

7 Days in Heaven

Nataly Fish

Blue-7 days

Blue-7 days

Nataly Fish

7 Days in Paris

7 Days in Paris

Nataly Fish

Movies in 7 Days (2022)

Movies in 7 Days (2022)

With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the International project "Cinema in 7 Days" was implemented in Kazan for the third time in December 2021 (7dayfilm.ru ). Ten international teams had to shoot, edit and submit 10 short feature films to the international jury in 7 days, with the condition that Kazan must be ch..

Nataly Fish

The 7 Days of Bergamo

The 7 Days of Bergamo

During February of 2020, a tragedy began that struck, as the first Western nation, Italy, and then went on to devastate the rest of world—the Covid-19 pandemic. So many images come to mind at the mere mention of this terrible virus, but one, above all, mercilessly describes those moments, symptomatic of a wound that will indelibly remain sealed i..

Nataly Fish

7 Days to Leave My Wife

7 Days to Leave My Wife

The story of a Thai-Chinese couple Yong and Ngak who's been together for 7 years. Yong is a salesman while his wife Ngak is just nothing but boring and old. There're many times that Yong thinks of breaking up, but he swore to his grandfather that he will never leave Ngak or else his life will face bad luck. Later, there is a twist in his marriage l..

Nataly Fish

How to win her back in 7 days

How to win her back in 7 days

A stand-up comedian is dumped by his girlfriend, when he decides, that he must win her back at all costs.

Nataly Fish

7 Days Without Social Networks

7 Days Without Social Networks

Three young men go on an excursion after making a bet with a manipulative girl, but after some events they change course, leading them to experience many funny and tragic follies.

Nataly Fish

Mission in 7 days

Mission in 7 days

The brothers Rashid and Fahd try to find a way to pay off a huge loan within a period of no more than seven days, which enters them into an adventure that has no guarantee of the consequences.

Nataly Fish

7 jours à Kigali, la semaine où le Rwanda a basculé

7 jours à Kigali, la semaine où le Rwanda a basculé

What happened in Rwanda in 1994 was not simply the spontaneous eruption of inter-ethnic hatred. It was planned genocide, on an industrial scale. Something that was prepared for at least a year in advance. Lists were made. Weapons were collected. RTLM radio spent months conditioning their audience to believe that one sector of their population repre..

Nataly Fish



After a police officer is murdered at home, Detective Rocha, who was no longer on active duty, is called in to solve the case. Rocha discovers that the officer's death is just a small point close to the great mystery that surrounds this death.

Nataly Fish

Les 7 jours du talion

Les 7 jours du talion

Bruno Hamel, il a trente-huit ans et il est chirurgien. Avec sa petite famille – Sylvie, sa conjointe, et Jasmine, sa fille de huit ans, il habite Drummondville et, comme tous les gens heureux, il n'a pas vraiment d'histoire. Jusqu'à ce que Jasmine, par un bel après-midi d'automne, soit violée et assassinée. Dès lors, l'univers de la famille..

Nataly Fish

Six jours sept nuits

Six jours sept nuits

A l'origine, cela devait être des vacances de rêves pour Robin Monroe, rédactrice-adjointe d'un grand magazine de mode new-yorkais et le richissime et romantique Frank Martin. Contrainte de rentrer immédiatement à New-York pour son travail, Robin est ramenée en coucou par le pilote baroudeur et bougon Quinn Harris mais leur avion s'écrase su..

Nataly Fish

7 jours

7 jours

Dans la ville de Saima, alors que l'été est sur le point de commencer, un groupe de six lycéens a l'intention de vivre une aventure secrète en passant sept jours d'insouciance dans une installation minière délabrée.

Nataly Fish

Daimon Graveyard 7

Daimon Graveyard 7

The seventh 'Daimon Graveyard' film.

Nataly Fish

NJPW G1 Climax 33: Day 7

NJPW G1 Climax 33: Day 7

The seventh night of the tournament took place on July 25th, 2023 at Korakuen Hall in Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan.

Nataly Fish

The House of Pleasure

The House of Pleasure

Lord Gregory Hutton takes his beautiful young wife Eleanore on a business trip to the Far East for their honeymoon. They stay at the house of Lin, a young local owner of a silk farm and fashion factory whose father only recently died. Lady Eleanor finds herself attracted to Lin and soon is tempted by his advances. But it is not all as it seems. Lor..

Nataly Fish

NJPW G1 Climax 31: Day 7

NJPW G1 Climax 31: Day 7

Night seven of G1 action sees A Block take to the Korakuen stage, as a capacity crowd sees four more tournament matches and a special singles attraction.

Nataly Fish

Sept jours à vivre

Sept jours à vivre

Ellen (Amanda Plummer) et Martin Shaw (Sean Pertwee) s'installent dans une maison isolée et inhabitée depuis plus de vingt ans, espérant ainsi repartir à zéro après la mort tragique de leur fils unique. Enchanté par la campagne environnante, le jeune couple est persuadé de pouvoir oublier le passé. Mais dès la première soirée dans leur..

Nataly Fish

Moderato cantabile

Moderato cantabile

Anne Desbaredes, femme d'un industriel d'une petite ville du Bordelais, s'ennuie. Seul son fils l'occupe. Un jour, pendant que l'enfant étudie une sonatine au piano, on entend un cri épouvantable. Une femme vient d’être assassinée. À cette occasion, Anne fait la connaissance d'un jeune ouvrier qu'elle va bientôt aimer.

Nataly Fish

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