
Ursus, la terreur des Kirghiz

Ursus, la terreur des Kirghiz

La paix d'une région est entre les mains de deux peuples, qui se mènent une guerre acharnée depuis des années. Un monstre sanguinaire en profite pour attaquer.

Nataly Fish

Transit Prisoner

Transit Prisoner

"Ali ileum" open safes talented thief, but even he was talent he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of security guard, and there recognize the Colonel, "Shawki", and the way the film mafia is recruiting

Nataly Fish

Prisonnières de guerre

Prisonnières de guerre

Seconde Guerre mondiale. Frida Thompson, journaliste en France, est déportée dans un camp allemand. Une nuit, trois pilotes d'un avion britannique abattu par les défenses anti-aériennes atterrissent en parachute dans le camp... Frida et ses camarades d'infortune décident de les cacher pour les aider à s'évader...

Nataly Fish

The Prisoner or: How I Planned to Kill Tony Blair

The Prisoner or: How I Planned to Kill Tony Blair

In 2003, Iraqi journalist Yunis Abbas was taken from his home by American soldiers and detained at Abu Ghraib prison on suspicion of planning to assassinate Tony Blair. Only thing is, he was innocent. Through his months-long ordeal played out like a comedy of errors, Yunis learned the true meaning of liberation. His unique story is told via co-dire..

Nataly Fish

Prisoners of the Sun

Prisoners of the Sun

Made up of archival footage, this short conveys the far reaching horror of nuclear weapons and a vision into a reality in which they cease to exist.

Nataly Fish

Le Temple du Soleil

Le Temple du Soleil

Tintin et Haddock débarque à Callao, au Pérou. Ils veulent libérer le professeur Tournesol, enfermé dans un cargo qui doit justement appareiller d’un jour à l’autre. Malgré la collaboration de la police, les ravisseurs parviennent à leur échapper. Voici nos héros lancés à leur poursuite à travers les montagnes. Un périple qui va l..

Nataly Fish

Premiers pas en prison, le choc carcéral

Premiers pas en prison, le choc carcéral

Du transfert en maison d’arrêt à la première nuit en cellule, comment se déroule l’accueil des détenus ?

Nataly Fish

Prisoners of the War on Drugs

Prisoners of the War on Drugs

From its beginning during the Reagan years through current times, the War on Drugs has left many victims stranded in the prison system. PRISONERS OF THE WAR ON DRUGS reveals life behind bars in the nation’s prisons. Each prisoner has his or her own story, but for most, the story is predictably similar; they have been criminalized for drugs or dru..

Nataly Fish

Prisoners of Fate

Prisoners of Fate

After the hardships of fleeing their home countries, refugees from Afghanistan and Iran face the challenge of having to adapt to a new environment: Switzerland.

Nataly Fish

Boers Bringing in British Prisoners

Boers Bringing in British Prisoners

Here we have a mixed company of Gordon Highlanders, Irish Fusilliers and English Lancers, as a group of prisoners taken to the rear by a troop of Boer Cavalry. The expression on their faces show who is the victor, and who is the vanquished. You can read in the dust and smoke-begrimed countenance of the prisoners, the story of their stubborn resista..

Nataly Fish

Prisonniers au paradis

Prisonniers au paradis

Après la mort de son mari, Anna arrive sur une île paradisiaque en Thaïlande pour passer des vacances avec son fils Max, 12 ans. Le jeune garçon sympathise avec la jolie Mélanie tandis qu'Anna fait la connaissance du gérant de l'hôtel, Philippe. Le lendemain, alors que les deux ados se promènent, l'île est attaquée par des pirates qui pre..

Nataly Fish

Prisoner Queen-Mindless Music & Mirrorballs

Prisoner Queen-Mindless Music & Mirrorballs

When an aging actress, becomes ill her son Alex deals with the news in a very unexpected way. In order to cope with mother's sudden mortality, Alex imagines that he is living in TV dramas that his mother once appeared in.

Nataly Fish

Prisoners of Propaganda

Prisoners of Propaganda

In 1943, the Imperial Japanese Secret Service made a film called Calling Australia! to show the "exemplary conditions" under which prisoners of war were kept, and to "soften up" the Australian public for the anticipated occupation of their country by Japanese forces. Prisoners of Propaganda tells why the film was made, and how it came to be forgott..

Nataly Fish

Bangkok Hell: Nor Chor - The Prisoners

Bangkok Hell: Nor Chor - The Prisoners

Ray's life is turned upside down when he is jailed for the accidental vehicular homicide. Life behind bars is bitter and violent. Over crowding, male rape, and drug abuse are the order of the day. The warden offers him a way out from this daily torment by working for him. He does his job well but he soon begins to realize that many of those incarce..

Nataly Fish

The Prisoner

The Prisoner

Camera follows Mark along the dark streets of Vancouver. He wants to have a beer and get a cigarette. Mark has just got out of jail. While different encounters happen on the way the story led us to a very intimate conversation.

Nataly Fish

Prisoner of Mars

Prisoner of Mars

Kenneth Anger plays a "chosen adolescent" who is elected to be sent on a trip to Mars in a rocket. He awakes in a Martian maze only to find that he not the first to arrive from Earth, as evidenced by the human bones littered about. Although circulated on 16 mm through 1967, Anger then withdrew Prisoner of Mars. It is possible that the film no longe..

Nataly Fish

The Prisoner

The Prisoner

A young woman tries to escape her oppressive marriage; but as her suffocating anxiety grows, she is unsure if she can escape the demon.

Nataly Fish

Prisoner #1616

Prisoner #1616

Rudy Vaspar, a dangerous and violent convict, sits comfortably behind bars in a maximum security prison. His day is interrupted by a surprise visit from Monica Klee and her assistant, Vince, as Rudy soon discovers he has been selected for a scientific study.

Nataly Fish

Experimenting on Roux: Prisoner 068

Experimenting on Roux: Prisoner 068

Dr. Niles is searching for victims to materialize his sadistic thoughts. "Prisoner 068" starts where "Granny loves you" ended, the doctor abducts Roux with an eye to the exploitation of her body.

Nataly Fish

A Prisoner In The Family

A Prisoner In The Family

Out of desperation, a woman has kept her mentally ill son under lock and key for over twenty years. This film offers a view of what some people in Mexico face, when a lack of information, support and resources leave them with no choice but to figure out a way to survive by any means necessary. The day to day lives of many Mexicans are directly tied..

Nataly Fish

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