
The Weapon

The Weapon

Un garçon tire accidentellement sur un ami avec une arme qu'il a trouvée dans les décombres d'un immeuble détruit. L'arme s'avère être un indice dans une affaire de meurtre vieille de dix ans.

Nataly Fish

La Porte aux sept serrures

La Porte aux sept serrures

Sir John, le chef de Scotland Yard, est perplexe. Deux personnes ont été assassinées, sans qu'à première vue il y ait un lien entre elles. L'inspecteur Dick Martin et son assistant Holmes s'occupent de l'enquête. Ils tombent sur Pheeny, un malfrat, qui raconte à Martin une histoire étrange d'une porte aux sept serrures qu'il aurait fractur�..

Nataly Fish



U.S. Embassy employee Lee Cochrane and his wife, Sue, receive a shock when they discover that their 18-month-old son, Simon, has disappeared in London. He was last seen with their nanny, and the couple seemingly have no leads that might help police Detective Craig in his investigation. The media sensationalizes the incident, causing an unnecessary ..

Nataly Fish

The Verdict

The Verdict

George Edward Grodman est le chef respecté de Scotland Yard, bien que ses méthodes semblent dépassées pour ses collègues. À la suite d'une de ses enquêtes, un innocent est exécuté. John R. Buckley, qui convoite le poste, s'arrange pour que Grodman soit destitué. Lorsque ce dernier est renvoyé, il décide de se venger. Avec l'aide d'une d..

Nataly Fish

Radio Cab Murder

Radio Cab Murder

Fred Martin, a taxi driver who is a reformed convict, is used by the police to go undercover in order to help catch a gang of safe robbers. However things start to go wrong when the police stake out the wrong bank and Fred finds himself alone with the crooks.

Nataly Fish

The Monster of London City

The Monster of London City

Then the spirit of Jack the Ripper seems to be very much alive in 1960s London as a series of brutal slayings by the Monster of London City has Scotland Yard baffled. In a macabre coincidence, a new play about the famous murderer is about to become a major West End hit... and the leading man is rapidly becoming the prime suspect!

Nataly Fish

I Killed That Man

I Killed That Man

A condemned inmate's premature death places officials under suspicion.

Nataly Fish

Again the Ringer

Again the Ringer

Arthur Milton aka Der Hexer (The Magician/Ringer) must return to London after his calling card was left at the scene of a murder he did not commit.

Nataly Fish

L'habit fait le moine

L'habit fait le moine

Percy, un modeste criminel, tient à ce que son fils, Colin suivent de bonnes études. Colin ignore tout des activités illicites de son père. Il ne se doute pas que ses absences régulières sont dues à des séjours répétés derrière les barreaux. Tout se complique pour Percy quand Colin devient l'assistant du juge qui l'a souvent condamné.

Nataly Fish

L'Enquête mystérieuse

L'Enquête mystérieuse

Une plongée dans les bas quartiers de Londres, rongés par la mafia et la guerre des gangs.

Nataly Fish

Inspecteur de service

Inspecteur de service

Inspecteur principal à la brigade criminelle de Scotland Yard, George Gideon est bon mari et excellent père, mais son métier l'absorbe entièrement. Il a promis d'être à l'heure ce soir, d'apporter du poisson pour le dîner et d'assister avec des amis au premier concert de sa fille Sally. Sa journée s'annonce pourtant très mal. Après avoir ..

Nataly Fish



Former Irish Republican Army member Niall Hennessy lives in Belfast, Ireland, with his wife and daughter amid the ongoing Irish-British conflict. Though he still knows people in the IRA, including fugitive leader Tobin, Niall has given up his violent ways. One day his family is caught in a chaotic street shootout and killed by British forces. Overw..

Nataly Fish

The Informers

The Informers

When the detective in charge of investigating a series of bank robberies starts to get too close to the culprits, they set up a blackmail scheme to warn him off. But when the crooks begin to fall out with each other, the police learn the truth.

Nataly Fish



Barney Lincoln is a rambling gambling man who scores sensational wins at poker and chemin de fer because he has succeeded in marking the original plates for the backs of all the playing cards manufactured in a plant in Geneva and used in all the gambling joints in Europe. In his gambling depredation, Barney is spotted by Angel McGinnis, the daughte..

Nataly Fish

The Trygon Factor

The Trygon Factor

A Scotland Yard detective is investigating a string of robberies and a murder, and the information he uncovers leads him to the estate of a wealthy but strange English family, who share their mansion with a group of nuns. The detective comes to suspect that neither the family nor the nuns is quite what they seem to be.

Nataly Fish

Les gangsters

Les gangsters

Un gang de malfaiteurs, mené par Johnny Mellors, prépare le braquage d'un nouveau fourgon hyper sécurisé d'une firme londonienne. Leur complice infiltré, le comptable Dennis Pearson, leur annonce que leur plan est risqué voire mortel mais Johnny refuse d'abandonner son plan. Les préparatifs continuent mais le jour du passage à l’acte, le ..

Nataly Fish

The Strange Affair

The Strange Affair

When rookie P.C. Strange falls for an under aged girl, he is unknowingly compromised by a pair of pornographers. Meanwhile, seasoned Det. Pierce is out to catch mob boss Quince and soon both plots intertwine.

Nataly Fish

Lady in the Fog

Lady in the Fog

In this murder mystery, a woman's brother is killed in a freak accident, or so she believes. Fortunately for her, an American journalist is more suspicious and so begins roaming the London streets in search of the killer.

Nataly Fish

Bulldog Drummond en Afrique

Bulldog Drummond en Afrique

Drummond has to leave for Morocco on his wedding day with his fiancee and trusted friends to rescue his friend Nielsen who is kidnapped by an international criminal.

Nataly Fish

The Corpse Packs His Bags

The Corpse Packs His Bags

A London slasher pack the suitcases of his victims before stabbing them to death in this adaptation of Edgar Wallace's 'Secret of the Black Suitcases.'

Nataly Fish

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