
Children of the Night

Children of the Night

Lors des derniers jours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le soldat britannique Jim McLeod est le seul survivant d'une embuscade allemande. Il trouve alors refuge dans une famille française à la campagne. Pourquoi cette famille est-elle si étrange et quelle est cette mystérieuse bête qui rôde dans les tranchées normandes ?

Nataly Fish

Thursday's Children

Thursday's Children

Won the Academy Award for the Best Documentary Short of 1954. The subject deals with the children at The Royal School for the Deaf in Margate, Kent. The hearing-handicapped children are shown painstakingly learning what words are through exercises and games, practicing lip-reading and finally speech. Richard Burton's calm and sometimes-poetic narra..

Nataly Fish

Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

A tale of family and loyalty, love and loss, betrayal and redemption. As the Mob destroys the life of a big family and leaves them on the brink of survival, a powerful, yet secret love, burns between Marko (a gangster) and Angela - two high school sweethearts. Good fortune smiles on the family (a bohemian collective of lovable eccentrics) as they f..

Nataly Fish

God's Step Children

God's Step Children

Naomi, a light-skinned Black child, is abandoned by her mother and raised by the virtuous Mrs. Saunders. When the girl's fixation with whiteness turns her against her own race, she is sent to a convent. Hopelessly in love with her adoptive brother Jimmie, Naomi consents to marry his friend, but is repulsed by his darker skin and unrefined ways.

Nataly Fish

Children of the Stork

Children of the Stork

Chaque matin Otto et Louna se croisent dans le RER. Otto vit dans une HLM avec sa mère. Il est chômeur et vend un journal pour SDF. Louna est coiffeuse et vit chez une vieille dame harcelée par les huissiers. Un jour ils décident de tout plaquer. Accompagnés d'Ali, un jeune immigré fugueur et spirituel, ils volent une voiture et partent au ha..

Nataly Fish

I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School

I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School

An unflinching verité portrait of the children of Stanton Elementary School in North Philadelphia, an inner-city neighborhood where 90% of the students live below the poverty line. Seen through the viewpoint of devoted principal Deanna Burney, the film shows Stanton as grossly underfunded, understaffed, and filled with children struggling to overc..

Nataly Fish

Les Enfants disparus

Les Enfants disparus

À la maison pour mères et enfants de Tuam, en Irlande, 796 bébés nés de mères célibataires ont disparu. Ce documentaire raconte les histoires touchantes et extraordinaires de certains des enfants qui ont survécu à leur passage dans ce lieu ainsi que la recherche pour découvrir la vérité sur ce qui est arrivé à ceux qui ont disparu.

Nataly Fish

Black Eyed Children: Let Me In

Black Eyed Children: Let Me In

An aspiring filmmaker embarks on a journey to investigate the nightmarish and haunting stories behind the Black Eyed Children phenomenon.

Nataly Fish

Come On Children

Come On Children

Five boys and five girls ages 13 to 19 live on a farm for ten weeks, to be filmed, and to see what might emerge for each of them personally.

Nataly Fish

Save the Children

Save the Children

A concert film highlighted by performances from Marvin Gaye, Jerry Butler, and Roberta Flack.

Nataly Fish

Hacker's Birthday Bash: 30 Years of Children's BBC

Hacker's Birthday Bash: 30 Years of Children's BBC

It's 30 years since CBBC started airing short links between shows. To celebrate, Hacker has brought together the finest presenters, past, present and even a new one, to reminisce and laugh at a few bloopers.

Nataly Fish

Have Faith in Our Children

Have Faith in Our Children

Glenn Ford introduces his wife Eleanor Powell, who asks viewers to contribute to the Variety Club's efforts to help blind babies and their families.

Nataly Fish

Children of Invention

Children of Invention

Two young children living illegally in a model apartment outside Boston are left to fend for themselves when their hardworking mother disappears

Nataly Fish

Le Père de mes enfants

Le Père de mes enfants

Grégoire Canvel a tout pour lui. Une femme qu'il aime, 3 enfants délicieuses, un métier qui le passionne. Il est producteur de films. Révéler des cinéastes, accompagner les films qui correspondent à son idée du cinéma, libre et proche de la vie, voilà justement sa raison de vivre. Sa vocation. Grégoire y trouve sa plénitude, il y consac..

Nataly Fish

The Children Nobody Wanted

The Children Nobody Wanted

True story of Tom Butterfield and his crusade to provide family life for homeless children, becoming not only the first bachelor caretaker, but the youngest single adult to become a legal foster parent in the state of Missouri.

Nataly Fish

French Children Don't Throw Food

French Children Don't Throw Food

An American journalist who moves to Paris for her husband's job and raises a family there. As she tries to figure out how to balance her family and career — and battle the feelings that she is failing at both — she observes her French neighbors and friends to uncover the secrets behind parenting astonishingly well-behaved French children. She l..

Nataly Fish

Des enfants gâtés

Des enfants gâtés

Le réalisateur Bernard Rougerie décide de s'isoler de sa famille dans un petit appartement pour écrire le scénario de son prochain film, sur lequel il piétine. Il fait rapidement la connaissance des voisins, unis dans une lutte contre les méthodes abusives du propriétaire. Au début réticent, il accepte de se joindre à leur combat, et noue..

Nataly Fish

Where Are My Children?

Where Are My Children?

Walton, the District Attorney, yearns to have children. Soon after defending an author on trial for publishing indecent literature, Walton discovers a secret his wife and her socialite friends have been hiding from him.

Nataly Fish

Children of the Dark

Children of the Dark

The true story of parents who discover that their two young daughters have a genetic disease that makes it fatal for them to be exposed to ordinary light.

Nataly Fish

Missing Children: A Mother's Story

Missing Children: A Mother's Story

A young mother hands her children into what she thinks is a childcare center while she finds a new home, but returns to find that they have been adopted out without her knowledge.

Nataly Fish

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