
Dans l’ombre du Star Wars Kid

Dans l’ombre du Star Wars Kid

Ghyslain Raza, le « Star Wars Kid », sort du silence afin de réfléchir à notre soif de contenu et au droit à l’oubli à l’ère numérique.

Nataly Fish

Shadows of the Evening

Shadows of the Evening

Intertwining stories of inmates and ex-inmates through the complex labyrinths of freedom. Wretched, desolate and doomed men, who try to expiate their sins and piece together the lives they used to lead.

Nataly Fish

Crépuscule des ombres

Crépuscule des ombres

En 1958, retranché dans sa citadelle au Sahara, le commandant Saintenac est un officier féroce qui vénère la colonisation. Il déteste aussitôt Lambert, affecté sous ses ordres et objecteur protégé depuis Paris. Saintenac harcèle Lambert et torture Khaled, résistant algérien. Lambert refuse d’exécuter Khaled et, après avoir désarmé..

Nataly Fish

The House of Shadows

The House of Shadows

Thor Brekanæs is found murdered in the moraine near his farm. Was the culprit the poor day labourer Swein? Was it Thor’s illegitimate son Vasil, clearing away an obstacle to his unwelcome marriage to Thor’s goddaughter, Thora? Or was it someone else entirely?(stumfilm.dk)

Nataly Fish

Mademoiselle Docteur

Mademoiselle Docteur

Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, Mademoiselle docteur est la fameuse Anne-Marie Lesser, espionne allemande toujours insaisissable. Envoyée en mission à Salonique, elle se tire des situations les plus désespérées avec une tranquillité hautaine que vient cependant diminuer l'attachement qu'elle a conçu pour un jeune officier français du ..

Nataly Fish

Les guerriers de l'ombre

Les guerriers de l'ombre

Frédéric Schoendoerffer propose de découvrir le travail sur le terrain des officiers du renseignement français. A cette occasion, treize d'entre eux - douze hommes et une femme -, qui ont appartenu aux services de la DGSE et ont accepté d'apporter leur témoignage, à visage caché. Certains ont quitté le service il y a une dizaine d'années,..

Nataly Fish

Of Shadows

Of Shadows

Set in the unique landscape of China's Loess Plateau, Of Shadows captures the liveliness and resilience of a group of local shadow play artists navigating between the rural staging of ancient plays and the urban spectacle of national cultural heritage.

Nataly Fish

Tall Shadows of the Wind

Tall Shadows of the Wind

Based on a short story by Houshang Golshiri, this film centers on mysterious and chilling events that take place in a village. A group of superstitious inhabitants have erected a scarecrow for protection but soon find themselves terrorized by it. Made at the end of the Shah’s reign, the film offers a metaphorical reflection on power relations —..

Nataly Fish

Train of Shadows

Train of Shadows

Experimental silent homage to the origins of cinema, recreating the apparent disappearance of a French photographer in the 1920s.

Nataly Fish

House of Shadows

House of Shadows

Young man inherits small fortune from his old uncle, on condition he lives in the old man's house for a time. Soon the uncle's spirit begins to manifest itself through the nephew's personality, requiring the presence of an exorcist.

Nataly Fish

Éloge de l'ombre

Éloge de l'ombre

Une rêverie envoûtante où la beauté éphémère des ombres nous ramène à notre présence au monde, au passage du temps, à l’essence même de la vie et à sa fragilité.

Nataly Fish

Dog Soldier: Shadows of the Past

Dog Soldier: Shadows of the Past

When an American scientist carrying a cure for the AIDS virus is kidnapped by an arms merchant, John Kyosuke is forced back from retirement. He accepts the challenge to regain pocession of the anti-serum. He finds out that some of the people he is after are closely related, which gives his conquest a whole new meaning.

Nataly Fish

Shadows of a Hot Summer

Shadows of a Hot Summer

The story of 1947, when Bender's band, after a beating of the Nazis, tried to fight their way through Czechoslovakia to Austria. They come out of the forest to occupy the family's rural estate, kidnap doctors to help heal one of their wounded.

Nataly Fish

Shadows of Noon

Shadows of Noon

Mga Anino sa Tanghaling Tapat takes place over the period of summer. The adolescence of the three girls is told through the mundane rituals of the province: farm work, bathing, washing laundry, processions, and harvest rituals. Through the restless emotions, insecurities, blossoming loves, and conflicts - these young, beautiful and vulnerable girls..

Nataly Fish

Wall of Shadows

Wall of Shadows

Shadows on a wall

Nataly Fish

Shadows of Bravery

Shadows of Bravery

The child admires the fearless heroes, and he is terribly afraid of the dark. Suddenly, the lights were turned off in the house and shadow monsters crawled out of all the cracks. The boy hid, but heard a frightened kitten crying from another room. The boy will have to overcome his main fear, for the sake of saving a friend.

Nataly Fish

Shadows of Sin

Shadows of Sin

Nataly Fish

Shadows of Mud

Shadows of Mud

The first feature film of a director on his journey to know his father.

Nataly Fish

Shadows of Memories

Shadows of Memories

Actor who used to be a celebrity once upon a time, when he played in number of films and theatre shows, lives his elderly days monotonously... Up until he meets a girl wanting to become an actress. In their encounters actor revives his love affairs from his young age...

Nataly Fish

Shadows of Silence

Shadows of Silence

The nightmares and realities of a depressed person who is in exile.

Nataly Fish

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