
14 Cameras

14 Cameras

Lorsqu'une famille de cinq personnes loue une belle maison pour leurs vacances d'été, le prix semble trop beau pour être vrai.

Nataly Fish

Patient 14

Patient 14

Traumatisée par une agression qui a affecté ses capacités auditives, une femme est soumise à un traitement expérimental qui a pour résultat d’hypertrophier son ouïe et... d’inciter le gouvernement américain à l’utiliser dans sa lutte contre le terrorisme, la raison d’État justifiant la manipulation et le sacrifice de cobayes innoc..

Nataly Fish

143 rue du désert

143 rue du désert

Seule dans une petite maison blanche au bord de la route nationale 1, la Transsaharienne, qui relie Alger à Tamanrasset en traversant l’immensité du désert, Malika, 74 ans, a ouvert un jour sa porte au réalisateur Hassen Ferhani, venu là en repérage avec son ami Chawki Amari, journaliste à El Watan et auteur du récit Nationale 1 qui relat..

Nataly Fish

Saturday the 14th

Saturday the 14th

Une famille américaine banale avec ses deux enfants emménage dans la vieille maison un tantinet lugubre dont ils ont hérité après le décès d'un riche parent. Ils ignorent qu'elle abrite un mystérieux livre doté de bien des pouvoirs, convoité tant par un couple de vampires qu'un curieux exterminateur de nuisibles nommé... Van Helsing !

Nataly Fish

Number 14

Number 14

Yaprak is just one of thousands of young women, who leave their quiet village lives behind them to seek their fortune in Istanbul. But the reality of life in a big city is harsh, and Yaprak is forced to take a job in one of the cities licensed brothels. Her beauty and youth make her popular with the patrons and she is soon the focus of the attentio..

Nataly Fish

14 Kilometers

14 Kilometers

Three people looking for a better life become stranded in the desert with little hope of survival.

Nataly Fish

14+: Continued

14+: Continued

The story of the growing up of Lyosha, who turned 18 years old. Life asks him more and more difficult questions about love, family, duty and his path than it did at 14. And he, just as then, must answer them himself.

Nataly Fish

Morning Musume '14 Live Concert in New York

Morning Musume '14 Live Concert in New York

Morning Musume is a Japanese idol girl group part of Hello! Project, produced by Tsunku. "Morning Musume '14 Live Concert in New York" features their one day concert in the United States. The concert was held on October 5, 2014 at the Best Buy Theater in New York City.

Nataly Fish

Love Stories From Fukuoka 14: Tenjin Love Song

Love Stories From Fukuoka 14: Tenjin Love Song

Miki is a senior in high school who no longer trusts people or go on dates after being betrayed by her classmates and ex-boyfriend. The only meaning in her life is music. Singing with her guitar, she shares videos on social media as SHINO. One day, Miki gets a comment from Naoto, telling her how he was moved by her singing. Naoto was dealing with f..

Nataly Fish

Jingi 14: Fund robbery

Jingi 14: Fund robbery

The group that Hitoshi and Yoshiro once crushed after a fierce battle, the angry party. Takeda, a former Black Dragon Society executive who was in the office after the conflict, infiltrated the Black Dragon Society after his release and took the position of executive. At that time, Hitoshi and Yoshiro were following the case where a familiar Sokaiy..

Nataly Fish

14 jours pour aller mieux

14 jours pour aller mieux

Maxime, cadre ambitieux et cartésien, ne pense quà sa carrière et à son futur mariage avec Nafège, la fille de son patron. Au bord du burn-out, seul à ne pas s'en rendre compte, il se retrouve embarqué par son futur beau-père Romain au beau milieu de son pire cauchemar... Un stage de bien-être encadré par Clara et Luc, un couple de " clai..

Nataly Fish

Amore 14

Amore 14

Come ogni 14enne Carolina, detta Caro,è impegnata a districarsi tra la scuola, gli amici e il rapporto spesso conflittuale con i genitori, si trova improvvisamente alle prese con i turbamenti legati al primo amore che ha il nome e il volto di Massimiliano. Ad aiutarla nel suo cammino verso la scoperta delle gioie e dei dolori sentimentali ci saran..

Nataly Fish

Kidnapped - 14 Days of Survival

Kidnapped - 14 Days of Survival

In 1981, all of Germany fears for the life of Johannes Erlemann, the eleven-year-old son of entrepreneur Jochem Erlemann, who was in custody on suspicion of fraud at the time of his son's abduction. The boy was snatched off his bicycle by his kidnappers, put into a van and then spend two terrible weeks in a shed in the forest fighting for his life ..

Nataly Fish

Qamar 14

Qamar 14

While radio presenter Mourad follows social media stories, he comes across the stories of Dr. Alia, sued after being accused of having an affair with an assistant professor, and Mariam and Ibrahim who are separated by religion, among others. These stories draw Mourad’s attention to the full moon, rumored to destroy love.

Nataly Fish

Don's Road 14

Don's Road 14

The fourteenth 'Don's' Road' film.

Nataly Fish



The "Great Sichuan Earthquake" took place at 14:28 on May 12, 2008. In the days after, ordinary people salvage destroyed pig farms in the mountains, collect cheap scrapped metals, or pillaging other victims' homes. Behind the media circus of official visits is an inconsolable grief of families searching for loved ones. As the Lunar New Year approac..

Nataly Fish

Free and Easy 14

Free and Easy 14

Hama-chan's supervisor is promoted after many frustrating years with his wayward, fishing-obsessed underling, and Hama-chan's new boss naively tries to retrain him. Later, Su-san and Hama-chan go on a business trip, where they meet a beautiful, warm-hearted truck driver.

Nataly Fish

Odd Detective 14

Odd Detective 14

The dead body of Maki Tsujimoto, a popular stage actress, is discovered in a theater in Oji. After striking her in the back of the head with a bronze statue prop, the criminal laid the body on the floor and pointed a light at it, "directing" the crime scene as if it were a scene from a play.

Nataly Fish

14 Days to Life

14 Days to Life

Konrad von Seidlitz is a young yuppie lawyer currently celebrating his engagement with Cornelia, daughter of minister of justice Volkerts. As a public relations gag, he hasn't paid his parking fines for two years and now insists on being sentenced to jail for two weeks as punishment. Using his knowledge as a lawyer he makes the best out of his visi..

Nataly Fish

Fatima - Mourir à 14 ans

Fatima - Mourir à 14 ans

En 2013, à Agadir, une jeune domestique succombait aux sévices infligés en toute impunité par ses employeurs. Enquête sur un fait divers glaçant qui a mis en lumière un Maroc à deux vitesses.

Nataly Fish

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