
Norman Gives A Speech

Norman Gives A Speech

Just before quitting time Norman's boss makes the fateful decision to delegate tomorrow's big presentation to his least accomplished and most accident-prone employee. Norman works on his speech throughout the night, despite several interruptions, but the next morning he delivers it with typical Krasnerian results.

Nataly Fish

L'affaire Norman William

L'affaire Norman William

Nataly Fish

Basse Normandie

Basse Normandie

Basse Normandie is based on actual events. Protagonists Simon Reggiani and Patricia Mazuy are also husband and wife in real life. They filmed the creation of one of Simon’s plays, and then reenacted some of the events surrounding it. Simon prepares for a one-man show that he will perform largely on horseback, including dressage. The local governm..

Nataly Fish

L'Enfer de la bataille de Normandie

L'Enfer de la bataille de Normandie

Considérée comme l'une des plus importantes de l'histoire, la bataille de Normandie a fait basculer la Seconde Guerre mondiale, permettant aux Alliés de reprendre le contrôle de la France et de faire plier l'armée allemande. Entre juin et août 1944, elle a mobilisé plusieurs millions de soldats, des centaines de milliers de navires, d'avions..

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Might Have Been: An Inquiry Into the Life and Death of Herbert Norman

The Man Who Might Have Been: An Inquiry Into the Life and Death of Herbert Norman

On April 4, 1957, Herbert Norman, the Canadian ambassador to Egypt, leapt to his death from a Cairo rooftop. During his remarkable life, Norman helped set the course of post-war Japan and played a key role during the Suez crisis. But with all of his talents and achievements, there was something haunting Herbert Norman and following him to every cor..

Nataly Fish

Skip Norman, West-Berlin, ca. 1969/70

Skip Norman, West-Berlin, ca. 1969/70

This short snippet of silent 8 mm film was filmed by Ingrid Oppermann in West-Berlin, possibly close to her apartment in Kurfürstenstraße, where Harun Farocki’s The Words of the Chairman (1967) was shot. The snow that is reflected in the shop window indicates that it must have been the Winter of 1969/70.

Nataly Fish

Milk and Cookies, or The Ballad of Norman Saxon

Milk and Cookies, or The Ballad of Norman Saxon

In order to find your muse, you have to open your mind. Sometimes, you have to lose it.

Nataly Fish

D-Day: The Normandy Invasion

D-Day: The Normandy Invasion

Focusing on both the strategic overview of the military invasion and on personal stories of heroism, this documentary delves into the events of June 6, 1944, and the Normandy invasion. Taking the Germans by surprise, Allied soldiers marched onto France's shores and began the assault that ultimately ended World War II. Stories include the Allied lan..

Nataly Fish

Norman Granz’ Jazz in Montreaux presents Ella and Basie '79—
A Journey to Normandy

A Journey to Normandy

Travelogue from 1938 of towns and historic sites along the French Normandy coast. Extensive footage of the port town of Le Havre (which would be heavily bombed during WWII) with ocean liners arriving to the port, vistas of the city, and 1930s old European street scenes. Resort towns such as Etretat, with village street scenes, people relaxing on th..

Nataly Fish

Norman Wisdom: Trouble On Tour

Norman Wisdom: Trouble On Tour

Norman's not getting much help from his band or straight-laced man Tony Fayne. In fact, it's nothing but Trouble On Tour for Norman. The inspiration for generations of British comics and one of this country's best-loved performers, Norman shows he is not just original - he is still the funniest.

Nataly Fish

Will the Real Norman Mailer Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Norman Mailer Please Stand Up?

Portrait of Norman Mailer at the time of the Pentagon demonstrations in 1967, documenting Mailer's involvement and arrest, together with two TV appearances and shooting on the set of his second film 'Beyond the Law'.

Nataly Fish

Norman Alley's Bombing of the U.S.S. Panay

Norman Alley's Bombing of the U.S.S. Panay

Documentary showing the aftermath of the attack by Japanese warplanes on the U.S. Navy gunboat Panay in China in 1937.

Nataly Fish

Heritage Minutes: Norman Kwong

Heritage Minutes: Norman Kwong

This Heritage Minute celebrates Norman Kwong, the first CFL player of Chinese heritage and 4x Grey Cup winner.

Nataly Fish

Normandy Is My Name

Normandy Is My Name

Five teens are forced into a thirty day digital detox. No cell phones, electronics, internet or video games. Their lives will forever be changed.

Nataly Fish

Speciale Ulisse-Lo sbarco in Normandia
How to Come Alive with Norman Mailer

How to Come Alive with Norman Mailer

Norman Mailer, a towering figure in American literature, had a life that was certainly stranger than fiction. From his formative years in Brooklyn, through his career as a preeminent cultural voice, we follow Mailer’s life through six marriages, nine children, eleven bestselling books and two Pulitzer Prizes as he solidifies his place in the lite..

Nataly Fish

Hollywood Normandie, histoire d'un débarquement

Hollywood Normandie, histoire d'un débarquement

Ce film documentaire raconte les coulisses d'un tournage démesuré, celui du film produit par Darryl Zanuck, d'après le best-seller de Cornelius Ryan «Le jour le plus long». Le récit explore les contraintes géopolitiques de l'époque comme les nombreuses anecdotes qui jalonnèrent cette aventure dont le résultat final est un récit épique d..

Nataly Fish

Psychose II

Psychose II

Après 22 ans passés dans un asile psychiatrique, Norman Bates retrouve enfin le motel familial contre l'avis de Lila, la sœur de Marion Crane, qui s'oppose à sa remise en liberté. Mais une jeune femme assez troublante interviendra dans la vie de Norman juste avant que celui-ci se retrouve dans la même situation que 22 ans auparavant. Et si Mm..

Nataly Fish

6 juin 1944, la lumière de l'aube

6 juin 1944, la lumière de l'aube

Le 15 janvier 1944, le général Ike Eisenhower arrive à Londres pour superviser les préparatifs de l'opération Overlord. Chez les Alliés commence une préparation titanesque en moyens humains et matériels. Durant tout l'hiver, les « boys » arrivent par dizaines de milliers en Grande-Bretagne, où ils sont soumis avec leurs camarades britann..

Nataly Fish

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