
Alone Against Terror

Alone Against Terror

Melissa is a paralysed woman who is being taken care of by her two sisters. Their father was mysteriously killed when she was still a child. Somehow Melissa got it in her head, that her father is still able to speak to her, and wants her to punish those responsible for his death.

Nataly Fish

Children of Terror

Children of Terror

The "Young Ones" in their first horror-comedy riot.

Nataly Fish

Junji Inagawa's the Story of Terror III

Junji Inagawa's the Story of Terror III

Third "The Story of Terror" film by Junji Inagawa.

Nataly Fish

Junji Inagawa's the Story of Terror II

Junji Inagawa's the Story of Terror II

Second "The Story of Terror" film by Junji Inagawa.

Nataly Fish

Extrémisme de gauche : entre protestation et terreur

Extrémisme de gauche : entre protestation et terreur

Les groupes extrémistes de gauche opérant en Europe ont choisi la violence comme tactique politique : ils attaquent les bureaux des partis de droite, s'en prennent à la police, provoquent des émeutes lors de manifestations. Bien que la violence gauchiste soit en augmentation, elle ne reçoit pratiquement aucune attention de la part du public. U..

Nataly Fish

How to Forget a Terror Which Became Permanent

How to Forget a Terror Which Became Permanent

"How to Forget a Terror Which Became Permanent" is a film essay that explores the reasoning and motivations inside the regime which authored 1968’s Tlatelolco massacre in Mexico City, the film portrays the creation of the foundational fear that defined the relationship between Mexico's civil society and its authoritarian government. The roles of ..

Nataly Fish

Terrorist 2

Terrorist 2

Nataly Fish

Ultraman: Terror on Route 87

Ultraman: Terror on Route 87

Theatrical version of episode 20 of Ultraman (1966 TV series).

Nataly Fish

Portrait of a Terrorist

Portrait of a Terrorist

In 1969, Fernando Gabeira was among terrorists who kidnapped Charles Burke Elbrick, then the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil. Eventually Gabeira was captured and tortured before being exiled from his homeland for eight years. He talks candidly about his experiences in captivity as well as the abduction and the motivation behind choosing Elbrick.

Nataly Fish

Terror in the Streets

Terror in the Streets

Horror story about a girl who is shadowed by an invisible man.

Nataly Fish

Terror in Rock 'n' Roll Önsjön

Terror in Rock 'n' Roll Önsjön

The year is 1943 in Trondheim (Norway) and the nazigermans is trying a new experiment. A experiment to create "Super Soliders", but it didn't succeed. The germans canceled the experiment and order some soliders to dump the chemicals in a lake in Sweden called Önsjön. During the mission, the swedish military opend fire at the germansoliders and th..

Nataly Fish

Renée Nyberg: Terrorist Attack in Bali

Renée Nyberg: Terrorist Attack in Bali

Renée Nyberg meets the man behind the terrorist act in Bali in 2002 and the Swedes who were there and fought for their survival.

Nataly Fish

Charlie Hebdo : Trois Jours de terreur

Charlie Hebdo : Trois Jours de terreur

Le 7 janvier 2015, les frères Kouachi pénètrent dans les bureaux du journal satirique Charlie Hebdo et tuent 11 personnes. Grâce à un accès privilégié aux autorités françaises ainsi qu'à des entrevues avec des policiers, des témoins et de survivants, ce documentaire révèle l'histoire inédite du terrible massacre.

Nataly Fish



A teacher witnesses a murder committed by his ex-student, who restricts him from giving his statement to the police. An atmosphere of terror ensues and the teacher must decide if to muster courage and approach the police at a personal loss.

Nataly Fish

Escape From Terror

Escape From Terror

A couple who have escaped from the Baltics to Copenhagen are pursued by a KGB officer.

Nataly Fish

The Terrorist

The Terrorist

A girl from the slums happens to be the princess of a vast property.

Nataly Fish

Terror! Terror! Terror!

Terror! Terror! Terror!

Taiwanese ghost / horror movie.

Nataly Fish

Terror Island Overkill

Terror Island Overkill

On a forgotten and solitary island a group of evil guys organize special hunting seasons. A place where everybody with no moral but enough money can go for a hunt on humans. The former soldier and cop Even Harder (Dennis Jürgensen) is kidnapped and declared the next prey target. But he turns the tables and starts a one-man war against the organize..

Nataly Fish

The On-hold Music of Terror

The On-hold Music of Terror

"You're right. There was a bug–I killed it." Late at night, only one voice wafts around the room. What lies on the other end of the telephone line is anyone's guess...

Nataly Fish

Terror in Dresden

Terror in Dresden

Pictures of city life in Dresden. Slogans and stereotypes, for example, "Growth - Prosperity - Stability with Schrittmaß DDR - 30" are underlaid with sound collages of music and noise.

Nataly Fish

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