
Lying Posture of a Lion

Lying Posture of a Lion

An experience in nightmarish transcendence.

Nataly Fish

The Lion & The Lamb

The Lion & The Lamb

In this award-winning French Canadian production, life in the city derails.

Nataly Fish

Ici rugissaient les lions

Ici rugissaient les lions

Everywhere where human and non-human lives met, the reality needed to become the subject of never-ending negotiations. The vectors of interests pointed to very different directions. With an anthropological insight, French documentarians capture the reconstruction of events from almost half a million years ago being acted out over a river near Tauta..

Nataly Fish

England’s World Cup Lionesses

England’s World Cup Lionesses

Alex Scott follows England's women's football squad over nine months as they prepare for the 2019 World Cup in France.

Nataly Fish

Le Lion Belge

Le Lion Belge

A surreal, absurd film reflecting on Belgium's colonial past via the story of two men agreeing to find a lion for a crazy hunter against payment of a large sum of money.

Nataly Fish

In the Land of Lions

In the Land of Lions

A French silent film directed by Louis Feuillade.

Nataly Fish

Le Lion des Mogols

Le Lion des Mogols

Le prince Roundghito-Sing s'est attiré les foudres du Grand Khan qui craint son influence sur le peuple. Le tyran ayant fait enfermer la jeune fille dont le prince est amoureux, ce dernier la fait évader et ils prennent la fuite ensemble.

Nataly Fish

Le Lion et le Moucheron

Le Lion et le Moucheron

A fable from La Fontaine.

Nataly Fish

The Lion at World's End

The Lion at World's End

The astonishing true story of a zoo-born lion who found himself in the pet department of Harrods, then the cellar of an antique shop in London and, ultimately the wilds of Africa.

Nataly Fish

Femmes, Massaïs et Rangers - Les lionnes du Kenya

Femmes, Massaïs et Rangers - Les lionnes du Kenya

Leah et Purity, deux femmes gardes forestières au Kenya , s’engagent pour une cohabitation pacifique entre humains et faune sauvage, sur fond d’émancipation féminine. Rangers dans la brousse kenyane, elles parcourent quotidiennement le Parc National d’Amboseli à la recherche de la faune. Les bergers Maasaïs y ont également leurs village..

Nataly Fish

Lion Brotherhood

Lion Brotherhood

Tau is dying; a slow shutting-down creeps over his body. It's time to reflect.

Nataly Fish

Lion's Den

Lion's Den

Julia, 26 ans, enceinte de quelques semaines, découvre chez elle le corps de deux hommes dont celui du père de son enfant. Incapable de se souvenir des circonstances du meurtre, elle est incarcérée dans une prison spéciale pour jeunes mères en attente de son procès. Elle y donne naissance à un fils, Thomas. Lorsqu'elle est condamnée, Julia..

Nataly Fish

The Lionheart

The Lionheart

The on-track death of two-time Indianapolis 500 winner Dan Wheldon shook motorsports to its core. Ten years later, Wheldon’s sons Sebastian and Oliver follow in their father’s footsteps, working through their grief behind the wheel at 200 MPH.

Nataly Fish

Lion's Heart

Lion's Heart

Ivana Cornejo is just getting used to being single again after her divorce three years ago. After an exasperating call from her ex-husband, she throws her cell phone away. Fortunately, the man who finds it calls her to return it, and to her amusement they have an instant rapport. The man on the other end of the phone is León Godoy, a renowned arch..

Nataly Fish

Mafia Rouge

Mafia Rouge

Budapest, fin des années 90 : L'agent du FBI, Mike Varga, reçoit l'ordre d'infiltrer la puissante organisation criminelle dirigée par Darius Paskevik, truand d'origine russe installé en Hongrie depuis l'éclatement de l'URSS. Mike sait qu'il s'attaque au parrain de la mafia rouge. Mais l'ennemi à abattre est bien plus redoutable que ce qu'il i..

Nataly Fish

Dans la gueule du loup

Dans la gueule du loup

Pendant leur road trip, trois homosexuels se retrouvent dans un bar de rustres. L'arrivée de ces trois étrangers a des conséquences mortelles...

Nataly Fish

Small Lion

Small Lion

An experimental silent, based around the daily life of captive house cats.

Nataly Fish

Malika the Lion Queen

Malika the Lion Queen

Follows life of Malika, a lioness in South Africa’s Kruger National Park as she battles to survive.

Nataly Fish

Bachelor Lions

Bachelor Lions

When Mark Myers and Zane Daniels meet each has yet to find ONE THING that makes them even remotely interesting. Together, they will embark on a journey most people will never take. A journey inward, to find their one true talent.

Nataly Fish

Lion vs The Little People

Lion vs The Little People

Lion vs The Little People is a documentary comedy about the greatest internet hoax of all time. In 2005, a hoax news post masquerading as a bonafide BBC news website article, announced a fight had taken place between a lion and an army of 42 fighting dwarfs. The hoax spread like wild fire across the internet before eventually being accepted to be f..

Nataly Fish

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